Nobody remembers Mitty
Except me
Nobody remembers Mitty
Except me
She's so pretty
that's what she gets for falling for that fucking unlikable sociopath
I like every characters on this show except MC.
Also, best uniform ive seen.
I wonder what her feet smell like
I do.
She was the one with the cute friend, right?
I remember her friend Natsume since she was my favorite and got with best boy in the end
The girl is the MC, it's a shoujo.
Vomit-chan. I forgot all about her.
I remember the chicken
>a girl
What are you talking about m8.
mc stands for main character
the main character of this shit shoujo manga is the girl in op pic.
hello? Mcfly??
>hello? Mcfly??
Natsume > Mitty
Just saying.
Of course I do, I read those last few chapters a few months ago. Haru a fucking shit. He was ok and then turned to garbage just like most shoujo MCs.
I don't know about the MIzutani otouto getting it on with the glasses girl since she's taken, but it was somewhat cute.
Maka and Mitty are such top faps but there just isn't enough reference material.
Mizutani a cute!
he was a good man
I remember her.
She got punched in a face at least two times.
I never forget cute girsl getting hit in the face.
This: . Haru punch. Haru playing with his cock during school hours. Douchebag Yens Mcstudyhard the love rival. If these are the kinds of guys women dream of, it's no wonder I'm single.
>Haru playing with his cock during school hours
Did this actually happen?
I think it turned out to be a hen, because it laid eggs. I might be misremembering. It's been five years now, I think.
would you smash?
Dude she fell for was crazy. She's super cute though.