Why does america have so many more mass shootings then any other nation

its almost like an easy access to guns encourages mass murder

pity reply

Wow, great thread you have here OP.

i came here after sutherland

THAN is used for comparison

THEN is used when referencing time

You fucking retard.

there interchangeable

They are absolutely not you dumb fuck.

Burger education, everyone. Oh, shit...

yes they are

... no ...

I agree we should turn out our guns to the government.


Cited sources?



The escalation of these incidents almost exclusively in the U.S. in recent years is—
I would argue—traceable to peoples’ increased feelings of isolation that has resulted from the deculturation of America by attacks on any source of identity not rooted in consumerism. An American, particularly a white American, has only himself to identify with. His race, and his desire for racial solidarity, is scorned; his history was once a point of pride, but now it’s a point of shame; his culture is, by definition, supplanted by the concept of “multiculturalism”; his religion is mocked in lieu of consumerism; and his nuclear family unit is derided by “progressive” forces. He is atomized and forbidden from sharing any racial identity, culture, religion, or history with his countrymen. Even his gender is now blurred into a “spectrum.”

The only thing binding him to other humans is their shared legal status as consumers in the same economic zone. Is it any wonder than loneliness and suicidal thoughts would plague such a society, or that some would feel as though they’ don’t belong anywhere, or that society has forgotten them? I think an individual’s impulse to indiscriminately kill members of his own society demonstrates a couple of things. First, he feels he has been aggrieved by a society to which he doesn’t belong, and thus he exacts on it the sort of murderous vengeance that throughout antiquity was only be reserved for the destruction of rival societies. Second, he now so fundamentally misunderstands his own society that he is utterly cluelessness of where to even point the finger, which leads him only to purposeless local violence – as though killing a few strangers will change a thing.

No, it’s not the gun ownership rate. Throughout American history, and in other nations today (e.g. Switzerland), there is widespread gun ownership without such accompanying tragedies. It’s something deeper.

Every minority should surrender their firearm, for the greater good



>Why does america have so many more mass shootings then any other nation
>Being this full of shit.

would you say modern mass shootings are like slave revolts such as nat tunrer?

Give me three more sources that back that one up. Cited.

i cant find any others


>destroy white male’s sense of community and history
>demonize his race and abilities
>force him to subsidize brown people’s inability to function
>wonder why white males are frustrated

I wonder why.

i cant connect to the web

IF you think too HARD about this subject you arrive at a very clear answer. Most of the shooters are one of two things, one more than the other, the other is genuinely crazy, the one is very intentional. Why would anyone mutilate and torture someone until they go on a shooting rampage?

To strike fear into the heart of the white man. It's the trick that the Khazar use to control the Ashkenazim...

>easy access to guns encourages mass murder

It works.

To follow-up a bit, behind the US, countries like Finland, Austria, Iceland, and Switzerland have some of the highest gun ownership rates in the world.

It's interesting that each of these nations, which remain (relatively speaking) racially homogenous and refuse to be multiculturalized, have little to no of these "mass shootings" despite their gun ownership rate. It is reminiscent of the period before roughly the 1970's in the US, where few if any "mass shootings" (and, incidentally, Americans still maintained some sense of an identity racially, culturally, historically, and otherwise).

"Mass shootings" that have occurred in those nations described above have either been (1) carried out not by white Europeans, but by Islamic terrorists since the arrival of "multiculturalism" in Western Europe; or (2) in limited cases, by Europeans as an explicit reaction to the onset of multiculturalism (e.g., Anders Brevik).

Generally speaking, though, countries like Austria and Iceland are pretty well armed, but do not have any of these tragedies.

we generally have more people and a higher concentration of massive faggots per capita than any other nation

>Why does america have so many more mass shootings then any other nation

Maybe because when you throw every race, ideology, religion, nationality, and ethnicity into the same area and give them all equal rights it might result in absolute chaos and 24/7 bloodshed

All gun manufactures are jews and the know that if they set off one of these mass shootings it causes people to buy more guns, not less.

>no source