Why would anyone be socially conservative?

I have a really hard time understanding why someone would want a government to force everybody to follow a certain morality.

What's the argument for this?

Why would you care about what other people do if it doesn't affect you?

Because socially liberal beliefs eventually bleed over into economically liberal beliefs. The majority of people are retards, and I'd prefer to be the only human living. Barring that, Nazism with have to do.

Because we have to be exposed to it in public and through the media. I don't want to see dudes in gimp suits getting face fucked at pride parades, or blacks preying on white women in every TV ad.

Social liberalism dooms nations.

>Meanwhile we liberals pass laws that destroy people's lives for expressing opinions we don't approve of, and there isn't anything wrong with that.

Excuse my ignorance, but isn't that a slippery slope argument? Can you elaborate?

Can't you just not look away? How is someone forcing you to look at for instance two white guys kissing at a restaurant?
Just because degeneracy(opinion) is allowed doesn't mean you have to partake in it.

Straw man and dumb

How does it not affect me?
Shit culture promoted everywhere doesn't affect me?

>why someone would want a government to force everybody to follow a certain morality.

you already follow the same morality.

Just punish those who don't participate and ruin everything.
If you don't do this then you're a faggot.

>if it doesn't affect you?
it does affect you, just like the social system helping poor people will effect you later on, indirectly. There is no way around this.

Because the average person is ignorant and not strong enough to overcome nihilism thus everybody becomes a degenerate who only lives to fuck, do drugs and party slowly killing the country, crippling the economy and destroying the race. This together with all the faggot shit and feminism is the perfect storm for any country and though not perfect state moralism seems like the only valid alternative to stop this right now.

It's not about me, it's about children being exposed to this nonsense.

Congratulations, you discovered a key difference between socialism and capitalism: does the government have a responsibility to enforce morality?

Culture as in:

Is not affected by government laws unless the laws of freedom of expression/speech/media are changed. For instance, even if cocaine is illegal I can make a movie about it as long as my freedom of artistic expression (or whatever it's called in the US) is preserved.

Same goes for public opinion.

You are sure making a lot of assumptions.

Most of those babies are niggers you know? I agree abortion should only be allowed in case of rape and forced in case of malformations for European people.

>unless the laws of freedom of expression/speech/media are changed
Obviously. Your point?

Yeah, what has the economic system to do with the moral/cultural policies you fucking idiot?

it affects you when everyone is participating in degeneracy

personally I think you can avoid law by having tight nit communities and strong social taboo, but we're well past that with all the multi culti bullshit that's been forced upon us

the other problem is international interests actively funneling money into causes to worsen the degeneracy making the people ever more divided and easier to control because of their own struggles for supremacy

personally I dont care if you want to be a degenerate, but it should never leave your personal life, and should ABSOLUTELY never be normalized in the public sphere of social life

how many times does history have to give us weimars for social liberals to understand this

of course I guess they unironically advocate for weimars so its a lost cause trying to convince them that's a very base state of humanity and the basest civilization can be

its about the fact that you should be able to keep your degenerate base instincts to yourself and not subject everyone around you to it

most of these people you are talking about are attention seeking faggots who want to trigger as many conservitards as they can, just look at those faggots who are whining about their cake

Oh because one accepts the worth and value of social constructs beyond the individual.

>Why would you care about what other people do if it doesn't affect you?

Because one realizes that maintaining and perpetuating a society that serves the overall public good requires certain restraints against societally, if not individually destructive behavior.

For example, was China wrong in the 19th century to try and stop a foreign power (Britain) from predatorily addicting their population to opiates? The Chinese citizens should be perfectly free to be enslaved to drugs, right? Their body their choice?

And besides, this destitution and exploitation would have no effect on other, non-addict Chinese, right?

Because without it you get thots and degenerates and end up where we are today.

Fags spread disease. Criminals fuck up shit for everyone. Women don't know how to govern.

These things affect society which ends up affecting me

The real question is why anyone with half a brain would support social liberalism? This is a child's mentality

Hedonism has never produced anything of value in a society

Even if all degenerate behavior according to X were to be banned, media and public opinion about these issues won't be changed unless the government starts policing thought and information (freedom of speech/freedom of artistic expression).

For instance: if gay relationships were to be made illegal people won't magically change their opinion on the subject and movies won't stop making movies with gay relationships.

I was responding to
And my point is that culture won't change much or at all.

>isn't that a slippery slope argument
That's how the Left operates. Step by step they change society into a shit hole.

>The real question is why anyone with half a brain would support social liberalism?
obviously because they plan on being hedonist

>For instance: if gay relationships were to be made illegal people won't magically change their opinion on the subject and movies won't stop making movies with gay relationships.

stupid, if gay relationship was made illegal it would obviously be enough of a fascist state to keep homosexual propaganda out of its public sphere in the form of movies

and really are you so dense you don't see where all this multi culti/alt-sexual bullshit propaganda is coming from?

follow the money, read about the first steps to instilling communism, it starts with getting the youth to think certain ways and cutting off certain avenues of thought

fucking swede living up to his stereotypes

Easy. Just reinstate obscenity laws like we used to have. When its Illegal for Hollywood/media to push faggotry and deviant sexual behavior public opinion will change soon after.

How do you think faggotry and no fault divorces were normalized in the first place?

dialectics my friend, this is their tool, we must learn to call them on this if we wish for them to stop deteriorating society

>I have a really hard time understanding why someone would want a government to force everybody to follow a certain morality
Because open immorality has an effect on the collective consciousness of a people.
Think about the word *morale*. The world moral is right there in it. A demoralized
people is a de-moral-ized people. Low morals=low morale. A demoralized
people are more easily manipulated.
>The purpose of psyops is to undermine the enemies will and capacity to resist.
>propaganda is only effective against an enemy who is tiring, and who is already doubting themselves
>PSYOPS have little effect on those with exceedingly high levels of morale.

The government doesn't have to do anything. We're social creatures. Peer shame and alienation can easily force these perverts back into the truck stops and hidden clubs whence they came. Or drive them to jump off of a bridge. Nothing is lost.

>Why would you care about what other people do if it doesn't affect you?

It does though, which is something you will realize as you get older.

Why force kids to go to school? If half of parents decide not to enroll and educate their kids, that doesn't directly affect me or my family. But it affects society at large. Same reason you don't want a bunch of stoned losers to make up your community. Their actions don't directly affect you. But their degenerate lifestyle is bad for your community, compared to if they were employed, healthy, contributing members of society. Their actions affect the nation at large. That's why the fit meme isn't a meme. Get in better shape for your country. We're all stronger when people be the best they can be. Even good choices which don't directly affect you, can benefit you indirectly, just like the bad. Imagine if bill gates decided to be a pothead stoner, rather than build microsoft. It was his choice, and we all are affected by it.

This is why I'm no longer a lolbertarian. The live and let live ideology is generally good, but it has its practical shortcomings, which we fix through social conservative principles. That's a better system so long as it isn't overbearing.

It does affect me. Every mindset shaped is one that can vote. Voting is the exercise of saying what you want done with the monopoly of violence that is the government.

Individualist morality is a failure. A human unit isn't a single person, as a baby would not survive in the wild. It's not a family, as inbreeding would make it a dead end after some generations. The human unit is the tribe, and I want my tribe to have the mindset of looking after our future so that our unit survives.

>Swede flag
>Country getting invaded and raped by nogs
>Unable to see the benefit of Conservatism

they are all brainwashed

go back to leftypol krautcuck

Good points. The individual ends up being able to do what they want for the most part anyway, as long as you keep it behind closed doors. The idea is to keep the filth out of the public eye.

>doesn't affect you
This has physically harmed my eyeballs.

It's easy to understand that, what angers me is cristians wanting to do it when their god is all about "let them free will their way to heaven or hell".

Social conservatism has nothing to do with "the government forcing you to live a certain way".
It just means no faggot parades and abortions.

>Swedish flag
Of course

But you can't just be a stoned loser and that's it. You need money to buy weed, even if it's a shitty supermarket job that's still a job. You still contribute to the economy and society at large.

Imo the issue is with this constant idea that you absolutely always need to feel safe and comfortable, and if you don't feel safe or comfortable you should immediately drop whatever it is you're doing and go somewhere else. We've stopped encouraging people to strive for something better than where they are now.

I think it has a lot to do with the neo-liberal corporatism that has infested the west. They want the vast majority of the population to be unthinking comfort junkies who will buy whatever shiny new thing came out this week. Rather than trying to live fulfilling lives people look for meaning in material things.

And the real irony is that striving to make your life better is fulfilling in and of itself, but we've completely lost our way in that sense.

It does affect people in all kinds of ways, even if you don't participate in it.

Divorce rates have skyrocketed. Children are being raised by a single mothers, and the libtards find it empowering.

You can't find a "pure" girl anymore. The media and the culture drifted promoted the idea of people having multiple partners. That being "tied" to one person is a negative thing.

You don't have the same freedom of speech anymore also. Any opinion against homosexuality isn't up to debate, their goal is to simple shut it down by attacking you.

There's demand for specific bathrooms, educating little children about homosexuality, attempt to give the government the rights to take children out of their parents, etc.

Going to sleep soon so I won't be able to reply anymore

Your arguments are a little hard to understand but:
>Implying it serves "the public good"
>Implying your opinion on what "individually destructive behavior" is more accurate than said individuals

I don't know if I agree with your implications


You won't get aids if you don't fuck a gay guy
>Criminals fuck up shit for everyone
>Women don't know how to govern
Not even an argument, what the fuck does this have to do with being socially liberal.

Also isn't capitalism based on a hedonistic mentally (become happier by becoming richer) which has contributed a ton to society.

Even disregarding capitalism hedonism isn't supposed to help society as a hole, it's supposed to make individuals happier which is meaningful.

Literally not an argument. Progressive politics usually go step by step towards an ideal. Ideals don't turn into other ideals for no reason in a progressive society.

Read what I wrote again. If you your lazy:
>If freedom of speech/freedom of artistic expression remain.

Also not sure about this homosexual propaganda you claim over but you say it'll lead to communism(authoritarian) which is the opposite of a liberal point of view of social issues which makes me think the "propaganda" you claim exist is Alex Jones style bullshit conspiracy as it makes no sense.
How does making something less authoritarian lead to it becoming more authoritarian (communism).

Being this dumb

I've actually thought about this and I think it's a debate of definition.

Common view is that if something(social behavior) doesn't affect/hurt you it should be legal.

In my opinion this doesn't mean that all drugs should be legal which may lead to (extreme example) 50% of the population dying as it does affect you significantly.
The hard thing for me is defining where the line goes on affect.

that's a silly standard, fascist societies don't allow for those freedoms, but I would wager that if they did its a matter more of outside internationalist subversive influence than internal, especially in a fascistic society where usurpers are thrown out

shut your tv then

Because people in general are pretty fucking self-centered and stupid, leading to stuff like drug abuse, atheism (not looking to start a christianity vs atheism debate here), narcicism, excessive consumerism, hypersexuality, degeneracy etc etc.

>Why would you care about what other people do if it doesn't affect you?

But it does, one way or another, god fucking damnit, I know you're a swede, so I'll TELL you how everything affects you.
>fat fuck eats himself into healthcare, that's YOUR MONEY being spent on keeping a worthless human alive through taxes
>retard drugs up and rams his car into a state-owned building/structure, a fucking fence idc, that's gonna come out of YOUR paycheck like it or not
>bisexuals spreads diseases, woop de fucking doo, you have to pay for the aids and chlamydia, also you now stand the risk of contracting shit unless you find a virgin or something

I hate you Sven, I hate you so fucking much.
