Characters who did nothing wrong
Characters who did nothing wrong
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you first
None of the characters in Shiki did anything wrong. They were all acting within their best interests and for their own survival. Except the pink haired bitch. Fuck her.
Griffith and Zamasu
Not really, iirc the Shiki could have survived without trying to turn everyone in the fucking village. They just got greedy and wanted a place entirely for themselves.
Kore wa Shiki desu ka?
anyone have a pic of all those fuck rossiu threads from back when it was airing
>Took this long
Also, best witch didn't do anything wrong.
Genuinely did nothing wrong.
He had good intentions. It's hard to fault him because he was incapable of comprehending human emotions, but was farming alien children really the most efficient answer to the problem of a race that can bend reality with wishes?
Having a tragic background doesn't excuse you for being a colossal dick.
The only thing she did wrong was rape table-kun
He obviously just wants everyone to get along (lol)
Can't agree more, especially on the last bit
Also pic
He just wanted a quiet life, not his fault a bumbling retard forced his hand and he had to kill him.
Forget the backstory for a second.
Remember, when you read seacats you shouldn't believe anyone. Not even Bern, and not even when she talks about herself. "I'm just trying to fight boredom" "there will be no miracles"
Every action has a purpose...
She just wanted out of hicksville, doesn't seem that bad
She caused people emotional distress for a giggle.
He wanted a quiet SERIAL KILLER life
The monk was a bastard hiding under the guise of faith.
Oberstein is the best character in LOGH, especially when you rewatch it
nothing wrong
>serial killer
>serial kira
>killer = kira
I think you're on to something!
Dindu Nuffin
Your point? He seemed like a nice dude other than that.
Objectively correct
Best loli
The whole mess could have been avoided if comfy magic girl minded her own business.
"the next time, I don't want to play the villain"
In any story there must be a "hero" and a "villain".
Ange yearned for the truth night and day, wished for it from the bottom of her heart. Bern sows her anger at Eva. Pushes her back in time, onto the gameboard. There she eventually becomes the miko to Featherine and finds a certain personal truth that she was looking for. Now ask yourself why was Bernkastel's game so easy? Why did it point to Battler/Rudolf/Kirie as killers? Coincidentally why did Ange, after saying she would accept any truth, despair and deny the truth when she found out what happened in EP8?
Because the game was prolonged Featherine was resurrected. An old friend of Bernkastel's.
Because the game was prolonged, Battler was able to find the truth and remember his sins. Beatrice was reborn. They united against a common enemy.
"nobody can even step into my shadow without me wishing it" Was this a lie? Or was she telling the truth?
The game asks me to look for the heart. What about Bernkastel's heart? Do witches not have them? When I searched, these were the reasonings I found for her. She isn't evil at all. Granted I haven't read the manga yet.
Interesting theory, and I don't mean that in a dismissive way.
Thanks. If we accept Bern in Higurashi's meta and Bern in Umineko are the same people, we can see her true helpful nature in Higurashi. When she forms the XYZ theory and when she gives little Takano a happy ending.
I prefer Reinhard but all the admirals are great.
Am I the only one whose favorite TTGL character was Rossiu? I don't think he deserves all the hate.
>Our boss is a dumb asshole so we're going to do things my way. If you have a problem with that, take it up with the boss.
There isn't a single clip of LotGH posted that doesn't get my neurons firing
She was a massive cunt towards her friend. She was picking in her.
True I suppose
As soon as Guts left he did everything wrong. He fucked his lifelong dream both figuratively and literally.
>let's execute our only chance for survival against invading extradimensional monsters just to appease a mob of impulsive retards
Thanks for reminding me how shit the writing for that show was that they couldn't even get a morally gray villain right.
Okay serious answer now.
He's quite possibly the only well written character in the series.
Forgot pic.
The doc did nothing wrong outside of not catching on sooner.
Muroi on the other hand is a spineless bastard, he didn't deserve to make it that far.
In the manga maybe, in the anime he went full retard.