What went wrong?
What went wrong?
Wrong? It is fun as fuck.
The only bad thing is the saggyness of Aqua's tits.
Literally nothing
It's just same old same old. It feels like they're focusing too much on trying to the main characters and kinda ruining the joke by starting to make them seem semi-competent.
IMHO, they'd do better to expand the universe a bit and give the side characters more time to shine.
You want to know what's wrong?
You constantly force fed yourself shit anime after shit anime in order to convince yourself you are somehow "qualified" to judge an anime's worth.
At this point, the very essence of your pitiful self esteem comes from hating anime just because other people like it, because you wanted to be "unique" and "different", and this is because your parents never loved you.
You are so far gone that you can't appreciate a story about 4 friends having fun, simply because it reminds you that you fucked up, and now you are 29, a useless NEET rotting away in their parents basement with no friends, job, or dreams.
You're just jealous of kazuma for being lucky enough to have friends
you have shit taste
Is this show some kind of sick meme here?
Sag is the best thing to happen to anime in years
it was competing with better anime like maid dragon so konosuba looked like thee weakest link in comparison unlike last year when konosuba was the only interesting show in its season
>maid dragon
its better than konosuba thats for sure
Don't trip out on me here because the show is funny, I do enjoy it and for that I still watch and appreciate it for the comedy. Everyone with eyes can see the animation quality is pretty fucking sickeningly bad in general. Especially when watching and comparing to some of the other shows on this season.
I bet you complained about ping pong the animation's animation too
You're so ignorant. KonoSuba has certainly overall been funnier than Maid Dragon so far, sure, however the animation of Maid Dragon blows KonoSuba way out of the water.
The change in art syle.
10 eps instead of 20
>ping pong animation is the same as konosuba
Darkness. She is worst girl and brings everything down.
The only things writing wise that maid dragon does better than Konosuba is that it panders to yurifags and lolicon.
Only real answer
I got tired of her quickly in the first season but I think she had some really good episodes this time around.
Needed more Aqua but it's still pretty great.
not that the LNs are selling & anime is well received they slowed down
the problem is next Ln comes out in in april and not immediately
It set the bar too high for late '10s trash to compete with
there you go buddy, feeling better now that the pasta is out
It's a great show, you sad Sup Forums crossposter.
actually gtfo back to Reddid where you origincally came from in 2015.
The fanbase
How does DEEN always find a way?
Second season is even better than first season. Your argument is invalid.