
Neoliberal / Globalist thread! In other words, anti-nationalism, anti-protectionism and anti-populism, pro-immigration, free-trade, democracy and global cooperation.
Why are you still not following the world’s most successful ideology?


I'm a economic globalist and a cultural nationalist
Never heard that one before have you??

"I want to be with the losing team, mammy!"


>not wanting a nationalist ethnostate

Sounds inconsistent tbqh. Culture should be spread and adopted as much as products, technologies and ideas. People everywhere listen to Taylor Swift and watch GOT. That’s as much economic as it is cultural.

Sage and report off topic and troll threads.

/satan/ general.

>losing team
You mean the only successful ideology? Fascism is dead. Communism is dead. Liberalism has never been stronger.

Vai a fare in culo figlio di una cagna.
Eh ma ti prendo.

chaos is death


Sorry but liberalism died in 2008. We are just living through it's decay.

Why would I want that? Nationalism is counterproductive and irrational. Like it or not, the future is of open trade and open borders.

>we are just living through its decay
And to think it might have been through worse during the 1930s. But a recession that the world has practically already recovered from is now the sign of the end of times? Hard to believe.

Neoliberalism will destroy the western civilization and ultimately the planet.
I told you so.


>It's another "I can't wait for Samir to fuck my wife and take care of their kids!" thread
You know what goes in all fields

Any day now

>I base my views on Internet pictures
Here’s another one. Nazis were degenerate as fuck. People have always been degenerate and believing in 1940s propaganda posters is not going to change anything.

That's mostly because of sicence and technology.
Where is a graph that tells us about cultural development? Natality? Race? Moral values?
Climate change? Acidity of oceans?

No I didnt think you had those either.

How do you even quantify cultural development, race and moral values?
Natality has exploded while mortality is at an all time low. It’s no wonder humans are almost 8 billion. Climate change can only be reversed by liberalism. We have already seen how centralised systems treat the environment.

Italfag gets raped so much, that Albania is having a boom in Italian imigrants. Let's be globalists, ok? But after cleaning the planet.

Based Italian.



Sounds like Imperialism

>How do you even quantify cultural development, race and moral values?
So you dont really know if its bad or good? Youre just guessing.
>Natality has exploded while mortality is at an all time low.
It's negative in the western world.