>You will never have this kind of a friendship
You will never have this kind of a friendship
they are homos thought
They are faggots
>You are a hit
What did he mean by this
you mean... any kind of friendship, period?
What's the point of having figs if you never take them out of the box? There aren't any people here that seriously do this, are there?
>implying I'm not secretly in love with my best friend
You could if user was real.
tfw I do have something very close to this.
It feels good having a close friend who's also a huge Otaku, shame he only comes over every second weekend.
Childhood friend?
he spends 21 hours a day grinding in some shitty mmo, fafnir doesnt have time to gaysex
Sorry to burst your bubble, girls, but don't expect any homolust from this show.
>he owns multiple boxed versions of the same scale
The buyfag in me is screaming.
You have to buy 3 at minimum. One to show, one for collection and one if anything goes wrong.
>and one if anything goes wrong.
should that been locked away in a secret cold war era bomb shelter?
me 2 fampai
Don't forget one to hotglue.
>he doesn't know
>that people even hoarded ammibos