Yuri!!! On Ice

Post theories that'll never happen but you want to believe

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He's faking it because he really want to fuck that dog.

Victor and Yuri are homosexuals.

JJ will retire

Georgi will win gold ;_;

Don't underestimate meme mahou.

Gay hitler Yuuri became real. Who knows what's next?

calendar preview for ants

>Yuri!!! on Ice Vol.3 [Shipping Within Japan Only]
>Shipping Within Japan Only
2 days have passed and I'm still mad.

Is that a swimming Georgi?


After that Bahamut crossover anything can happen

>Welcome to the Madness


I want to see the images soon.

Yuuri's bootie looks nice.

I resisted buying many things so far, but I might cave in for best witch. Also, Chris is looking kind of sexy (for ants) there.

Enlarged it, is Victor wearing a fish on his head?

Or is he the naked person in the background, fucking ants.

Ripped Yuuri in the game looks like he's wearing the costume of Sex Bomb Plushenko. Now I know why it looked so wrong.

Yes, it's a popular couples' gag hat in Japan

Is that Beka in Welcome to the Madness? Please let it be Beka.

That doesn't look like Makkachin, he's too small.

They look like Hoozuki's creepy pets.

It looks like all the GP finalists will be in the background.

>Translator's note: Carp is koi (鯉) in Japanese and a homonym for koi (恋), meaning love/romance

>yuuri wouldn't wear the matching fish head

I'm confused, is there two Fairies in the last one?

This is one giant shared fever dream
Victor will wake up alone never meeting his perfect guy and a dead dog
Yuuri will wake up fat and depressed and a washed up skater with no friends
Yurio will wake up, stuck selling his body to keep him and his dadushka fed
Chris will wake up, stuck in an office job he hates, married to a woman he's not attracted to because he comes from a super religious bigoted family
JJ wakes up homeless living behind a Tim Hortons

I think it's Minami to Yuuri's left.

Yeah who the fuck is the light haired chibi beside Chris.

delet this

I think Fairy is in the pink/purple on the right

so that person actually did more Bahamut translations


I see Mila in Georgi's pic

Would be kind of cool if Welcome to the Madness was turned into another dance off.

Aren't they releasing two calendars? Which one is this?

>Lily comments how Piashi is amazing, big brother Yurio’s face is turning red for some reason!

Fairy's not a woman hater like Piggy

Otabek might hit Eros levels that shouldn't be possible with that music.

I have no problem with straight Fairy so it's okay. The only faggots I care are BaldFat.


Victor wears one, but not Piggy?
This is the hitlerish thing he ever did, worse than Episode 11 ending.

I think the ones in teal and blue shirts in the welcome to the madness group shot are Victor and Yuri being attention whores

The one in the red pants looks like Yuuri.

no one has red pants in that picture

I can't tell if they're Chris and JJ or Chris and Otabek

Pink pants then.

Well purple or magenta then.

why Phichit has no pants in last picture


What is a shota (Minami?) doing with the finalists in the last pic.

It's Victor

Okay I figured it out. From left to right it's Pichit, Chris, Victor, Yuuri, Yurio, Otabek and JJ.

He is way too short to be Victor.

Kek, sasuga Pigtler. Poor Viktor doesn't deserve this suffering.

he's kneeling and has a leg up

They look happy in that picture. Also if Yuuri had worn his he'd block Victor's face.

Is Phichit wearing boxing shorts?

I just want to meme about Yuuri being Hitler in peace, user. Don't bring logic into it.

I have not been keeping up with my buyfagging. Is this thing up for preorder?


Would you watch Free! with Georgi as MC?

bikini Mila

I would watch anything with Georgi as MC, from romantic comedy to magical girl anime.

Yes, would be much more amusing.

Finally an official art I could fap to!

>posing for a pic with Yurio


Is that some Mila/Fairy? OTP CONFIRMED

Magical girl Georgi anime would be a gift from heaven

>Is that some Mila/Fairy? OTP CONFIRMED
She's only using Fairy to get to Bike

>Welcome to the Madness is now a group thing

Lame af. Looks like they changed his costume as well. Get you shit together MAPPA. Thighboots better still be in, it's hard to tell with that picture for ants.

Bikefairy is canon.

Georgi would be a great MC for a mecha anime if he were gay.

no, Georgi needs his own Space Dandy like adventure and keep him being aggressively heterosexual

>implying she's ever had luck with manly men

She needs to realize the future ikemen feminine dick that's been right infront of her all along is her true key to happiness.

I still can't help but think that Fairy takes off his jacket during his routine because they actually designed a detailed top for him.

He probably does, but it's not like we'll ever see it animated MAPPA/Kubo/whoeverthefuck pls deliver ;_;

Otabek is different. He's so honest that that he'd tell her if she has no chance right off at the beginning. I'll be watching closely when they first interact.

It'll be amusing once he gets big enough to lift her over his head, she'll probably freak.

Poor Mila, they're smitten.

They should animate it as a bonus for the last BD. They already have the music and the choreography, and I'm sure they have the necessary funds and time too.


I want to see Mila pestering Yurio for Otabek's phone number like an annoying older sister.

Don't know enough about Otabek to know if they would work. Honesty is nice, but if he's inconsiderate to her feelings, that's not going to go far. Fairy is emotionally perceptive and a sweetipie when he wants to be despite his aggressiveness. He's also honest as well.

>Honesty is nice, but if he's fucking gay, that's not going to go far.


Fairy is going to be so much better when his teenage agressiveness is finally over. As you have indicated, he has everything that makes a man great.

Otabek somehow doesn't strike me as someone who would act inconsiderate while being honest. He looks considerate enough. I'm biased though, I can't see any fault in best boys voiced by Hosoyan.

>bottom right
>thai(?) in booty shorts
>fairy in welcome to the madness mesh
>otabek's arm slung around fairy's shoulder


He'll make a mixtape for her:
>The Zombies "Tell her no"
>Meghan Trainor "No"
>Ringo Starr "No No Song"
>Shakira "No"
>TLC "No Scrubs"
>Sex Pistols "No Feelings"
>Rihanna "No Love Allowed"
>Sonic Youth "No Way"
>Sugababes "No Can Do"
>Craig Finn "No Future"
>Sham 69 "No Entry"

I think she'll get the hint

He was polite when declining JJ's offer and he didn't raise a fuss about people interrupting his date with Fairy. He also obliged Victor when Victor felt like showing off Yuuri's stripper pictures.

He's straightforward, but not mean or tactless.

Is Witch about to give Fairy a circumcision?

This better happen.

>Fairy lifts her up princess style to get back at her for all the times she she-hulked him in public at the rink
>She's super surprised and flustered freaking out
>Fairy is smug as fuck won't put her down skates around for a bit
>she gets scared he's going to drop her and clings to him
>Fairy realizes she's blushing up at him looking like he's her knight in shining armor

and then stupid love shenanigans ensue

Come on, everyone would be dying to see Pig's stripper pictures.

Otabek isn't into pork.

That would be a whole new level of awkward for him.


Disgusting, of course Mila would bring out hetfags.

It's okay, let them have their fun. We all know who Beka and Fairy smile for at the end of the day.

Calm your titty Bikefairy fags, people are allowed to ship Fairy with who they want.

Tbqh at the moment, I have no preference between shipping Fairy with Bike or Mila. Both potential couples have good dynamics.

>It's okay, let them have their fun
Hetfags? No.

>Hetfags? No.
But no one is denying baldfat here.

Just because you can tolerate one homo couple doesn't make your disgusting hetfagging any less gross.

Poor Mila, surrounded by gay men and Georgi. JJ's taken and the only other straight guys are Thai, Taco and Cao Bin