Was this episode really necessary?

Was this episode really necessary?

Disgusting episode that promotes homosexuality and pedophilia. Expected more from Kyo Ani.

My penis says yes.



Picked up

I need porn of this

How old is Kanna supposed to be? This episode nearly crossed the line with pedophilia and bestiality.

She's a hundred in dragon years

LMAO she farting in her ear

The most important episode of the season.

Is this thread really necessary?

Kobayashi is the luckiest girl in the world, and is also the best.
>lived a life of kindness, treats everyone as well as she can
>has a very loyal and useful maid wife who loves her so much she'd never regret her feelings after Kobayashi's death
>has a cute dragon daughter who brings the family joy
>is respected at her work by her peers
>great drinker, fun to be around
>is able to turn dragons who hate humans into dragons who are friends with humans
>lives comfortably and enjoys multiple wholesome hobbies

Forgive me lord for I am envious.

It was essential.

Need a "(pomf) Wah! What are we going to do on the bed?" edit

That's literally every single anime/manga/japshit ever.


what was the point of that twister scene?

Kanna is such a turboslut

Fucking great really, I recommended this anime to my brother and now what I 'm going to tell him tomorrow?

is it 2011 again

>Wah! What are we going to do on the floor?

Forced animation.

>take ecchi comedy manga
>make it a heartwarming story about finding love, happiness, and family
How did they do it?

I said it before, and I'll say it again--
I want to throw Kanna down onto the bed!
Pick her up, slam her down, again and again,
Until her neck snaps, and then that's the end!


>those thighs
What the fuck people.

>better be grateful you little shit

>watch a show dedicated to lesbianism
>characters act lesbian

When will Kanna ask her for a mana transfer?

It went from a show I can watch in public to a show I can only watch in a locked room.
Same but what was I expecting from Otaku bait crap

Aikawa can't produce electricity.

>a show I can watch in public

>>watch a show dedicated to lesbianism
Pro tip: Kobayashi isn't gay.

>his dirty mind thinks it was lewd
>he saw something other than a heartwarming tale of interspecies friendship

Do you think we'll get doujins of Saikawa letting it happen?

I could have before this episode aired.
Previous episodes at best had minor busty tit jokes. This episode had sexual twister with lolis and naked busty lady bathing with a shota

She's still in the closet, give it some time. She didn't take in Tooru for no reason.

I can't wait for all the futa doujins.

THE hype for this curious reptilian is real



This episode triggered the white people.


Every episode had been promoting homosexuality and pedophilia. You need to get with the times user.

I agree, this episode was pointless fanservice and faggotshit.

Everyone on Sup Forums is white, what the fuck are you talking about?

I am so glad girl love between lolis is becoming more popular

I remember reading some leddit screencap of some guy watching this with his mom and her enjoying the first episode. Wonder if hes still watching it with his mom

Rude. Kanna and Saikawa are healthy little girls that have no inclination to commit the horrid degeneracy that the sluts in your webm are doing.




>spy vs spy

I got that reference.

Sup Forums is 40% spics, 30% whites, 20% blacks and 10% others.

We're all little Japanese girls you newfags.

More like 70% asian canadians and 30% others.

I hate whiteys.

Dick why.

What the hell

T-There are more?

Yes, this episode was absolutely necessary. It finally made me pick this show up

This is literally the greatest reaction pic ever, a classic.

It continues to be the best even after years and years.

Go make a Prisma thread if you want the others so much, lad. Even I don't want to derail this thread that much.

It's a bit too politically incorrect. Would be nice to have a reaction image that doesn't insult queer folk.



She's not cute, though. She's sexy

I want Kanna to be my daughter.

She is just so perfect!

Do you think the tumblerinas are complaining about this episode?

Was it rape?

They are right in this thread.

I don't think either party was unwilling

>Anything below 11

Fag is an insulting word period when used in reference to a person. To associate it with homosexuality is to insult them. To use it to refer to other things is to do a service to them by disassociating them from the term.

That twister game was laying around all too conveniently.

I want to molest your daughter!

>The clear disappointment when Kanna stops to save Tohru from the Maid-Otaku

What, like this? I can't take anything like that written on Sup Forums seriously. It all gets subsumed into the mass of trolling and irony.

This image made me pick up the show.


Is Kanna nopan?

Do you see any panties there? Riko almost kissed Kanna's lips.

She wears panties in the manga, so no.

Why are they always cockblocked? Why can it never just happen?
Why can it never just continue later?
Why does Yuri always have to be a gag in obviously Yuri anime?

You are a criminal and I shall be forced to call the authorities on you!

Thank fuck somebody compiled this.

>Why are they always cockblocked? Why can it never just happen?
Because this is a wholesome family show airing on daytime TV.
>Why can it never just continue later?
The obvious answer is it does, off-screen.

We need more Lucoa webms

>lap sitting
How could KyoAni make such perfection?

To be fair they wouldn't have shown any more even if it was het

I'm pretty sure it airs at 12:00AM.

She wasn't
Give up already


>turns into a melon and is brutally murdered in the end
I knew lolis shouldn't be trusted.

nopan is a senseless degenerate thing. It is only believable for drunk sluts who peed themselves.

Are you blind? Don't you see the line?

Why is Kanna so sexy. She is one of the sexiest lolis I've seen in years, how is it possible?

it already was a heartwarming story about finding love, happiness, and family

>how is it possible

>Off screen

Fuck. This.