Is NTR okay if it's girls doing it to their boyfriends, Sup Forums?
Is NTR okay if it's girls doing it to their boyfriends, Sup Forums?
If the girls are doing each other
>Literal yuricuck shit
Two nukes were not enough.
Is this yuri?
Yes, it's not out yet, but it's called NTR: Netsuzou Trap.
Isn't the standard for yurishit everywhere?
Girls don't count though.
Depends on how they take it.
No. My reflex is to say yes because yuri is great, but the more I think the less appealing it is.
Is that one of the boyfriends?
lol these characters are directly ripped from guilty crown
It'll be good as long as the boys mind their own business
Yes. Black haired girl's.
/u/ was a mistake.
>yuri anime announced
>gets angry at /u/
You were a mistake, user.
God, just imagine hating your own gender (including yourself) so much that this is the kind of thing you get off to. What a sad existence.
/u/ is useful as a containment board. Yurifags should be banished there from Sup Forums.
That's a pretty strange conclusion to jump to
Containment boards rarely work. They usually just become an echo chamber that emboldens it's residents even further until they become convinced they need to go back out and spread their shit to every other board too.
>hating your own gender
who? is this your blog?
I hate all humans of both genders. Am I okay?
>being this edgy
Does this go anywhere?