Why are Lazulines so best?
Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku
Because they're hand-picked by Lazuline I for bestness.
Because they were trained by the best mentor.
Being Deluge is suffering
I wonder if Laz 1 has the same spread-finger pose that her successors do, and if so, what does she hold between them?
>hate magical girls
>produce the best magical girls
Could someone give me a quick rundown on these guys?
They're hot.
Strong. Fascinating. Mysterious. Chic and sexy.
They are at their best with things shoved into their mouths.
They're blue.
Deluge got fellated by best girl for 6 months. All the suffering is a fair price to pay.
>Rothschilds bow to Lazulines
>In contact with aliens
>Possess psychic-like abilities
>Control Japan with an iron but fair fist
>Own castles & banks globally
>Direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
>Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Lazulinedad will be be the first city)
>Own 99% of man-made magical girl research facilities on Earth
>First designer babies will in all likelihood be Lazuline babies
>All Lazulines said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51
>Ancient Indian scriptures tell of three angels who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
>They own Manmade Magical Girl R&D labs around the world
>You likely have Lazulbots inside you right now
>The Lazulines are in regular communication with the First Mage and Sages, forwarding thier word to the Land of Magic. Who do you think set up the meeting between the Osk & Caspar (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Caspar leader's first trip to Antarctica in history literally a few days later to the Lazuline bunker in Wilkes land?
>They learned fluent French in under a week
>Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the group. There's no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Lazulines
>The Lazulines are about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
>In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don't know their ultimate plans yet. We hope they're benevolent beings.
da ba dee da ba daa
>best girl
>when Lethe is around
Probably uses gems just like Lazuline II or stuff like knives.
go away Lethe, even CQ doesn't like you
Shit, I thought nobody would remember that song.
Not that user, but I feel old whenever somebody doesn't know that song. And I'm only in my 20s.
Off with your head already!
but GH needed her alive.
didn't stop her from throwing a bitch fit and executing Tempest and Quake
>taken away from a loving family
>continually reminded of her friends dying over and over
>became a junkie to escape the memories
Deluge would have been fine had she not gotten with BBC. I mean this is the girl whose idea of helping was disguising the enemy you're murdering as your dead friends screaming to stop. The same one who started getting nervous when Deluge went off the drugs for a while and started acting stable. From her perspective she was nothing but considerate, but for all we know she wasn't exactly playing with a full deck with all the memories taken out. Her idea of care could have been just as manipulated as the rest of her.
I'm in my 30s. Shit, I'm old.
Fortunately DEER PUSSY never gets old.
It's better than being experimented on by the other R&D members and not being seen as a human being.
She only needed one alive.
At least Deluge has a guardian in the form of Lazuline III if she doesn't completely remove her feelings for her.
That's irrelevant since during those 6 months, Deluge fully thought she's got best girl catered to her every need and loved her unconditionally. That service is expensive.
Ganbaru zoi!
7753 has way more fanart than I thought she would
That's the power of the cake for you.
>That determined look and right hand on goggles.
This girl means business.
Kanoe so beautiful.
"I'm going to look straight through your clothes!"
Too bad she has meh combat stats.
that and the prisoners image side by side are my screensaver, probably my favorite piece of art from Maruino, though I also like this one
I wonder if Deluge's back fin is part of her body or just a costume.
BBC's skirt looks like a macaroon.
It's most likely a part of the costume and not a part of her compared to Inferno and Quake.
This makes the dark colored PE which were Inferno and Quake have tails that were a part of their body while the lighter colored PE which were Tempest and Deluge don't have an actual tail.
I can see that
Could Inferno and Quake penetrate Deluge and Tempest with their tails?
As long as Quake gets to have Tempest then sure.
After reading Bastard!! I want to someone to draw Rushe Ren-Ren doing something cute with Love Me Ren-Ren.
"Off with their breasts?"
The dangling lily (well I think it's a lily) on Bluebell's tiny hat is cute.
Aw, is that Styler Mimi doing up Nokko's hair?
Too bad its a dumb hat.
>tfw two of the nicest girls in the series got miserable, cruel deaths
they didn't deserve it
Apparently this is Sera Sera's realy power in F2P
Putting the paper with the name of a deceased person into her costume, that person will cease to exist in this world from the beginning of the history.
That makes sense considering her name.
Que sera sera, whatever will be, will be.
I hope they tried that with Spinon.
Spinon did nothing wrong
She snooped where she shouldn't have.
Their fault for attempting to start a revolution
Mao Pam clearing them out when?
When did F2P even happen?
it has no clear place on the timeline for all we know this could be way before or way after the main novels.
I'm not sure, but I'm hoping it's before limited
I want to marry pechika!
What's stopping you?
The world
Is it possible for Bluebell's combat stats to be 5/5 in everything by buffing herself using her ability?
Pechika is fat
I want to burn off her fat with vigorous sex.
probably if she absorbs enough memories from strong people, with Lethe's she can probably have maxed out stats
My wives Swim2 and Nokko-chan are so cute.
If she absorbs Pythie's memories will she become full lewd certified?
I wonder if a power like Laz III's and using it often would lead to identity crises?
Bluebell with stats maxed out and having Pythie's lewdness would allow her to ravage Deluge in bed.
>implying she wouldn't just abandon Deluge and chase Snow White with stolen Snow White's hairbrush while screaming SNOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWHITEEEEEE in the top of a massive magical submarine build by SG
she can probably differentiate between what memories of a person she wants to take, I doubt she would take the SW-fag part of Pythie
If it works on herself it's fine since she can just remove the false identity so that her true personality stays. Not so sure if she'd go as for as to remove the Bluebell side of her though due to the feelings for Deluge.
That's creepy stop that.
Pythie already has awesome physical stats (4 in everything; Deluge level at least), you add hairfaggotry, Marika's strength and toughness and Ripple's speed to that and you have a one woman rape machine.
Pythie has high combat stats, but she is bad at combat since she doesn't fight often and doesn't enjoy resorting to it. Plus her power is trash for direct combat
I beg to differ, being able to translocate limbs is very helpful.
Also, Grace is really growing on me as I read the CN version of Limited. She's like Marika lite.
>Right now, she could go one-on-one with a whale and knock it out in one punch.
could a 5 strength MG knock out a whale in one punch? I can see it being possible
Marika punched and was destroying tanks so it should be possible.
I'm sure the MG could puncture the whale's flesh with 5/5.
when she's under a false identity she can't remove it, she needs someone else to awaken her true identity for her
Sex with Grace would be scary as fuck since the brute wouldn't be thoughtful enough to be considerate of her partner.
I'm not questioning the piercing power, but concussive force is different though, but I think it should be pretty possible seeing some of the feats high strength MG have accomplished
Easily. Marika wrecked the interior of the Exam Branch lobby when she got pissed off and you can imagine how solidly that place is built. And like said, Marika was punching tanks.
I keep thinking of this as something like the whale scene in Hancock.
Two words mah boi - snu snu.
Grace isn't the physically strongest MG we've seen though, in terms of raw power. Not sure how the 5 strength MG Rank in terms of raw physical strength no magic involved?
The thing is that with that strength the punch is most likely going to go through the whale's flesh instead of it being a concussive blow.
true, the surface would need to withstand piercing for concussive force to be relevant
Funny Trick must be a having a "fun" time in Nemurinland now.
Grace is showing FT her fisting technique. FT has come to love it.
Por Trick. She could have stayed outside of Grace's radar if only her MG form didn't feature those lewd netting tights.
Well, if she had become a bag lady magical girl Grace would have dragged her along anyway and thrown a terrified girl at her after her latest round of plunder.
"Arrr, don't let it be said that Captain Grace doesn't share her booty!"
The Unmarked Cast finds themselves in the events of Restart. How would things possibly develop from there? To make it less troublesome, let's pretend Cranberry is not stirring shit alongsive Fav and that Fav is not there at all.