Sup Forums and /k/ btfo

Sup Forums and /k/ btfo

The NRA has never shot anyone.

Not really.

Gun control is dead. The gun grabbers killed it decades ago. They're just too fucking mentally ill to realize it.

>2 out of five of those attacks were by Muslims, who are an incredibly small part of the population

Of course.
Also, no mention of the vast majority of shooting in the US being blacks topping each other with illegally possessed handguns

>gruesome newsom
Good luck with that

Why do liberals use dead children as a platform to push anti gun. How does no one on the left see how fucked up this is.

do it. start the fucking war already.

in California maybe. Redpills there at this point are martyrs and willing to die. RIP fellow lost anons....

In the red states, zero guns will be taken during Trumps term/s at a minimum.

fucking California is gonna elect this retard as their next Governor

I live in California. What can i do?


And those were all staged hoaxes, so Zero people died at all those hoax events. Government BTFO.

The NRA should come clean and tell the retard governor of CA to prove even one single person died at Sandy Hoax or Pulse???

Prove it bitch

Bring it, bitch.


Move to New Hampshire, Arizona or Texas.

Come and try. I dare you.

>If you hurt people, we ARE coming for your guns.
The NRA doesn't hurt people. Muslims and niggers hurt people.

that's not a lot desu, they saved more lives

Move to Texas.

Fuck California


vote. if you start running you'l never be able to stop.

Fuck off we're full

>Telling calicancer to move

Kill you're selves

>take guns away from blacks
>make crime gay
>more live saved then every "mass" shooting

Just imagine how many police would die going from house to house. It's really bad for morale when you lose a guy every time you go out.

The vote is already lost in California due to demographics. Remain only as a choice to be a martyr.

(or technically if you are making good money, stay for the job but have an exit strategy to move to New Hamphshire before the dindus get you.)

>if you hurt people, we ARE coming for your guns

well ok then, take the guns off the spree shooters who are already dead, good work

I like to think thar the ones that want to leave are just like the white farmers in SA. They shouldn't be there, they wanna leave, but for whatever reason they can't

everytime they say shit like this copper/lead sales increase

I don't own any guns.
I'm a felon ;)

The ones that actually leave just spread their cancer to Arizona and Texas.

It's the way of liberals. Fuck up your own state, bitch about taxes, move somewhere else, then repeat the process. They are literally a cancer on western civilization.

how costly would it be to just kind of surgically remove california from the rest of the US? would it be worth it?

Bra they do test runs in places like Loiusiana and Boston, and FUCKING GODDAM ZERO people resisted a police takover of their homes and gun confiscation.

If they come to your or my home with APCs and dozens of police and snipers, we will lose our guns, and probably our lives.

Just be in New Hampshire before that happens, or Russia.

Just like those white farmers, they need to take up arms or at least vote and fight back. Retreating is cowardly and ineffective.

what thats it? i thought USA had "mass shootings" every day? why is the list only 4 events?

Support Calexit

Let's ban cars first since they also kill people. Lots more too. It's too dangerous to let's people to drive. Oh wait we're going to see that soon with driverless cars.

over 90% of all murders in the U.S. are done in only 4 cities, which all 4 are Democrat-run.

I have a feeling this wouldn't end well.

Detroit, Baltimore, Chigonco, and .....??

He's getting trashed in the comments

Post some screencap please!

Katrina was a special cas. New Orleans was massively depopulated.

The Boston Marathon bombing was small scale police action with almost no prior warning.

People would resist sweeping gun confiscation if the word got around and they could prepare.

>We are coming for your guns
Precisely why we own the guns in the first place numb nuts


Fuck off, we're full, unless you want a free helicopter ride.

can someone with time checks how many home invasions were /preventedstopped thanks to firearms?

gerrymandering is in the supreme court soon i think. i won't leave. this is my home i'll die fighting for it. if we could do something about all the illegals voting we have a chance. i don't think this will be solved without violence at this point though. we need federal intervention.

No NRA members have ever been involved in a mass shooting either. Also, most mass shooters have been niggers and/or democrats.

Sadly wrong, the only thing would work would be targetted "attention" paid to key elements of the traitorous problem. And our side does not have that kind of passion. I'm leaving for Russia long before it gets to that.

Didn't a registered NRA member take down the Texas church shooter?

would you cut off your nose to spite your face? how many states should we let them have? you're a faggot.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but all of those shooters were leftist democrats, right?

kys commie

Was a false flag anyway, nobody took anybody down, and nobody died in that church.

Nobody died at Sandy Hook or pulse nightclub either

With the sheeple reacting to staged hoaxes and nonsense, I feel like our enemies control us with very very little effort.

Cool. Just when I thought I was never going to get to shoot anybody.

Also who are you gonna get to take them? I'm a vet and a cop and I would stand against whoever tries it.

>I'm leaving for Russia
commie faggot kys.

>the Sandy hook shooter was a Muslim or nigger


Stab him :V

if you guys gonna decide to fight with them, if this happens, please livestream it

Then why havn't my guns been taken away yet? Name one major piece of anti-gun legislation that was passed since Sandy Hook? Tip: You can't because there havn't been any.

So please tell me where you see the government "controlling" you in this equation.

Convert to Islam. Then in about 6 months to a year show him the mercy of the truck of peace.

thats the price of freedom :-DD

Texan here. I'll gladly take him. Don't care if he's calicancer, if he's rightwing we could use him to keep Texas red.

A democrat. Same thing really.

You can literally google it.

Someone edit this with "We are coming for your Muslims"

And yet none of that was due to the NRA. I fucking hate California so much holy shit.
Yes, fucking hopped into another guys car and they chased him down too.

I'm pretty sure the NRA wasn't involved in any of the listed murder-sprees

>the sandy hook shooting happened

This. Red states love extreme right wing ex Californians, but if you're a democrat voting faggot stay where you are

A "mass shooting" depending on who's pushing the agenda could be as few as 3 or 4 people shot. The fun part about this definition is it means almost all mass shootings in the US are by nogs.

It depends on what your income level is. If you're making over 50k I think moving to Oregon or Nevada is a good idea, both are states with a significant Republican population that can turn red if enough of us move there. The main thing is to starve the beast, to deny the California welfare state the taxes it needs to function. Another strategy would be to acquire as many benefits as possible if you make under 50k, but I think it's better in the long run not to cultivate dependency despite the short term advantage.

Vote with your dollars and feet. The descendants of the Oakies and Arkies have already gone back to Oklahoma and Arkansas.
Turning Oregon or Nevada permanently red is a realistic chance at a victory here.

>147 deaths

More people died in preventable car accidents this week, AND no one has a right to own a vehicle.


I'm in Denver and I say kill them all.

Good luck, this asshole and a couple others are about to get flensed come 2018 for that SB1 gas tax nonsense.

There is but one solution.

603 people have died in Chicago alone this year. 19 this month.

The NRA keeps detailed stats and accounts of it in their magazine I know, check if they have it on their website.


The left has no values or moral fiber, they are drones to the holy church of progressivism.

Start eating your way up to getting it "comped". Report back here for further instructions. God speed.

>5 years


>im from california and i say kill them all!

Those weren’t the mass shootings listed by that gungrabbing faggot

If you think banning guns will stop niggers from killing each other in Chiraq then you don’t know niggers

That's the greatest fuck you Reagan gave this country besides intensifying the drug war, he turned Cali permanently blue.

Convert to islam. Repent later.

Literally just did. The only federal legislation passed since sandy hook pertained to background checks.

-No semi-auto ban.
-No magazine capacity limitations.
-No assault rifle ban.
-No open or concealed carry limitations.

So you're saying having to pass a test that says you aren't either crazy or a criminal is a bad thing? You must be crazy, a criminal, or both. If you are, I don't think you should own a firearm, and this is coming from someone who owns firearms legally.

The sky isn't falling. Nobody is coming to take your guns, regardless of what people are telling you.

Source info: Executive actions taken by the Obama Administration[edit]
The executive actions included:

Improve the data used for the background check system for gun sales;
Direct the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to research gun violence;[94]
Provide incentives for schools to hire school resource officers;
Give law enforcement additional tools to prevent and prosecute gun crime.
In 2016, Obama called for a "sense of urgency" against gun violence[95] and made several changes to gun control enforcement,[96][97] including:

requiring a license and background check conduction for all gun distributors (cf. gun show loophole);
extend background checks for guns purchased via a trust or corporation;
extend data available for background checks and improve response time (to close the Charleston loophole).[98]

Sure thing, faggot.


on the bright side democrats can't defend themselves from violent criminal niggers either

>Those weren’t the mass shootings listed by that gungrabbing faggot
Exactly. Less than 200 killed by some terrorists and mentally ill pricks is nothing when you compare it to Chicago. They're hypocrites.

HAHAHA. New some will be gone long before my guns are going anywhere.

democrats are honorary niggers


they have armed guards. well the politicians do.

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