
Spoilers are out奇妙冒险&fp=1&tid=4983410251

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Jobin did nothing wrong.


What did he do? Give her a heat stroke?

Imgur mirror:

That's the most probable explanation.

Jobin pretty much guaranteed himself a really painful death now.

Finally, we see Speed Kimg again.

Is it bad if I want Yasuho to die for the sake of the fallout both in universe and fan base?

>Yasuho dies
>Gappy won't be happy
>Joshu lost everything
Just take everyone down with him and we get one big bad end.

Hopefully the nerdrage and story potential are good enough to ease the passing of best girl

With the usual Araki design change with Speed King no longer having the KC-esque angry mouth.

nah, too edgy

I think out of every person who could die, I think it'd be an actual shock and really jettison the plot forward if Yasuho died.

Perhaps. But I can't see JJL not having a bitter sweet ending.

Considering Jobin himself has had about 5 redesigns, SK looks relatively unchanged
It's odd that it's only ever a top half.

Why is he such a sexy beast?

I'm down for anything as long as it's interesting and handled well enough, but now is clearly not the right time for it.

>inb4 Speed King's hidden ability is heat detection so he was able to spot and follow Yasuho

So is Jobin the main villain confirmed?

So seeing as her nose was bleeding did Speed King use his heat to dry the air around Yasuho and cause her to pass out?

He might have done a precision attack by heating up a specific brain part.

Does this fight take pages from Kira vs Stray Cat too?

Both Kira and Gappy have their partners endangered and are working their asses to protect them with Shinobu and Yasuho respectively.

>Speed King attacking Yasuho


>Speed king attacked Yasuho


Judging from what I'm reading it looks like Josuke is suspecting that all of the zombies are herding him towards a specific location

Oh boy, Yasuho is gonna die

It's looking more likely with every chapter.

Since he seems to be keeping himself out of the rest of the action going on right now I'm half-expecting him to give Yasuho one of those dramatic motive speeches when she regains consciousness. Something like the napkin scene with Valentine and Lucy that convinced everyone of his main antagonist status for good, except without the weird rapey part afterwards of course.

Shoe store owned confirmed to be Highway Star's user

Jobin raping Yasuho confirmed.

If got rapey then Joubin would replace Cioccolata as my husbando.

I was expecting we'd get his flashback explaining his story like the Vit. C. fight but I'd rather wait.
Like have an entire chapter dedicated to it, he is still Jojo passed his adventure. So don't rush on how he overcome the curse, gained his scars, getting involved with Damo ect.

I have the headcannon that he's so used to overcoming things that befall him than it became ingrained in him that he HAS to do it for worth. I'd like to see that sort "shit part about being a stand user and related to joestars" more expanded on.

Jobin is a good and faithful husband. Probably. Maybe.

His kid likes a lot him at least.

Valentine was like that too and we all know how that turned out.

So we're all in agreement that this was Kira in a slapdash winter weather outfit and Josuke thought his hat was a pompodour because he was delirious on Death's door, right?

>We will get this scene animated
God is good.

Man, if Kira wasn't bragging about Bites the Dust, he might have gotten away with it. But then again, he loves to run his mouth when he's getting his way.

i bet jobin kills yasuho, then gappy bubbles the dusts

So I may be retarded but can anyone explain what the fuck happened in the Rohan vs. Rock Paper Scissors kid episode?

>When did he write that into Shizuka? Back at the train station when he had absolutely no intention of playing with the kid?
>How did Shizuka manage to get on the kid's hands and force him to make a fist without him feeling anything?
>Did Rohan seriously jump in front of the truck because he was 100% certain that he was so lucky at that moment that it wouldn't hit him?

Leave live-action anime adaptations to me.

but why are they wearing x

xl size*

It's part 4. If anything they should be wearing even more oversized clothes.

So what's the plot of this movie going to look like? Is it going to be all of part 4? If so they'd have to cut down massively, to the point where I can't see there being any side arcs at all, just Keicho -> Retto Hotto Chiri Peppa -> Kira. Even including RHCP might be too much given all the story beats associated with Kira.

They are doing it in 3 parts. So movie 1 goes to RHCP. Movie 2 ends at Kira changing face. And Movie 3 ends at Kira being defeated.

It's Araki being Araki and doing some crazy shit just for the fun of it is what he likes to do.

>DIU movie
>3 parts

Joshu and Gappy vs Jobin confirmed
Joshu will clearly lose his shit after he knows that big bro pulled strings against both his dad and Yasuho.

Speed King's power range is 10cm, it'll be powerful as fuck, literally melting the universe tier, he has all the right cards to be the main villain.

>live action RHCP

Live action Rohan vs RPS kid would fun to see.

>We'll be 2 movies in before we even see Reimi
This is gonna be so autistic

End of part 8 soon?

Him attacking Yasuho is basically a war declaration. Really feels like she's one of the last people you'd attack before the finale.
It seems from the spoilers though that she didn't see him, she probably passed out and didn't realize who attacked her.

Part 1. Dio kills Jojo's dog, dad, William Zeppeli, and Jonathan himself.
Part 2. What does Caesar Zeppeli and a can of soda have in common? They both go flat when they run out of bubbles.
Part 3. Avdol dies first, twice. Iggy gets kicked in by Vanilla Ice Cream. And Kakyoin gets turn into a doughnut.
Part 4. Yoshikage Kira kills Pineapple head, Aya, Yoshihiro Kira. Then the true hero comes and kills him. Ambulance.
Part 5. Dio sticks Jonathan's dick into everything and Giorno Giovanna is one of his many kids. Bruno is killed but becomes a zombie. Best girl Narancia dies, GioGio goes god mode and kills Diavolo multiple times. Polnareff becomes a turtle. AND YES, ABBACCHIO DIES, BUT NOBODY CARES.
Part 6. Everyone dies. Even Jotaro.
Part 7. The President kills Gyro Zeppeli. Johnny kills the President in all parallel worlds.
Part 8. Gappy is the new Jojo and he has four balls because he's made of two people, Yoshikage Kira and Josuke Higashikata. Johnny kills himself to save his child and wife.

Here are some spoilers. Help curb the cancerous fanbase by deterring new people from watching it.

Also madeyalook madeyalook madeyalook

Or maybe this is some bullshit where the Jobinfags are right and it just looks bad.

Oh hey wondering when this nigger was gonna show up. Still didn't get the errors corrected I see. No (you) from me faggot.

It's possible, Kaato and Jobin probably have good reasons, I don't see them being the absolute evil in classical main villain sense.

So when this all comes out as a awkward misunderstanding, we'll get a nice big apology from Gap tooth fuckers, right?

But I don't think either Jobin or Kaato are all pure evil. Jojolion has been showing all the perspectives,even from people like Aishou's life. I think it will be a more understandable when Jobin gets his story told

I'm no gappyfag user. I'm just want a quiet life. and all the Higashikata's to love each other and stop fighting

I forgot most errors, but I included Abbacchio's death

>he's made of two people, Yoshikage Kira and Josuke Higashikata.

Yoshikage Kira and Josefumi Kujo*

I like you. I do too user..

>Happy epilogue where all three of the brothers just go to the stadium to watch a game, Joubin treats them to their first beers,Joshu spills some spaghetti.

Last chapter's cover quote really got me though with the idea that if they all sat down and talked JJL could be over so quickly.

>Josefumi Kujo
Saved. Anything else?

I need it

>Uncle Joshu slipping Tsurugi his first ero magazine.
>Uncle Josuke taking Tsurugi on boat trips.
>Auntie Daiya giving him love advice for the girl he likes
>Auntie Hato taking him to rooms of pretty models.
>Auntie-in-law Yasuho finally laughs at Tsurugi's puns.

Nobody is allowed to die.

At the start of Jojolion I never expected to like any of these characters this much

I kind of want a bloodbath.

Will Mitsuba ever play a role in the story? She's never with Tsurugi, the fuck is she doing all the time?

she's the true villian

I didn't either.
But I think as their designs changed and Araki knew what he wanted with them, they've become very likeable. Probably the only Jojo part where I 100% like the main "gang".
I did like Kyo and Gappy at the start but even the beefy baby ended up being cool.

>I kind of want a bloodbath
That's what I think is gonna happen and is probably more right on what will happen.
But let me dream.
We don't need another Hayato "I'll wait for dad" remix.

Me too, user. Me too. But it looks as though shit is finally about to kick off.

Never even noticed before just how much Dolomite looks like Speed King.

>When King Nothing appeared behind Yasuho

but why is his name higashikata josuke? why specifically that name? how is he related to part 4 josuke?

I think you'll get one user. There is just so much tension within the family. Unless they band together against some common goal or somethhing

>King Nothing
I'm retarded that's not his name.

So Jobin is the big bad now?

Gappy and Yasuho vs Jobin and Mistuba when?


Trapkid is literally the best, based af.

Will Joshu meet up and side with Karera before the epilogue? And how much does she know about Josefumi and Kira?

Guess Araki just wanted to fuck with the fans, from the very beginning, see how in the first chapters he is reffered as Yoshikage Kira

He isn't.
There's 3 Josukes in JJL
Yasuho's dog, which Gappy is named over.
Josuke Higashikata, now known as Norisuke (The Patriarch name) His mother was named Tomoko and is part 4 Josuke in everything but stand and appearance.
And then there's Josefumi who is an expy appearance wise of Part 4 Josuke but has nothing else.

Crazy Diamond is in Part 8 but only as graffiti.

Not for me desu ;_;

Yeah, totally a misunderstanding. Just sneaking up on someone from behind and using your stand to cook their brain, just like saying hi.

Right because JJBA is known for having everything look exactly as it is.

It is when it comes to stand attacks.

Sure Araki can pull some twists but I would be surprised if this was the case.

Yasuho please stay safe.

She didn't get the information out before Jobin sucker punched her, did she? How can Blue Hawaii even be beaten now?

No, she needs to die so the plot can go somewhere.

Context matters kids

>Yasuho is the Shigechi of JoJolion

They never said how many parts they were doing, actually. Rumors say first movie only goes up to Yukako being defeated, as well as her role in the story being changed.

>yfw Gappy's ORA lasts 10 pages after finding out

Need more Speed King art

Need more Jobin porn but one step at a time I guess

Will they have two Echoes upgrades in the same movie then? Or will Tamami (and thus Hazamada) be cut out?

*lives peacefully*


So that's you stand, [Alien Ant Farm], The ability to make any image the size of ant. What a terrifying ability.

Is she dead or unconscious? Could it go either way?

He gave her a heat stroke

Is that for real or are you just guessing?

His ability is to heat things up within a 10cm radius. She has blisters on her face and her nose is bleeding. He partially cooked her brain to knock her unconscious

I got that but I'm pretty sure it killed her from the look on her face in the second panel.

Believe me, if she died, we'd know. She's just unconscious.