What's her body type?
What's her body type?
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nibutani best girl
No, she's not. She (and almost every anime girl) is anorexic and unhealthy. They show a really bad and un-achievement-able image to girls. That's one of the main reasons I HATE anime.
u wot?
Yeah. I realized this in 2002, when I read the Tales of Eternia instruction manual and saw that all the girls weighed 90-something pounds.
I meant to respond to
I dont think this is the right website for you bub
>What's her body type?
pure sex
She's like a stick with "bigger than average" tits. Stop glorify this kind of bodytype you sick fucks.
everyone in anime is drawn that way, there may be one fat kid for comical perpuse, but everyone else malnutrition incarnated
Why are you even here in the first place.
Shinka's stats rules her out of being anorexic.
thats just the way it is, i dont complain, i like most anime art-stiles except the kawaii ones where everyone looks like a child
Inferior body type to Sento
>kawaii ones
fuck off normalfag
the type to drain muh dick
the best
Here's your (you), I can't take it
sorry not everyone enjoys cheese pizza, pedo
go hang yourself retard
50c > Moles > Mori Summer
Canine bait.
Semen Demon
I have to agree with you. Nothing is worse than being called a fattie if you don't look like these "waifus".
I'm not even sure what's bait. Anglos are so fucking fat that they don't know what a normal human body looks like anymore, so nothing surprises me.
You wanted to say Unatedstatians.
Brits and Strayas are ok.
Shinka is 165cm and 57kg
>brits are okay
Same as mine.
delusional burger detected
>not steadily overtaking americans in obesity
You might want to get your head out of your ass and go look up some statistics
>So many replies to that baby-tier trolling
>tfw im 165cm and 57kg
lol faggot dyel?
I wish I was shorter than Shinka.
Shinka is straight up fat you must be an obese whale.
Shinka is not fat, what the fuck?
>tfw shorter than Shinka
Into the furnace she goes.
A perfect 10, why isn't she a supermodel?
>You'll never murder Shinka then spit on her corpse while feeding it to some hungry Hyenas.
You're into those kind of things, huh?
Asians be tiny bro.
Bait or not, I honestly wonder why women are so prone to crab mentality. When a man sees a ripped guy he either doesn't care or hits the gym. But a girl wants to drag everyone down to her level instead of improving.
So are you a troll or an idiot?
anime != rl
I like my 2D like this specifically because it's 2D and it can be pulled off well. A 90 pound asian girl with 30 pounds of tits on her and eyes the size of her fist would look pretty grotesque and unattractive in our own plane of existence (at least to most people, but everyone has their fetishes), and that should be clear to anybody.
Also, beauty doesn't have to be attainable just because it'd make people feel good about themselves, however unfair that may rightly be. Hell, I'd argue that it's the exact fucking opposite is always going to be true; the beautiful and idolized people are the outliers, the above-and-beyond, by definition the majority of people are never going to be beautiful in an aesthetic sense.
Shinka I want to shove my cock into you while I slice open your stomach with a razor ~~~
They don't want to put any effort into anything, but still want the attention.
It has some truth to it. Maybe not full fat, but she is a bit chunky to compared to 99% of anime girls. For example pic related is 167cm with 52kg and she is rather average in terms of anime girls height/weight ratio.
>implying Sup Forums doesn't act the same way
The same body type as the average Sup Forumsnon
But I'm a little girl.
You were.
The ceiling would be too weak.
Gangbang material.
How do I get Shinka to notice me?
You need a big dick
Be a dog.
pls no bully
underrated post.
>haha hey guys, I just posted something funny and you didn't even notice haha