
subs are out!
VNfags are not allowed

Other urls found in this thread:

VNfags are the ones who care the most about the show.

Still, Serika is best.

>Chyuu said they will be "subbing" this
>Still hasn't released any episode
>Their site seems to be dead as well

A trap is fine too

That boy ain't right. If it isn't traps it is lolis and if it isn't lolis it is piss.

This episode didn't have any Uki and Takuru interaction. Why even put Hana and Uki in the story if they are changing the story this much?

Watching it now

But the VNfags are the only ones keeping these threads alive let alone watch the show.

His delusions are better that Takumi's.

Dammit taku

He wouldn't do something like that.

This show has really nice thighs.

>VNfags are not allowed
Are there even that many VNfags on here? It's not translated and not many of us speak moon.

Black uniforms really bring out the ZR.

Taku being so bold, taking serika's virginity right on the spot

He seems really desperate to get his dick wet, no matter who it's in.

Hell yeah.

But terrible necks

Who care about necks? not me or Silver Link.

I wish I could read japanese

How's Uki and Taku's interaction in the VN?

LCC can't come soon enough. The females in this series are too delicious.

Everyone of them

Yes. Looking at the promotional material for LCC makes me realize how good of a body Serika has. Takuru had his priorities wrong.

>I'm a guy but I got the heard of a woman!


Almost nonexistent. It's mostly Nono telling Taku to call Uki by her first name to make her feel like family. They never really get past the "awkward sort-of adopted sibling orphans" stage.

Takumi's chat log

Any taku delusions?

There's the unskippable delusion where Uki kills Taku's entire family. There's also a positive delusion in Mio's apartment where Uki busts in and has some chuuni shonen battle with Taku.

So nono route is senri route?

>The females in this series are too delicious.
I'm not too sure about that.

Takuru really had it the hardest of all sci;adventure MCs. At least Takumi had Rimi

You mean Seira

Having Rimi is a burden onto itself though, she is a meddler.

Bet takumi had rimi cosplay seira and you know what happens next

>Rimi is a burden

See this.

That's our Taku.

>ywn have rimi to meddle with your life

Yes, and Nanami bursts in before anything happens.

It's a horrible feeling, isn't it?

Rimi a best

I need a bigger picture of this

If you find it, please share it. I don't have scans of the book.


Nana + mi

Nana + Me

Nono + You

Nono + Yui

Nono is shit, please dont associate her with Nana

Nono is alright, don't speak ill of the dead.

But Nono clearly has the upper hand

Reminder that this CG is canon to the True End.

Nono has a huge-ass hand for a di-sword

And it only took them ~10 hours

Are we talking about Senri or Nono? Design wise, Senri looks top tier

You are wrong.

Why not both?

Shut up, Serika.

Where do you get these

I ripped them from the PC version of Chaos;Child and converted them to jpg because they are too large to post on Sup Forums as png.

Why does Serika have a rape face on?

The truth is ugly, we know that already.

She does it for Taku~

Because that is the delusion he wished for.

Two Twin-Tailed Tellers of Truth ask you who you like better. How do you answer?

I like Hinae better desu


You chose... poorly.

Hinae is sweeter. The way she falls for Takuru is natural.

One qwuestion about her route. When she says "uso!" at the end of Takuru's life is she referring to him lying about him being in love with her, him being happy to give up his life, or that she is just screaming because he is dying?

Smeone have a summary of Hinae's route?

God damnit, this series is interesting. I need to play the VN.

Make sure to read Chaos;Head beforehand. Hopefully C;C will be translated when you finish it.

This delusion was great

Aren't all delusions great?

Noah translation never.
I really need to get to learning japanese
This one having effect once it ended makes it superior to most delusions in Chaos;Head
I guess it's forced delusion though

Noah will be there if the CoZ pulls through on their promises.
And in the meanwhile there is the cleaned up PC patch, Chaos;Child airing right now is the whole reason those anons put in the effort to make it playable without bugs.
>forced delusion
Yes, it's a forced delusion. It doesn't really count.

Hinae likes the taku?

Everyone likes the Taku.

Hana too. She is the only one who gets distressed over Takuru and other girls.

All of them are 10/10

Where's senri?

Hinae's perfect size all around

But user, she is in the picture, can't you see?

Hopefully that whore is in the ground.

I want Senri instead of that whore Nono
This song is so great, a shame they didn't let FES sing the ED Theme again.
I really like the foreshadowing of it. If you think about this song as an ingame song being displayed on the jumbotron all the time, doesn't it make it really, really good?

On the other hand, Okabe is messing with the timeline while these guys were messing with reality

How fucked up is this world?

Don't speak ill of the dead. Besides, Senri is the lying piece of shit.

>implying it isn't much different from our world know

Funnily enough, only on the Steins Gate world line it is possible for the Chaos World to develop the way it did in C;C.


Well, in the Beta attractor field, Tokyo gets bombarded in 2011 and in Alpha attractor field, Sern develops their hegemony before the Chaos World is established in 2015.
Even though the events of Chaos;Head happen on every world line shown in Steins;Gate.

Nono is dead in both timelines right?

Not only both, but all of them. She dies as a result of the Shibuya earthquake, so she should be dead in all world lines.



To add insult to injury, the S;G 0 translation is just bad with glaring translation issues.

Poor Steiner, you have my sympathy.

Uki seems a bit too young, I wanna see her and taku's interaction in LCC

The same guy's translating Chaos;Child as well, so I heard. I also heard he works for CR, so he might be the guy subbing it this season. If that's the case, I hope you like "whose eyes those eyes", "KnightHeart", and "ribbit froggies".

She is 14, I think?
That's old enough.
Don't make me rage again. I will pray for to fix any and all problems in the translation.

They're cool guys but they're just doing fixes in the end. The official project will forever be tainted by a guy who clearly doesn't care about the games themselves.

I just realized, her VA is that vegetable maid from last summer

As long as I can get the full experience and get my nonexistent friends to try the full experience for themselves I will be satisfied.

Guess I'll just continue learning Japanese then just as I've said a couple of times already


Why are they all best?

Because it is a delusion.