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What anime?
Fuck my traps up sempai.
No. What anime is this?
It's from one of the first few episodes of yugioh
Thanks. I watched that anime a long time ago.
Molly's Magical Death Card Games: Boku nNo When They S-Cry
I don't want to do that though.
>first few episodes
Is this GX? I remember there was a Jinzo there, but original series didn't have him show up until Battle City.
nope that one that happens in the city
Jinzo is fucking dope. One of my favorite early cards. Also this dude.
>watashi wa vox tu eres mein negror
>Jinzo used to be restricted to only one per deck
Things were simpler back then.
Ah the old days, back when most Ritual Monsters were just garbage vanilla monsters.
what do you mean
Oh shit, Kiseitai was an annoying card
This is Battle city arc, Weevil vs Joey
>tfw you can identify episodes just from everyones ace monsters
Heard you were talking shit
I said most.
Hes literally just a monster with high attack and defense, no special functions.
Relinquished is pretty crazy especially considering how easy it is to summon.
Oh my God, was this really a thing
it dies to a stray fart, or just attacking it twice
only good in Duel links meta
>used to spend all my time trying to get these bad boys out
>they only stuck when my friends let them
I always hated fusion summons. They were badass in theory but I much prefer Synchro summoning in practice.
fusions are best when done right. Synchros are for masturbators and xyz are for queers.
nah, fake
>Not the thousand eyes restrict
I remember after Kaiba summoned Blue Eyes Ultimate I would search through a lot of packs hoping I got one. I didn't realize they weren't even available at the time.
Hilariously, he went from completely trash to one of the most abused cards when he dropped in this form, then straight to banned.
What were they thinking making him and Chaos Emperor Dragon so easy to fucking summon.
>Nullifies all traps
who the FUCK thought this was balanced
Oops, pic related.
My best card was the Wicked Eraser i think
But my waifuest card was Allure Queen. Or Ruin Queen Of Oblivion.
I also had The Creator who was a blast and Dark Dust Spirit who was the most OP card ever.
WTF thats ultra broken
What were they thinking?
>all those fucking cards only useful for very specific scenarios
>White Hole
>Gryphon Feather Duster
>Weather Report
Fucking Konami.
My dude, that set is the same one that brought us gems like
And this stupid mother fucker.
i fucking hate this card
Why do the cards look like utter shit? Everything from the art to the colors and choice of fonts
>all those fucking cards only useful for very specific scenarios
meme overload
They're just produced much more cheaply. The cards are smaller, the stock is thinner, and they get cartoonists rather than illustrators to draw them, as oppose to MTG.
But considering that MTG has revised its look numerous times I don't think there's too much to shit talk there.
Most of the cards on YGO that have good art are shit
says you faglord
yugioh cards in the manga had no backgrounds, so they just slap whatever BG they want on them when theyre produced irl.
Still better designs than 90% of magic cards.
But it did nothing wrong.
fuck off
Yeah but what is he supposed to be?
An evolution of Pegasus' Illusionist monsters.
According to the manga he was an illusionist and they had advantage over magicians.
And somehow his lower body disappeared and a giant eye-ball dick shot up from under his neck?
I think he is like a monster illusion since he absorbs shit
>Lack Luster Soldier
forbidden list
there was a tier 3 deck that used djinns to make it inpervious to removal back during 5ds
it's more that it was the centerpiece of the cookie cutter chaos deck that it got banned
then it got unbanned during the synchro plants era
>tfw I would go to Mexico and bring back bootleg cards to trade for real cards
>Managed to steal everyone's rare cards
>The only kid who found out they were fake moved away
My cousin would glue printed out picture of Japanese Egyptian God cards, glue them on common japanese yugioh cards, laminate them, and then would get other kids to trade them for him.
They would only last a few weeks at most and those kids got so pissed but would never get to meet the man behind the operation.
>this is the actual card description
What have memes done?
Whats the fucking point of 3 and below star cards if there's no effect?
I remember when me and every other school kid had a fuckton of bootleg yu-gi-oh cards. We had decks of like 120 cards and we didn't even know how to play, the card that looked cooler won most of the time.
I think these were a limited release of Joey's cards with Joey providing the description for each.
>how easy it is to summon
Ritual summoning is a PAIN IN THE ASS.
You need two specific cards in your hand,
and you need to sacrifice EXACTLY the right amount of levels.
>exact level
That's Synchro dude, not Ritual. Relinquished is one star so pretty much anything can be used to bring it out (other than XYZ which work on Ranks I believe)
>those dark days when every fucking deck had 3 copies of this guy
tbf, a lot of the new rituals specify exact levels
What happens if there are two of these on the field?
Every format had their dark times
>yara lock or chaos deck in DM
>Chimera OTK and future fusion in GX
>Synchro masturbation in 5D
>Rank 4 spam ZEXAL
What about Arc-V?
Ritual you need to sacrifice any number of monsters as long their combined level equals or exceeds to level of the ritual monster's. Synchro is the same but you need the level to be exact, and one of the fused monsters has to be a tuner. XYZ you combine two or three monsters of the exact same level to summon an XYZ of that same level/rank.
If the second one was activated on it's own, then the first would take precedence. However, if the second was activated in reaction to the first one activating, then the second would take precedence. The end result would be the same either way, all traps would be negated, and both cards remain on the field. In that situation both would need to be removed to make trap cards work again, as one being removed would merely let the other take effect.
Makes sense, but that also means, that you have to remember which card took effect first. That's easy when you're resolving a chain, but for permanent trap cards, that could potentially last for the whole game.
What's your cardfu?
Don't judge
Just use Obelisk the Tormentor
First and only.
Any of you faggots play goats?
I went to tournaments as a kid just to get this card.
Nah I don't really like time wasters like that and swords of revealing light.
I meant goats as in the retro format, not playing the actual card in a current deck.
friendly gril
Used to like to win duels by stocking my deck with shit like red medicine and chugging them down with her on the field.
Oh. I have a few friends that from time to time like to play like that. But are the ones how can't follow the new cards.
Y'all motherfuckers need Joan in your life
Patrician taste
Enjoy your Fiend bicycle.
I remember feeling so badass with this card in my deck as a kid.
I still run two in my deck.
>This card was made.
>Remember that the monster that lets you summon 1 fusion monster from your extra deck for 5000 LP is banned.
Didn't know RANK10YGO posted here.
Beat This
>Had this
>Friends would always *ALWAYS* argue with me about the effect
>all this shitty taste
I love her even more than dark magician girl, even though dmg is cute
You better not be talking of my waifu, m8.
I didn't say anything about her, user. That was you. :^)