Anime > Manga

Anime > Manga

Post other examples

> i suddenly have feelings for my father figure and this is completely normal


Better couple.

Maybe Rin feels bad about taking his snatch away.

Why is it so hard to create satisfying endings?

It's Japan's way of getting their population to breed. It's just working as intended.

They'll be accepting Gaijin soon to boost the population and Weebs will get their chance to live the dream... and blow it

>They'll be accepting Gaijins soon

OP = faggot

>I haven't read the magna, but I'm gonna use it to talk about my shit taste

Final acceptance of Daikichi as her Father would have been the logical conclusion to me.

Is there a cultural problem with that in Japan?

>>Final acceptance of Daikichi as her Father would have been the logical conclusion to me.
No, that would be the opposite of logical conclusion. The ending was what the manga was building up to the whole time with her refusing to call him father and drawing that line very clearly.

It's just the same guy trying to force a meme.

>refusing to call him father and drawing that line very clearly.

So she had feelings for him since she was a kid?

> force a meme

While kids can have crushes, it wasn't necessarily that. I guess she unconsciously wanted him to be something else, like she felt if she lets him become a father replacement she will lose some other valuable aspect of their relationship. When she got older she discovered she likes him as a man and decided to stick with it and convey her feelings (which is some pretty admirable commitment, compare it to Kuzu no Honkai's pathetic protagonist).

>she will lose some other valuable aspect of their relationship

Do you really think a kid would reason like that?

Be careful when you go outside next time.

Too bad shithead. Daughter got the daddy dick

>Do you really think a kid would reason like that?
No, I even said it was unconscious. Also, kids aren't stupid. Especially girls. They might not reason, but they understand m than aduts give them credit for.

Her reluctance seems to come from the fact that Daikichi reminds her of his grandfather. Perhaps she feels that to acknowledge Daikichi is to give up Souichi.

The writer seemed to give up on this theme though to force the other conclusion.

>Girls don't have feelings for their father figure
Oh, user. How naive you are.

How is the manga?
I only read the LN and watched the anime

Girls have extreme admiration and devotion for their father figure, which sometimes gets mixed with more strong feelings of love and affection. The only reason we don't see girls wanting to fuck their dad more often is because of heavy influence against it from society and because of blood ties, if you take both of those things away the scenario in Usagi Drop becomes much more common.

By the way, the manga was written by a woman.

Better than the anime. It goes more into how fucked up Misaki is, you won't even recognize her. Satou moves back home at one point and it goes more into Nanako and Yamazaki's relationship. I don't know what that user is talking about, the ending is more satisfying than the anime.

I meant novel

>he can't bear Usagi Drop's ending

And i haven't even watched it, the manga is too boring so i though the anime is pretty good since it was so popular

At some point it diverges into it's own story. I think it's like twice longer.

A kid calling her surrogate father by his first name does not logically imply she is refusing to accept him as "father" and wants him in a romantic role.

I've called my stepdad by his first name since I was a little kid, that doesn't mean I have a gay crush on him.

Anime leaves you wanting more.

Manga makes you realise that less is more.

I thought it was way worse. The characters are way more fucked up, they ended up being less relatable. Misaki is a fucking cunt, Hitomi is a huge bitch, even Yamazaki doesnt care much for Sato. And Sato is so fucking brain dead he I couldn´t even feel bad for him. It´s way more dark comedy focused compared to the anime, and way less romance/drama. I see people saying the liked it more than the anime, and I think they liked nhk ni youkoso for different reasons than me. If you found the characters relatable and sympathetic and wanted them to get better you probably wont like the manga. If you liked them because they are fucked up and want to see them suffer and torture each other more, then you will like it

>a hearwarming story about a man learning to love a child as if it were his own
>JUST KIDDING! It was a grooming story all along, who grooms who is up for debate.


Gintama. It's not the same without Sugita's dulcet tones.

Nazo no Kanojo X has an anime adaptation that blows the manga completely out of the water

Dude, no. Girls grow up getting all sorts of feelings for the strongest male presence in their life. That's normal. The father DENYING that and forcing HIS DAUGHTER (even if they're not biologically related) to reject that is what's appropriate.

Rin was a fucked up kid; she was abandoned by a career-obsessed mother who never took care of her in the few years she was even involved in Rin's life. She was isolated from everyone and the only person who opened up to her was a very quiet old man who ended up protecting Rin from that bad mother. He then promptly died leaving a shitshow of a life-story and lies. Rin was once again unwanted by everyone, now strangers, except for one guy that decided to adopt her despite being single and who was practically a clone of the old man she grew attached to. These are the settings of a RADICALLY unstable little girl's psyche.

Turns out, Daikichi was a pretty good Dad! He took care of his new daughter and began to love her in a very fatherly way and ended up having a very strong father-daughter relationship of the old, single man and the young vibrant daughter. Rin grows up nicely alongside a neighborhood boy who's a fucking delinquent asshole with a nice milf. Like all girls, she ends up liking the asshole who is, unsurprisingly, an asshole and cheats on her and there Rin is reminded that EVERYONE in her fucking life except her not-biologically-related father betrays her, runs away or dies, leaving her behind. Refusing to deal with this shit any more, she writes off the boyfriend completely. She's also going through puberty hardcore and decides all this loving feeling she has towards her TOTALLY NOT REALLY HER DAD, SO IT'S FINE IT'S TOTALLY FINE is romantic so she's gonna confess and live the rest of her life with him. And fuck him. She explicitly tells him she wants to fuck him. Fuck him so much that she WILL carry at least one of his children.

Adopted or not, you don't marry your daughter.

>Adopted or not, you don't marry your daughter.

You shouldn't marry your daughter.
56-year-old Woody Allen SHOULDN'T have married the 21-year-old Korean adopted child of Mia Farrow and Andre Previn that he also chose to adopt while in a romantic relationship with Mia Farrow.

But, there definitely female authors who write erotic novels, short stories and manga about the idea of specific cases where it might be legal and okay to marry your dad.

Why do people only ever talk about the ending? The writing in general turned to shit as soon as the timeskip happened, period.

Hell if we're talking about the ending, then how badly it was written was worse than the content of the ending itself, contrary to what you guys keep saying
>lol, Rin you're not actually related to him at all! okay get out my house and go fuck him now
Did the writer just not give a shit?

What are you talking about? Welcome to NHK or Usagi Drop?

I'll agree about Usagi Drop; the story became bad as soon as the timeskip happened. Everything looked like it was going to resolve extremely nicely:
Rin accepts Daikichi truly as her father since he deserves it
Daikichi turns out to be the most reliable guy around even if everything thought the opposite before (because, lol, single)
Daikichi had a HOT AS FUCK milf and they were both totes going to get married and be awesome
No, like, seriously, Daikichi was going to shape that piece-of-shit son and Rin was going to get a mom

But no. They didn't get together and it all went sideways once girls start thinking they understand everything because emotions flood their endocrine system.

Never saw in Sup Forums a more anally destructive thing as Rin x Daikichi.

Shhh, no tears. Just accept the fact that taking Daikichi was her best decision.

it gets pretty dark i guess

I'll give a counter example:

Your 2 digits IQ is showing

The most obvious reasoning for this would be that Rin still considered Daikichi's grandpa her father and nothing would change that, not wanting to fuck your guardian.

I really dont think people who like Usagi Drop's ending should be parents.


why would you put that jew piece of shit face in this board!

What? They weren't blood related, he met her when she wasn't a toddler anymore and he never had to wash her butt from piss and shit (it tends to decrease the sexual attraction a bit).


>Sup Forums


> she wasn't a toddler anymore
> never had to wash her butt
> it tends to decrease the sexual attraction

these statements will be in your court documents soon

I'm not gonna marry with a 3DPD, my best friends know my views on the matter already and the relationship in Usagi Drop is perfectly legal, so OK I guess.

Most of the big shows dont have enough depth to warrant reading the manga.

By weebs you mean 3 million Syrian refugees from Somalia and Pakistan

Or, well, you know, some people just relate even more to the manga than the anime

Eureka Seven, if we're counting the instances where an original property gets both and they're running around the same time

The reason this was true is because yuasa is a God king with an art style that lends very well to expresion. Considering the whole show is nothing but an expression of your love of something, it was bound to be great.

It's not normal but why should one strive for normality?