They literally had a purple haired SJW lead the #Resistance

Good time to remember that Lord of the Rings is next to be ruined :(

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Do SJW even like star wars?

the nose giveth
and the nose taketh away

this whole thing is a giant shit show. disney has ruined the series.

we're sorry George

Yeah and everyone hated her in the movie.

Reminder that

and the next movie is titled

The Return of Buzz Lightyear


this little beaner gets it

God damn you'd have to be Long Dong Silver to throat fuck that bitch

I can'twait to see this on Christmas Day. I finally got to see Force Awakens the other day and, while you can tell the slight pacing and shot scenery differences between JJ Abrams and George Lucas, was a lot better than I had heard/suspected it would be. I was also highly pleased with Rogue One.

Going with my dad, haven't seen a movie with him since World War Z.

Ok well luke dies

>professor giraffe in wig

Only decent Star Wars timeline: Mandalorian Wars
Everything else: For reddit users

It took $200 million dollars and a fictional scifi world to make a retired haggard old art teacher appear to have any purpose in life whatsoever and everyone hated her.

It was ruined from the beginning.
>Princess leia- carrie fisher- a jewish lady to project your anima onto
>Luke sky walker- a manlet hero(mark hamill is 5'9)
>Han solo- harrison ford- a jew
Reminder there was already a negro in the 2nd one with billie d williams and darth vader, the best character, was voiced by a negro.

you bring up valid points. but i dont feel like the originals tried THIS hard to "break dem glass ceilings honey"

This is how I know SW is over for me I don't even give a shit about the spoilers.

Luke dies ? Yoda came back as a transnigger ? The black "stormtrooper" is the son of obi wan ? I couldnt care less.

They destroyed one of the best modern saga. At least dont give them more money.

someone post that webm of Hillary Clinton flying through space like superman

More "Purple Revolution" BS, I see.

I don't know they probably fucked this as well in the SW mmo. Kotor is the best SW videogame ever tho.

C3PO represented upper-crust white civilization that was constantly bumbling and relying upon the direction of his short monotonous, mass produced asian-esque sidekick R2D2. It's all degeneracy

>bunch of loosely knit rebels with mixed training and ultralib ideals
>backed by the passive majority because they want the easy, stagnant, corrupt environment the republic provided
>fighting against an industrious minority force united by ideals that are willing to sacrifice personal freedoms temporarily for overall good
>both sides are misled by extremists behind the scenes who are looking for personal gain
>the fight divides families, incites riots and destroys some areas

Star wars was liberal from the beginning. Sidious did nothing wrong tho.

The thing is she didn't talk to anyone about it and allowed Poe to carry out an alternative mission, like fuck say just say they're going to jetison the transports with them safely on and use the main ship as a distraction.

Also she wasn't really a character, just a kind of red herring type villain where it turns out she did have honest intention but doesn't communicate anything.

Seriously, it doesn't matter how 'redpilled' you you think you are: if you seriously even want to go see any of the capeshit movies let alone this remake garbage, you're still a good goy who doesn't really see what you're being fed.

When you see it, and I mean REALLY SEE IT, it will permanently turn you away pedowood movies. It's kind of sad, I used to be a movie buff.

>browses Sup Forums
>still watches pedowood garbage
user, I...

Nigger, be thankful they made her suicide instead of some random person.

Did they fucking CGI her purple hair?? Is that how far cinema special effects and props has fallen, they can't even be bothered to put a fucking wig on her because muh CGI?

You mean Lord of the Kangz

Tell the soyim that actually enjoyed the movie that it's non-canon fan fiction.

Trust me, it'll piss them off something fierce.

When pedowood burns to the ground, is it even worth rebuilding it?
Can the studios be salvaged to produce wholesome and informative entertainment , or will they just fall back into the schnozzes of our enemy?

I'd fuck her.

It's overgrown by a magnitude of 100, let it burn down and let the ashes fertilize the soil. Besides the grounds are probably haunted by the tens of thousands of child sex slaves that have died from 'acute rectal bleeding' like that Brooke kid did in the 80's.