Say something nice about this witch.
Little Witch Academia
Other urls found in this thread:
She's best girl.
She's great. I would like to get close to her.
Dunno about you guys, but I like to self-insert as Frank. Or rather, instead of self-inserting into the character, I insert myself into his position - I'm a friend of Andrew that he invited to go with him to Luna Nova.
>Where could he be? It'd be really troublesome if he wandered on his own...
says Diana with a slight hint in her voice that she wishes for him to be trampled to death and eaten by a giant polar bear.
And as the evening passes, we give up on searching for him and she starts talking about whatever's bothering her. I listen to her, like the best friend that she had just found.
>It's just that... I can hardly deal with all these emotions bottled up inside me.
"It's easier to drown them out instead" I say as I pull out a small bottle of rectified spirit out of my suit. I take a sip while Diana watches with disgusted curiosity. As if she wanted some too. I hand the bottle to her, and she drinks more than she can handle - all these percents catch her off guard and she chokes up. We first laugh about it and then we sloppily make out in the moonlight.
>Ahh... it's so refreshing to taste a man after having to deal with all these witches!
"I feel the same about the boys at the football practice locker room. These mouths just can't tongue themselves, can they?" I laugh and she kicks me in the balls for being a filthy homo enabler. She slaps me across the face and runs off crying. She later misses the goodbye ceremony because she's locked herself in her dorm and is crying into the pillow.
I masturbate on the spot to the sensation of pain while replaying the moment of slap in my mind. I pee into the magic sacred fountain and leave. All is well.
Can diana fags heck off already
Diana is great!
She's my wife, that's surely a nice thing
And it was Diana who casted the ignition spell!
Does Diana even know how to use a gun?
Which LWA would you drink?
Can I dump some fanart in here?
Waiting for eraser
confirmed that these posters are cancer and can't think up of a good discussion topic.
Lotte in the Morning, with spiked with Whiskey
Amanda at night, spiked with Gin
She has proper trigger discipline. Also she's my daughter.
Diana a shit.
Who would win in a fight. a Witch or a Sayian?
both get 3 days of preptime
Can I have your permission to marry your daughter?
Reminder that Akko is for the user who keeps capping my posts and Diana is for gentlemen.
Maybe. What's your meme portfolio like?
>LWA is a secret sequel to Gurren Lagann
>Ursula is a spiral prophet, just like Kamina
>she will sacrifice herself in episode 8 to save Akko who will become the Spiral Warrior
>she will have to stop Simon, who has become an Anti-Spiral, out of fear of the Spiral Nemesis
>the moon is the tomb for Lagann
>magic stones are crystalized parts of super tengen toppa gurren lagann's giga drill breaker
Screencap this
I started the meme that Diana can rewind time and people bought into it for a while rather than believing it was an object heal spell.
Impressive, very nice. Now the important question, what's your opinion on the EU?
that's what happens when you force threads 24/7 desu
I'm posting in this thread because this thread has more Diana.
Quality =/= Quantity
It can go to hell.
Is she even a witch?
Diana > everything else.
the posts here confirms that there are several cancerous crossboarders who doesn't want to discuss the show at all and just want to force their absolute shit memes
Okay, you can marry my daughter, but be warned, she flies into a murderous rage if she comes within half a mile of a Labour voter or Scotsman.
Should we put no meme edition in the title next time?
Does she weigh more than a duck?
Will she ever speak?
I think so. It will be something spectacular I'm sure. A life or death moment and then she says "Use the x spell!" or something, or just the spells name.
What do you want to discuss, user?
you need to fuck off
Welcome to Sup Forums.
What would make Diana more humble?
Well then name something specifically that you want to talk about.
A thread made by one other faggot brought up an interesting point.
When are we going to get more Akko yays
I haven't been able to update the video since Episode 2 because she hasn't had any yays since then.
What do you mean? She's already humble.
How sexy is my wife, Diana?
A child.
Depends. Is the duck magical or not?
She'll speak at the end of the series and say
>Truly we were Little Witches at an Academia
She'll cast the spell that defeats the big bad while yelling FIIIIIIIIIIIIIICCCCKKKK DIIIIIIIIICCCCCCCCHHHHH
>one thread for the discussion of the plot and other for the discussion of the PLOT
a LOT of pie
>TV Diana VS Movie Diana
Which is better?
Everybody with even a basic knowledge of astrology can figure this shit out, fuck.
That video is hella freakin cute.
>TRULY WE WERE Little Witch Academia: The Enchanted Parade
Yes, for behold, though it be a bird, it doth make its home in water in the manner of a fish.
You need to leave
>Everybody with even a basic knowledge
do most of the posts here demonstrate such knowledge?
Movie Diana. She was even cuter as a cute girl.
Is that a donut in there
Guess i wouldn't want to be stranded in wilderness with fellow Sup Forumsnon, since the average person here can't even pinpoint fucking North star on the nightsky.
What a lackluster way to deflect the topic while implying you don't actually have said knowledge. Try harder next time.
Ursula's is neat. I like how high class it is. and Sucy's too.
Amanda's looks tasty as hell.
Not sure why Akko, Diana and Conztanze are sellling their piss.
Fatty's is just fucking disgusting
Movie everything is better. Holy shit the animation in the most recent ep was awful.
Give her a minigun please.
>Holy shit the animation in the most recent ep was awful.
now this is high level bait
>implying you don't actually have said knowledge
try me bitch
goddammit Sup Forums stop it
Actually the animation is the last thing you could complain about when it comes to ep 6
Maybe it's because I used to animate and know how difficult animation can be even for simple things, but I really like LWA's animation.
oh god
man, now I want some chocolates.
Goddammit with these people.
What's wrong with spending valentine's with your witch wife?
do you think Ursula ever got chocolates on Valentine's Day from someone?
Does big black cock count?
Me too
Oh Jesus my heart. We need more Akko/Ursula bonding.
>that 'Choo-Choo Choose You' retarded Ralph reference
Little Witch Academia and Neon Genesis Evangelion crossover when?
Man I really want to see Sucy in a plugsuit now
What is Sucy going to be like when she's a grown woman?
>We need more Akko/Ursula bonding.
We do. I can't wait for it.
Taller, bustier and maybe a different hair style
9 feet tall, but effectively 6 feet because her back is so hunched.
A living garden for fungus as well; toadstools sprout from her back like soil.
A reminder that mechanophilia is considered a crime in England, where Luna Nova most likely is, and can net someone sex offender status.
Laughed my ass off
>tfw rest of the studio will never experience the western fanbase like Tattun does
postin best duo
shes gonna build a sex machine with those gears
Would you let her experiment on you?
>+Pros: you get to be Constanze's bf
>-Cons: you have at least one limb amputated and replaced with cybernetics
>-Cons: you have at least one limb amputated and replaced with cybernetics
You think thats a fucking con faggot?
>you have at least one limb amputated and replaced with cybernetics
That's not a con
Constanze x WH40k Techpriest crossover when?
>those cons
Can I just have the donut
Pros and cons should be switched around desu
I want to pinch and play with Akko's fat pussy lips
What if she doesn't use anaesthetic?
And the limb is your cock