Be it far from me to denigrate anyone from Europe, but I've seen the light. I deal with many different types of people in my business. All walks of life. All cultures and race.
Hands down the most evil, uncaring, lazy, angry, ruthless, and almost NON human group to deal with are Slavs/Russians. Not even the ASIANS match them for sheer robotic uncaring or disconnection. Even JEWS give a level of respect and humanity.
Slavs don't see anyone OTHER than other Slavs/Russians as People. They're truly not normal as a People/Culture. There's something inherently wrong with them.
Slavs are okay, user. They're just not very emotional and I actually think we could stand to benefit from that mentality
Lucas Evans
Why are you crying? Did some gopnik beat you up you little faggod?
Jack Watson
>Slavs don't see anyone OTHER than other Slavs/Russians as People not true, we don't see other Slavs/Russians as people either
Thomas Morales
I thought we were the niggers of europe :(
Owen Young
Nah, you fucking robotic slavnigger. I cut all ties with with a wholesaler because out of the DOZENS I deal with for my business, your "people" are the most NIGGERISH out of all I deal with.
Jacob Howard
Poland,Slovakia,Czechs have lower crime rates than USA ir West Europe.
Connor Nguyen
Okay, how about we just filter this down to RUSSIANS for the sake of argument.
P.S. They are....fucking ruthless, soulless, rude, inhuman...NIGGERS
Anthony Foster
Sounds like capitalism at work. Good for you. You're still a faggot for bitching about it on anonymous stock trading forum though.
Jeremiah Nguyen
that's because fuck you amerikanski go back to your 56% continent; you don't belong
Jose Robinson
How does it feel to know that even CHINESE wholesalers/distributors I deal with, have more of a SOUL than you NIGGERS??
Carson Hill
What does your average Slav think of USA? Communism? Islam?
Henry Cox
>Slavs don't see anyone OTHER than other Slavs/Russians as People. I see nothing wrong with this desu.
Sebastian Flores
Jason Morris
Live mutt spicemen talking about niggers. Cute.
Gabriel Young
yeah theyre the normal one here
Lincoln Jenkins
Ryder Gonzalez
Look, we are european, and we should hold together instead of making each other feel superior or less worth.
Charles Carter
Germany, you're one of the MOST cuck.ed nations out of Europe, and I support you, over these fucking NIGGERS of Europe.
Fucking nuke em all.
Jason Scott
Any non-staged photos of 'gopniks' from 2012-2017?
Lucas Cox
I like slavs more than anglos/meds. They are much easier to get along with, friendship with them is much more easy going. If you drink vodka with the guys, you are friends. If you have a nice car, the slav girls like you. Thats it, thats all you have to do. Its very easy to fit in. Its not like in southern europe where making friends is a big drama.
Grayson Lewis
Their women literally love nigger cock because their men are soyboys.
Jaxson Price
Bentley Mitchell
That's the thing men do. They sometimes relax on a bench and drink a cold one. Of course soyboy like yourslef wouldn't understand.
Parker Morris
This, desu
Colton Lewis
no need your support muttnigger
shoo shoo
Leo Wright
Both staged obviously.
Evan Lee
Nah, niggers are the niggers of yurop.
Joseph Myers
The niggers of europe are the niggers in europe.
Isaac Jackson
>t. good goy amerigoblin
Evan Richardson
Holy shit, we posted the same thing at the same time. Brazilian tradition tells me that I must now be your slave
Wyatt Thomas
Then fuck yourself.
RUSSIANS WILL ALWAYS BE THE NIGGERS OF EUROPE!! Anywhere they go, they're the Niggers. Fucking robotic soulless thugs that deserve to eat shit eternally.
Josiah Jones
U mad bro? Have you been raped by some slav?
Nolan Richardson
Totally agree, Russians are deffinitely mentally ill
Luis Green
Julian Reyes
So you admit that Slavs are Rapists. Good call Nigger.
Landon Martin
kill yourself
your country and your people are literally niggers
Luke Torres
No, but according to your bitching here, I bet you look like a bitch who wants to be raped.
Jonathan Nguyen
"Ehh Bro, don't care Bro, it means nothing Bro, I don't feel nothing Bro, respect me Bro, I need moneez Bro. Let me take shit on couch and you like it Bro. I'm Russian Bro. Proud of shits I take on people's couch. I no need wipe Bro. Dis my Russian culture Bro. You like it. I no need to learn English. I come to America to take shit on America Bro"
Connor Sullivan
Jonathan Long
"No care. I do what I want. Have no friends. Have no women. No need anything. You give me. I take from you. I shit on couch. I shit in sink. I wipe dick on curtains."
The basic gestalt.
Noah Collins
Are you circumcised?
Aaron Bennett
So you are basically mad because some Russian took a shit on your couch?
Thomas Kelly
No one cares who Americans think are white
Owen Miller
you can say niggers you know
Brody Rogers
Good good,my experience was like this:
I don't give a fuck, they give me, i take... I don't give a fuck man, they will give me everything i need , everything man and i don't give a fuck. Belgians are stupid man, they will all go to hell the dude is 210kg fat idiot
Liam Gutierrez
Josiah Brooks
Look at this mad mutt.
Jace Ramirez
Russians are usually good people's .
Henry Carter
Russians would literally make sucking jizz out of a hookers ass a sport if there was money in it.
Fucking niggardly cum socks all in one nation. And now the plague is coming to America to start businesses more and more. Go back to your fucking THUG culture. You're not like the rest of Europe. You're not part of the West. You're European, but NIGGERS mentally.
Christopher Peterson
>You're not part of the West And that's exactly why 50 years from now Russia will still be Russian. Not the same thing can be said about Western countries...
Kayden Flores
>No care. I do what I want. Have no friends. Have no women. No need anything. Did you find your wholesaler in Russia on pol, didn't you?
Daniel Russell
How are we uncaring you fake smile amerimutt trash? All you can do is have surface level conversations about what you have seen on the TV lately and nothing more. Get back to your work with 3 days off a year.
Bentley Baker
they're not just unfeeling robots, aren't slavs known to have extreme emotional outbursts
Camden Gomez
>amerimutt works deadbeat job >some random person pisses them off >because of his ignorance and retardation he doesn't know what language they're speaking, assumes they're a slav because they're wearing the same clothes as the ones he saw on a random slav compilation on youtube >goes to Sup Forums to rant about it lmfao
Luke Morales
100% agree with you jewish mutt.
also : WHY are all slavs wearing expensive german clothing? literally every slav has adidas. is that just fake adidas? because this brand isnt exactly cheap. its bigger than nike and shit.
Jeremiah Turner
Actually I own a retail business. I do thousands of units a month. If you were paying fucking attention to the thread you would know I am dealing with wholesale distributors.
It's literally the business I OWN you fucking idiot.
And the Russians, are the NIGGERS of all the people I deal with. Fucking dirt level Degenerates. The only one's even CLOSE are the Chinese...and they're a far second to Slavs/Russians.
Daniel Mitchell
pic related
Noah Rogers
> can't even slav properly
Jonathan Wood
Most American don't even know any Russians (newly from Russia). Being in retail I meet everyone. Walk into any Russian owned business and it's fucking attitude, darkness, like a hive of fucking ANTS all looking around like they;re ready to commit suicide or murder. No "hello" from anyone. No fucking smiles. Just pure fucking lazy stupid ANTS all standing around like people owe them shit.
Everyone else, even the Chinese..."Hey Man how's it going?" or "How may I help you"
Russians = "What you want. Why you here. What name you have. You give us. We no deal. We take. We wipe shit on curtains. You like."
FUCKING KEK...they're subhuman.
William Green
>Slavs don't see anyone OTHER than other Slavs/Russians as People.
Kevin Cox
lol calm down Hans, you don't want your girl to get raped again by a big slavic cock
'member '45?
Josiah Roberts
Russians start a business deal by wiping their fucking ass on your chair and demanding a 30% discount off the wholesale price. Then they throw their cigarette butts in your doorway. Because they're NIGGERS
Easton Lee
i do. didnt they die like flies? and usa got infected with frankfurt school? and britshits lost their empire? and germany is controlling the EU right now?
yea fun times.
David Cruz
Russian idea of "business"
"You take deal. Or I shit on couch and wipe piss on curtains. I no care. You go. I stay. I poor. I no make enough money. People no like me. You give. I have rent to pay. Why you no make deal now? I nice guy!!"
Asher Parker
Zachary Hill
>No "hello" from anyone. No fucking smiles. You poor ameribro. Russians doesn't make a spesial show for you? How dare they! We are master race here. Stupid russian must dance before me! Why he didn't do it, why?!!!
No, because you don't know how to ACT like anyone else in business. Because you're fucking ANTS. Worse than the CHINESE.
THat's why you're all dirt poor and fail in business here. THat's why you go nowhere. Because you think having a pleasant attitude is 'wrong'. You can't even see much you act like NIGGERS
Adrian Bennett
>Russians think dealing with people in a professional manner is "stupid"
>Wonder why all their businesses suffer and nobody outside of their hive wants to do business with them.
Dylan King
This is literally the Russian idea of a "Model Citizen"....
John Clark
>russian is the only slavic language >meme flag stob bosting heer :DDDD
Julian Gray
Nice detonation. >THat's why you're all dirt poor and fail in business here So why their business still alive? Remember ameribro, Russians don't make show or fake smiles. -Are you have a deal? -Yes -Let's talk about business -Where is your smile? -Fuck the smile, we're here to talk about business, isn't it? -Mmmmmmm rage, fuking niggers, mmmm butthurt.
Ian Flores
Whatever you say. Don't forget to lock your door tonight, Ahmet might get hungry or horny and your house could be on his way.
Jonathan Baker
Nah, it's not that you just don't smile. You don't care about SHIT. You don't care about business. You don't know how to deal. You don't fill out paperwork right. You try and steal from people. You lie. You cheat the government. You cheat retailers. You talk shit to your own customers. You look like you're all fucking murderers in waiting
You think this is just about "Smiling"
When I say you're NIGGERS... I mean almost every aspect. I mean from sun up to sun down, you're FUCKING NIGGERS
Liam Jenkins
Stop Comparing us to Russians, we are not related to them in any way, except for a very slightly similar language Also this
John Taylor
>Russians don't smile
Yeah, they literally wipe their dicks on your desk and tell you to like it. The "Russian" (See;Nigger) way.
Elijah Kelly
>t.desperate kikel
Sebastian Wood
I hope Russia starts a nuclear exchange with us and all their missile silos malfunction because they were too drunk and stupid to maintain them....and they all get wiped out or suffer radiation poisoning and starve so much they eat dirt.
That would make my dick hard.
Nicholas Richardson
It's sad that I have to bring it to you, but if they are doing this to you, they might be your masters.
Isaiah James
>You don't care about business. So why do you become to russains. Are ther were nobody else? >You don't fill out paperwork right. Russians need money, no paper. >You try and steal from people. You lie. What's wrong? Oh, maybe the rest buisnessmans make show before you to mask this situation. >You cheat the government. Absolutley right thing. Russians doesn't need goverment. >You look like you're all fucking murderers in waiting It's your imagination and stereotypes. Like about the niggers. >When I say you're NIGGERS Thank you, your opinion is very important for me, stay on a line we call you back.
Camden Foster
t. jew
Logan Scott
>That would make my dick hard. Your white anglosaxon protestant president Obama gaves us 24 tonns of weapon plutoneum.
Landon Hall
Basically everything you said there is what a NIGGER would say. Why are you literally proving my point...NIGGER?
Only a Jew, a Nigger, or a RUSSIAN Nigger says shit like that.
Aaron Jackson
Yeah, a Nigger in the West gave Niggers in the East Plutonium. Niggers benefit Niggers. What else is new?
Lucas Davis
Wellcome to a real world, my dear zombied monkey. >Nigger in the West gave Niggers in the East Plutonium Your poor "white" suck nigger, jew, rissian cock. Good, good. Your great America is ruling by jews, niggers and russians. Who are slave in this situation?