>Anime: Recap this week
>Manga: Dunno, but last chapter is YUUUUGE
>LN: Next release on 28th
Youjo Senki: Just Kill Me Edition
Other urls found in this thread:
>Recap this week
Why would you even do that?
production fell behind schedule
How does it feel to wait a week for just a recap episode?
>Recap this week
How many episodes will there be anyway?
is this didnt set off any red flags that being x is definitely more of a demon don't know what will. but I guess he will amke the argument if you believe in the devil then surely you must believe in god.
That is an anime original scene though.
oh. were they trying to be spooky and edgy?
I want to cum inside Tanya while she gives me that look!!
Post lewd Tanya pls
I think sometimes all this story line with "I refuse to believe in God" looks stupid, when God stand right in front of you. Conception like "I refuse to obey supernatural powers because man has power over his fate etc." would be much better
I agree that it looks stupid. but his argument was pretty sound except for one flaw which I forgot. but his argument made total sense, if I can have anything I need just from inside my house why would I need to go out?
>because man has power over his fate etc
>dies from hit and run
of course thats an extreme example I think once we master cloning or robotics, that statement could become reality.
From episode 6 it doesn't look like that, unless NUT have higher standard for themselves.
Is that a grown up Tanya?
You will be disappointed, because I reject the existence of god not just from a rational and logical point of view, but because god would never let us suffer a week just for a recap episode.
I'd rather they just didn't air this week and give us a real episode next week.
So would I, mate.
6.5 means there will be at least something new? Or just the same ep.6?
Generally though that is why studios end up doing recaps. Schedule or budget gets tight, production team fails to meet deadlines, so they through together a bunch of old footage and call in the minimum number of VA's to record a few new lines.
I hope for season 2. After relative success of first one, they must do it
It's a recap, so footage of the first 6 eps, with a few new lines recapping the story.
The manga is two chapters behind at least. Anyone has links to raws?
That Tanya is still a youjo, no?
I hope for Anastasia's view of the story+ her background of childhood and adolescence in Mother Russia. But, of course it will be just an unnecessary recap
Literally who?
There already has been a news about assholes, leaped under a train in the hope to reborn as loli in WWI or I will become the first one?
"Visha"- Anastasia Ivanovna Serebryakov
Her name is Viktoriya.
>"Visha"- Anastasia Ivanovna Serebryakov
Sup Forumsnon, I…
"Viktoriya Ivanovna Serebryakova"
Why is she called Visha anyway?
Ah, yes, my bad. Anyway, I want more about her
I don't know. Abbreviation for Viktoriya is "Vika"
The Elevens did it! We copied.
What do you expect? He can't even get gender of surnames right, let alone finding the proper diminutive of a name.
Is the manga much preferred over the anime?
don't place your hopes that high
Depends who you ask, but they're different from each other so I recommend both.
I would say that they complement each other
The books are preferred over either.
>There already has been a news about assholes, leaped under a train in the hope to reborn as loli in WWI or I will become the first one?
Train leaping is an extremely frowned upon way to die. Generally it is more acceptable to die quietly at home or somewhere in a forest, because jumping in front of a train generally meant affecting all the passengers who had to take a different train, the train driver needing consoling, and the poor bastards who had to wash your blood and guts off the train and train tracks. All in all it is a very rebel thing to do to die by train, because that means you are being rude to other people while dying.
As in a 100% recap? The won't even throw in the post-war journo stuff?
To close the issue with Visha's name:
Viktoriya Ivanovna Serebryakova (in Russian inflected surnames has "a" in the feminine)
Proper diminutive- Vika (somehow transformed in Visha)
Visha sounds cuter?
Or the Japanese guy who was directing this just fucked up how to read or pronounce the name? Is that not a possibility? I can guarentee you'd fuck up a Korean name if you couldn't speak Korean or whatever fluently.
I've been coloring some of the pages from the manga as just something fun to do. What do you think?
Would you wanna see the whole manga colored?
I totally do. You're awesome.
If you mean the one in the back, that's what Visha is supposed to look like.
>Would you wanna see the whole manga colored?
If it'll look as good as these two pages then yes I do
I'm saying the quality doesn't look like that.
I wanna try too, but have no time. I'm not sure if it's a good idea, because inking in manga is too contrast, but why no? Also, I would recommend to add some light, shadows and gradients
This one is great
Here you need to add some gradient and shadows.
But you are doing a good job
The backgrounds looks a bit too dark IMO
They're both good, but the manga is better.
Tanya is more badass. Can shoot beams and form mana blades without rifle.
Wears cute goggles and helmet to combat. Wear nicer uniforms.
Visha doesn't look like a fish.
More jokes. Including MISSUNDERSTANDING inner monologues.
Minor world building info dump panels.
The translation of the manga is 7/10. Somehow it does well overall but fucks up on little things like inserting wrong subjects.
user got mad skillz
I wanna see more
Anyone wants to work on a rerelease of the manga using tank raws together?
I can run a translation check on the existing script and translate the missing pages.
where can I read the best fantranslation of it?
Appreciate the comments. Definitely wanna do more.
The way the manga is shaded does have a lot of contrast. Because of this I wasn't really focusing on adding shadows because I felt the manga did that for me, like the shadows her hair makes on her face. But I'll keep it in mind.
I tried to make it look overcast to set a downcast mood for the 2nd image. Might've made it a bit too dark though, I mean it's not night time.. The first image is difficult because there is no background to go off of. I chose dark reds to try and show the growing intensity of emotions and tension.
There's only one.
well where can I read that one? And an user said before it gets wonky with translations occasionally, if I read it where should I be on the lookout for them fucking up the translation.
maybe, you should try something like this? Chris Samnee art is contrast too. At least you need some shadows and light to make hair volume. Btw, do more!
>well where can I read that one?
Um, batoto. But really, Google.
>And an user said before it gets wonky with translations occasionally, if I read it where should I be on the lookout for them fucking up the translation.
I was asking the same thing in the last thread. CR has some big screwups in the anime, and I asked if LN and manga TL suffer from the same problem.
Oh I see. Thanks for sharing. I'll give it a shot.
Also here's a small one I did for my Steam avatar.
Please tell me this isnt going to be 1 cour and will be expanded to a season.... please I want more Tanya
Noice. Do Zettour next
tanya's god is the closest representation of the judeo-christian god in all anime. what are you talking about? read the old testament.
Do they have official colors for the hair and such?
But from the episode 6.5 preview seems the whole episode will be filled with new lines that about Tanya complaining why things not going well for her.
zettour is a granpa, so i think gray or white will be his hair. Sadly dont know more.
First thing that came to mind when this page appeared.
>tanya's god is the closest representation of the judeo-christian god in all anime. what are you talking about? read the old testament.
Christians only read the Old Testament when they feel like committing crimes against humanity and wanted an excuse. The New Testament and the Old Testament has very little to do with each other. You could say that the New one is for when Christians want to be nice, and the Old one when they aren't so nice. The Trinity is what forces these two books to be chained together.
translation can be difficult at times and it really shows when things aren't working out, even worse if you are inexperienced and in over your head with a difficult project and even worse if you work for a large company with short deadlines and nearly no quality control due to the fact that the vast majority of your consumers doesn't understand the original language at all.
I love it when her voice changes from kawai-ass loli to cycnical angry salaryman
I think both show up in manga vol.3's rear cover. Not home so can't check now.
>20 minutes of Aoi Yuuki ranting about her circumstances
This recap may not be that bad afterall.
Probably a pet name, I think her friend called her that, and rather that call her Viktoriya or Serebryakov, Visha is easier
You can post them but i doubt anyone has the time and dedication to tl them
It's not just the author, people fuck up when dealing with foreign names all the time. Like in im@s where Anastasia's nickname is Anya instead of Nastya
Ugh, reminds me of my annoying as shit russian little step sister
I hope Tanya abuses the loli voice more in the future like she did with Dakia.
This is going to be a 1 cour due to the sponsors and the background of the management of the studio.
Here you go. Wasn't too sure about the specific colors of the uniforms, like the medals and such.
RerugenXTanya OTP
What is it about a cute blonde loli in an imperial uniform that makes for such an immediately compelling aesthetic?
This part:
Find a way to get paid to do this nigger. I don't just mean for this...unless somehow you can of course get paid to colour Youjo Senki's manga.
I mean in general, you're good at this to a worrying degree. If you're good at something, never do it for free.
Why is their romance so well written anons?
If you're willing to do commissions, many will probably hire you if you drop your info.
Open up a patreon my bro, this is some glorious work
Really means a lot to hear that. I'd love to get paid to do this for sure. I just have no idea where to look.
I also don't have any kind of degree, which is usually required.
I've considered a patreon before, but I never thought my art was good enough. Though, I never considered a patreon for coloring manga...
Logically you could create one and people who wish to support you can donate through it.
Word the pateron goal a bit more loosely. "Watch me color stuff" for example. We won't want to trigger the JP license owner that someone is profiting from their IP.
Just try your hardest and don't be blind to opportunity you have talent unlike 80% of people on Sup Forums don't squander it!
I said I can translate the extra pages in the tank.
Would just need someone to clean, typeset, and stitch the 2 page spreads.
Don't think there's much redrawing required in this mango.
Anywhoo. e-mail me at [email protected] if anyone's interested in putting out a v2 with the tank raws.
It can't hurt to make one, you can just set it up and let people donate to you without looking at it too often, but yeah set the goal low