Is this the most embarrassing episode in anime protagonist history? Not even Shinji is this pathetic.
Is this the most embarrassing episode in anime protagonist history? Not even Shinji is this pathetic
No, all of them are equally embarrassing.
Implying that this is anything bad.
If you love to self insert into some sort of uber human who isn't embarassing or pathetic at times you do you.
Many people want to see anything else but this tho and in fact exactly the opposite. Hell he can be as pathetic as he wants if he breaks apart only to build himself up as a better guy then it all was worth it. Zero to hero is thing you know
I dont even blame him, I blame the writers for their embarrassing attempt at an 'emotional moment'. I dont mind a pathetic MC, as long it makes sense and proper build up.
i havent watched re; zero yet, would recommend or no? ive heard mixed things
I'd rather a "pathetic" protagonist than another faggot who instantaneously becomes Jesus Christ, Albert Einstein, and Casanova at the same time when plucked from Japan into another world.
why didn't he just kill himself when he realised he was doing everything wrong?
What does he do that's so bad?
Yes. Personally It was my AOTS and contender for AOTY.
I thought it was well written and Subaru was an interesting (but not likeable) character.
Still it is best to form your own opinions on how a show is. Even though I believe the vast majority of people who "dislike" this show on Sup Forums are doing it to be contrarian or for bait purposes, its not without it's flaws.
Even if I absolutes hated Re:Zero though I'd still recommend it because it has such a huge impact on this board and anime in general.
He always showed to be a sperg when it related to Emilia though. There was buildup.
thanks i guess ill check it out, currently also watching a few shows this season so ill probably have it on the backburner for a while
It's isekai shit. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.
hahaha see this is what i mean, i have one guy calling it a potential show of the year and then this
Because he'd go back and rewinded memories that most mattered to him
Memories made with Rem > Memories made with Emilia
mixed reviews to the max on this show since it started
>huge impact on this board and anime in general
You're not fooling anyone newfag.
Stabbing your dick with a needle is much more enjoyable.
>If you love to self insert
stopped reading there
stop assuming that anyone who hates the shitty main character wants wish fulfillment and not just a more likable character
by the way, likable doesn't have to mean "moralfag" or "self insert" you know.
It's a shitty show anyways because at the end of the day, his whole journey after OP's image was literally to apologize to Emilia and try to wn her over.
Well at least he is honest about it and there's nothing inherently wrong with that. I just find him annoying. His 4th wallbreaking moments are disgusting as well. Just as much as his jokes.
I actually can't deny that, Subaru throws everything away and kills himself for Rem but doesn't do it for Emilia. The actual end of arc 3 supports this statement.
fuck i wish i could just know if the show was good or not, i have half of everyone telling me its the best thing since sliced bread and the other half calling it garbage
season 2 when?
Someday Subaru
Reddit: The Thread
it honestly peaked at episode 15. amazing visual and music direction.
I would watch it just for that episode.
I don't recommend going past that, but the whale fight was alright. It only goes downhill from there
If you want an actual opinion ask the thread where the translations are at
The most you'll get here is the cancerous hatebase and overzealous fans
I've never wanted to punch a fictional character so much after watching that episode.
It's an isekai that hits the strikezone for 17 year old redditors and casualfags
>babies 1st waifubait
>gore for shock value
>MC is actual autist - "you're mad cause you can't self insert. "He's deep"
>everyone hyped up how the MC dies horrible deaths
>expected some Dead Space tier shit
>deaths are hardly even gory
If you're going to write something this juvenile, why hold back on being edgy?
sooooo not what i want lol
Because at the end of the day, the target audience is kimotaku. If you make things too gruesome and unkind for the MC, kimotaku won't buy your product.
Fuck off.
I've seen worse.
Why are the haters so childish?
This is why you stick to the manga.
Even then the anime fucked up and focused on the gore and fighting rather than the psychological thriller/Mystery it was supposed to be.
Fuck, why am I even replying in this bait thread?
It's a 10/10 anime
Literally the Evangelion of this generation
>Evangelion is now no longer from "this generation"
Yeah, I'm done.
youre probably a naruto or bleach fanboy
ok that makes me not want to watch it, evangelion was the evangelion of my generation.
nothing lives up to evangelion you fucking faggot
edgy cringe shit. the only people who claim to enjoy it are faggots pretending the cringe gives it some kind of higher meaning when there's really nothing fucking there.
>Replying to bait
I thought it was mysterious
because everything already lives above the steaming shit that is eva.
Shitposter-kun why don't you make threads on another series instead?
Re:Zero isn't even in-season anymore.
Not a lot of shows in recent memory have such a fervent and delusional defense force.
Defense force? Most of the fans call the anime shit. What the fuck are you going on about?
Watch it user. When something generates this much noise it means it deserves your attention. Just don't expect evangelion. Thats not happening again unless you are fifteen and living in the nineties.
im gonna give it 5 episodes, however i doubt ill be into it based on the shows i like
They overdid it.
Why the fuck are there 5 threads of this shit?
I tried to push through it but the MC is just such a source of cringe combined with his talent for retardation that I couldn't make it all the way through because I just had to stop watching an MC I hated so much.
Imagine a person so stupid that he dies and is reborn in a groundhog day loop at least 4 times before he figures out he's in a groundhog day loop. This is that MC. He's not even an entertaining stupid. He's cringy autist stupid which was apparently the point but that's a good reason to close the player and find something else.
Not only that, but he could've avoided all this if he had just dropped Emilia. But he wants to put his dick in the plot-mover so you're stuck with that motivation the whole way through.
Weak af.
A contrarian trying to fit in
No there wasnt you delusional idiot. I dont care whatever head canon you have, in the anime, it stood out as fucking stupid and over the top. And marked what was pretty much downhill from there
>Saying this while ignoring all the times he does "Emilia is a goddess!", "EMT! EMT! EMT!", "Emilia Maji Tenshi!"
>Ignoring the fact that Subaru kept calling her "heroine"
Yeah, fuck off.
def not gonna watch now thanks
its endless 8 the anime. its shit
Can someone post the shitstorm that was catalog during the "I love Emilia" episode
What happens? There's no way I'm gonna get through that first episode again to get to this point.