Does Shinji actually have depression? Or is it just because of his life circumstances and trauma?
Does Shinji actually have depression? Or is it just because of his life circumstances and trauma?
>is he actually blind or is it just because they gouged his eyes out?
What I mean is, does he have a chemical imbalance in his brain or just a shitty life
>does he have effect or cause
Both. The brain and body are always interacting with the environment, they do not exist in some form of vacuum where you can easily measure and diagnose things.
Some people have a predisposition, suicide can run in the family, but trauma and pressure will physically and chemically change the brain.
What he really, provably has is avoidant personality disorder. He also has some bipolar and histrionic traits, most of his outbursts are simply a way of getting attention and collecting pity points in front of an audience.
>we don't really know anything about the brain
Ignore anything said and written by faggots who use this statement.
He's a gigantic faggot
There's no such thing as depression, he was just being a whiny cunt.
Huh, that makes sense, thank you.
He's suffering from Kaf(u)ka. Caused by not having sex and working for the government. There is no known cure.
Eva is possibly the only thing which I absolutely hate and love unconditionally at the same time
Thanks. I spend a lot of time reading, probably too much for my own good.
Not entirely, just starved of affection and attention through a non-existent mother and absentee father
Then he'd probably be fine if he grew up in an AU like the TV ending.
>There's no such thing as depression
And people with die-a-beetus are just fat fucks, right?
>There is no known cure.
Just go get a professional hooker, mang.
They fuck better than most deadfish girlfriends ever will.
If you are looking for intimacy then you are shit out of luck.
Thus said girlfriends are overrated, as they will only make you feel like you are in heaven for the first 2 weeks. It wears off quick and there is always the possibility of her cucking you or cheating on you.
The best case scenario would be a fuck buddy - free of charge and no bad feelings or drama.
Exactly. It's just all in your head.
this whole thing is a jerkoff
Would it have helped if Asuka was a caring type and nurtured him (including fucking him)?
No, because he didn't care about her. Giving a child what they want isn't always the answer.
No, what Shinji needs is therapy and a strong support system, not a sexual relationship at his young age
How disgusting. But no, it's not enough, Shinji needs to be taught about himself, similar to how Kanpur tried to tell him. If Asuka would simultaneously try to make him into a man than it would be nice. But Asuka isn't some nanny for gay boys.
That's basically what Kaworu did and Shinji was a lot better during that time.
Before Kaworu cucked him, at least.
I meant Karl*
>Would it have helped if Asuka was a caring type
>and nurtured him (including fucking him)?
>for gay boys.
that's the root of the problem
gays and trannies like Shinji are mentally ill by default and need shock therapy and medication
I feel bad for Shinji after Asuka moves in. As if that kid didn't need therapy before...
Kaworu was exactly what Shinji needed. Someone who listened to him, gave him the validation he wanted (not related to piloting Eva) and didn't gloss over or ignore his flaws. Too bad he got turned into chunky salsa.
I felt bad for Asuka for putting so much faith in an autistic homo
He's just a teenage faggot
Shinji is best
He looks like such a flamboyant fag here
Someone call Mike Pence
Pence is busy sucking Trump's dick
>He looks like such a flamboyant fag here
I wonder why.
Gay is the new straight.
Yep, he's like "oh, all that misogyny makes my head hurt, where are my pills"
Yeah, when people point out Shinji's flaws, they never mention his misogyny. Just "hurr durr he's a wimp who won't fuck any of the girls"
How the fuck is he misogynic? He hated mankind regardless of gender.
Or is he misogynic simply by virtue of being male?
Did you watch EOE? Half of it was about how he viewed the women in his life as sex objects and expected them to coddle and serve him and got angry at them for giving him "" false signals"". And the hell kitchen sequence was basically him being Mr Nice Guy until he showed his true colors when he strangled Asuka just because she wouldn't give in to his needs
I don't even know where to begin with this post. It's like the Mt. Fujo of feminist projection.
>Did you watch EOE?
No I didn't watch it. I pretended to watch it 6 times, but since I didn't give it a feminist interpretation I obviously didn't understand a thigh.
>Half of it was about how he viewed the women in his life as sex objects and expected them to coddle and serve him and got angry at them for giving him "" false signals""
Asuka demanded to be objectified and demanded that he be the dominant party in the "relationship". Also Shinji is the one that cooks and cleans for two women for the entire show.
>And the hell kitchen sequence was basically him being Mr Nice Guy until he showed his true colors when he strangled Asuka just because she wouldn't give in to his needs
He strangled her after putting up with months of abuse from a person that demanded all of his time and attention. while giving nothing in return. Nothing, not even a smile, for months. No one wants to be less than nothing. And it was his projection and not a real person in that scene. He broke down in tears when he tried strangling the real one.
I've tried to keep my anger in check while writing this. I've never really understood how anyone could hate women, but I'm beginning to understand. For better or worse.
If you're a man of course you wouldn't understand, that's also how you view women so you have no problem with how Shinji views women. Asuka being a mind projection doesn't matter because Shinji had no way of knowing that. He only cried in EOE because it reminded him of Yui's touch and he regressed to his mother issues. He didn't only objectify Asuka, he also did it to Rei, who never shoved her boobs in his face. Many people cheered in the scene where Shinji strangled Asuka. Why? Because she was a "bitch" and deserved it. They all felt validated watching that because it felt like a way of getting back at any woman who dumped them. Shinji having feminine qualities doesn't make him not a misogynist.
I don't agree with "misogynistic" interpretation, yet I can't see the proper analysis in yours. Asuka never really demanded to be objectified, her and Shinji's problem was inability to understand each other. We were even comparing to with Anno's vision on polar cultures (which is more prominently presented in recent Shin Godzilla) and analyzing the most obvious symbolism presented. As both Shinji and Asuka are unable to see others as "others", they can't comprehend the fact that human relationship is not to be one-sided. So they both "demand" (Asuka aggressively, Shinji passively) to be cared about, while forgetting of what other people may need. The kitchen scene was a revelation, the truth about how Asuka truly felt all this time. Your mistake is that you point out Shinji as an innocent victim, his is that he points out Asuka as one, while in reality they both were at fault of hurting each other. Poor kids, I swear, now I'm crying.
Not trying to absolve Asuka of blame here, but shoving is not comparable to strangling. Asuka might have been abusive towards Shinji, but in the end Shinji hurt her far more than she hurt him. He was also gross in his own passive way towards her. He sees her as "sex" and a big "mystery" (read the EOE extra scripts), a collection of body parts rather than her own person
Of course I don't understand women, I even said it earlier.
Also, who's "they"? I only care about the scene and how we saw it it two different ways. Never met one of "dem" in my life, only people I agreed or disagreed with.
>so look at me
I'm not saying Shinji strangled her out of misogyny, just that he was placing unreasonable demands on her and got angry when she wouldn't mother him. Also because she shoved him into a pot of boiling hot coffee, yeah
>The kitchen scene was a revelation, the truth about how Asuka truly felt all this time
What. Thats not the real Asuka, just Shinji's fears and insecurites amplified tenfold
They're both completely unable to communicate their needs to the other one. The sort of people I'd tend to avoid irl. They might even qualify as "dem".
Shinji should logically be sad considering his circumstances, but you need to ask yourself if he would still be sad if his life was suddenly fine. I believe yes, he would be, so he does have clinical depression. He seems to have that personality.
I met a lot of depressive people in my life, and in all cases it was their parents who put the first and the last nail in the coffin. As well as most of the nails down the middle.
Even if you put him into some hypothetic normal environment (what is normal? hard to say in our time.) he'd still probably be the same, just a little bit better. Like a very dark gray instead of flat black.
>he didn't care about her
Is this a bait or something? I mean he literally jumped into a volcano for her.
Of course he cares about her, he cares about everyone
Read the post i was responding to.
I've been trying to contain my laughter for a milennia
Can you elaborate about the nails?
The more interesting question is if this fucking guy was depressed. If yes, then Shinji is depressed
What even is depression? Is it somehow not depression if you feel sad for a while after a loved one dies? Do you have to "fall into" depression?
I'm depressed. Someone huggle me
What did he mean by this?
> obviously didn't understand a thigh
Better than a hug, more amazing than cuddling.
Panda gave penguin a big hug and which turned into cuddling (huggle) as she sat down with him they talked and talked never letting go of each other, and right before they had to head back they kissed.
That was Misato, Rei, and Yui. Kaworu didn't do anything to hide how inconceivable not wanting to die was to him.
Kaworu's death broke him, but Kaworu's love made him want to exist in the real world
>Panda kissing a penguin
Okay, whatever, I would hug you if I met you, don't worry, user
He misspelled strangle.
Aw user.
I feel bad for this kid. He just wanted his father's love and he gave him a harem full of self-centered hoes
Only Asuka was self-centered really. Misato genuinely cared about the kids and Rei was so selfless that she saw herself as disposable even before she knew she was a clone.
>What even is depression?
Chemical imbalance in the brain.
They still used and didn't care enough to try to understand his feelings
Rei killed herself like three times to save him, Misato and Kaworu sacrificed their lives for him, Toji and Kensuke genuinely liked him and were nice to him. Even Asuka cared somewhat. Most of NGE is Shinji not realizing what he had and thinking everyone either didn't care or disliked him. Which is a major sign of depression, the feeling that everyone hates you
Depression is a perpetual state of feeling bad about everything, characterized by a lack of energy and feelings of despair or futility. It can be caused randomly by chemical imbalance, or the chemical inbalance can be forced by your enviornment or upbring cause you to always be sad.
Toji and Kaworu aren't part of the harem and did try to reach out to the guy without ulterior motives so they're good imo
Misato is the most direct influence, but it's everybody. Kaworu objects to abandoning Instrumentality so Shinji can explain his own reasoning.
>Is it somehow not depression if you feel sad for a while after a loved one dies?
No, that's just boring old sadness. Grieving is natural. Although sadness can lead to depression.
Rei also had no ulterior motives
Of course she's too autistic to have motives
I'm annoyed that the bridge bunnies are there. Did he even talk to them in the show?
Rei is not autistic, Rei is a cosmos-sized consciousness trapped in a teenage-human-sized, three-year-old brain
You could argue she started liking Shinji because she had a crush on Gendo and saw the good aspects of Gendo in him.
user, that's exactly what a patient with autism would describe themselves as.
She's got Yui's heart, so I thought this was canon already. She wants to protect her husband's son who makes her poka poka
She's a genius if she can read books in other languages given her three year old brain
Maybe to start. Shinji treating her better is how she becomes aware of how deprived she is and turns on Gendo.
Rei lived the worst life of everyone. And I'm not even saying this as one of those Reifags with huge persecution complexes, it's just the truth
It's not a competition
>He didn't care about her.
I went through a similar dysfunctional relationship in high school. Both of us had hella issues and she was incredibly self centered.
Obviously we were both at fault, we both contributed to the problem. You could argue I didn't care about the girl I was with at the time because I didn't do exactly as she wanted me to do. But one of the lines that resonates with me so well from Eva is when Shinji says to Asuka "how do you expect me to understand you if you won't tell me anything?" Every time I had an issue with my old GF she would yell at me for not just understanding her for no reason.
Though I was not flawless I do think I made an effort to care, but she just expected me to know exactly what to do or say because in her mind that would demonstrate that I "understand her" and apparently that's what a lot of people look for in a relationship, somebody who just "gets them".
It's a common trope that plays out and the stereotype is that women communicate in a way that they expect men to understand without using overt language, but men expect women to be able to communicate what they want explicitly. I don't know if this is what really went on in Asuka/Shinji's relationship but I figured I'd bring it up because that's what I could see myself. This argument does strike a nerve with me too because even if Shinji acted kinda selfish, Misato and Asuka were also trying to use him to fill holes in their own lives.
Which Rei, though?
I'm convinced a lot of the people here got drawn to Eva because they were at that spot in their lives at one point or another.
In before le 2D meme.
She doesn't understand the concept of emotions because the primordial beings were too advanced to have them
The series tells us that angels are basically humans who abandoned their shape. We have 99.89% similar DNA. So neither is more advanced than the other. It's just that she is a child, so she learns by mimicking others (Shinji shows her kindness, she shows him kindness. Asuka shows her hostility, she shows her hostility)
Rei I. Arguably Rei III since she lived like a total of one week. Rei II got the best deal, but even then her life was shit.
I thought Angels were descendants of Adam and humans descendants of Lilith, and that the reason they could not co-exist was because it's catostrophic. After all, isn't Gendo the body of/offspring of Adam and his contact with Lilith what started third impact?
This is not your blog and you're self-inserting.
I feel bad for your girlfriend, you're pathetic
>Implying Shinji and Asuka were in a relationship
He didn't want a relationship with her. That's not comparable