Japanese degenerate moneys are fucking deer

Scientists Say Japanese Monkeys Are Having 'Sexual Interactions' With Deer


What does it say about human perverts?
Is being a tranny or a pervert natural?
Is the left right about human sexuality being fluid?

Day of the Banana when?

Other urls found in this thread:


>Scientists Say Japanese Monkeys Are Having 'Sexual Interactions' With Deer and It Is Beautiful

And here is a cat fucking a chicken:


>the virgin Nip
>the Chad snow monkey

If nothing else I got a good hearty laugh from this bullshit. Thanks.

You do understand the Left is going to use this as proof that bestiality is natural and therefore should be encouraged right.

Animals don't have the ability to think in higher aspects like humans do. When it comes to fucking it is only overruled by survival and not even in all species. Humans aren't supposed to just give in to every single urge that happens across our mind. That's part of what makes us humans. Resisting animal urges. It's the ones who don't or refuse to resist those urges that are actually more animal than human.

Animals have lower intelligence than humans. You can't judge human nature by animal nature, and vice versa. If a monkey fucks a deer, it's because it's a stupid monkey.

Monkeys usually imitate things. I wonder if muslims camped there before.

>a large portion of humans arent as dumb as monkeys
Get your shit together Nguygn