Is it only anime's performance?

Is there meaning to close their eyes when kissing?

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

My wife Chino is so cute.

Is this a serious question?

She's my wife user.

did you just have a stroke?

There is meaning in cursing the gochiusa fandom and a circlejerk that the constant day generally makes threads, or maybe other gochiusa threads and generals

Have you never kissed someone in your life?

Hello newfriend.


Its just animators saving budget by not having to draw eye expressions/movement. Ive never kissed anyone but I know for a fact you wouldnt close your eyes, that would be absurd.

To be honest, kissing with your eyes open is awkward and less romantic.

Do you really need to ask that question on Sup Forums?

I am a little girl how should I have kissed anyone yet?

One of my favorite head canon edits.

It's because it's embarrassing or you want to imagine somebody else like your waifu.

>would just bump into each other

2/10 made me reply

You don't go blind to kiss, when the kissing is going on is when you close your eyes.

I can confirm people close their eyes. I've seen people do it in real life.

Closing your eyes is polite. If you stare at your lover, you are a pervert.

I want to kiss this cute little user