Anyone excited by the incoming second season?
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Only for Utaha blowing the fuck out of Erishit.
No but I'll watch it anyways.
In some ways, yes. In many ways, not at all. I'm definitely not looking forward to seeing the terrible quality of threads we'll have.
No. Saekano's god-awful and cancerous fanbase doesn't deserve S2.
No. It's shit.
>Anyone excited by the incoming second season?
scat fetishists.
>he didn't enjoy the threads
Too short
>scene where Utaha gives up
>Eriri BTFO
How desperate are Utahafags?
>steals Tomoya's first kiss (something Eriri will never be able to do) in front of Eriri
Literally BTFO.
>has to resort to stealing the kiss rather than getting it fair and square
I suppose they want to get whatever they can before Utaha loses hard and blows herself out of the race.
New CM for S2 along with preview of OP. Same singer as S1.
I really don't remember this scene from the light novel.
So I just started watching this yesterday and I can already tell who worst girl is.
Also was I not supposed to watch episode 0 first? Felt out of place.
Utaha, right?
>Utahafags are shitposters and will start shitstorms all season long
I look forward to seeing them self-destruct.
doesn't she cuck the MC at some point because she wanted to keep her friends or something?
what a bitch.
Episode 0 is intentionally misleading. It makes you think Eriri and Utaha are the main heroines, then you eventually realize it's Megumi.
No? Tomoya and Eriri have an understanding of sorts about not interacting at school since the latter keeps up appearances of not being an otaku. That gradually changes later on after they patched things up.
> patched things up.
Tomoya was pretty hurt about it though. Imagine never having friends because you sacrificed it all for some girl that just cucks you.
no I meant when they were younger, its been a long time since i watched it so i don't remember the details
What are you talking about? Whatever scene you're thinking of never happened. It sounds like you're confusing scenes from the past when they were kids and Eriri didn't "cuck" him for anyone. Eriri left to avoid being bullied.
Fuck off Utahafag, you and your retarded cancerous waifu ruins the whole franchise. All Utahafags should just neck themselves for following such a stupid heroine. That's why you need to insult Eriri, trying to ignore how cancerous your character is. You are not even relevant! While Eriri still remains as the main love interest and is going to win the bowl, retards!
She ditches him to survive. She's dogshit.
I was thinking of the flashback scene, I got confused.
>self-preservation is bad
Even Tomoya realized he was being selfish.
Pretty obvious desu. Episode 9 solidifies her status as shit.
Depends on whether you use the anime or LN version. In the anime Tomoya is asshurt on how Eriri's leaving left him with several years' worth of trauma.
Utaha shitposters sure are trying hard in here.
People make choices. Eriri chooses herself and that's why she won't win.
>Implying they couldn't support each other together
>Implying she had to completely sever their friendship and watch as Tomoya endured the bullying alone
>Implying its okay when she doesn't even take responsibility for how traumatized Tomoya got by her betrayal
Seriously, the guy even confessed that he couldn't even talk to people afterwards. That was fucked up.
No, he realized that in the anime too. The anime and LN are teh same thing, the former is just simplified and doesn't' go into details about both Tomoya and Eriri's inner thoughts as much. He has a grudge over it, but no trauma. When he made his kingdom, he had people who he converted, so he wasn't without some friends.
Nah. She won't win for other reasons.
-if she didn't they would bully both of them more
-there was no trauma and she wasn't aware about the grudge he has
Eriri told Tomoya that he could hide being an otaku with her, but Tomoya didn't want that. It's not like Eriri didn't give him a choice. Tomoya continued being an otaku despite knowing he'll get bullied. That's his choice, not something Eriri forced or had a part in.
Utaha is half the reason people even like this series. No one gives a shit about your shitty generic tsundere.
Nice delusiona, Utahashitter.
In the LN he had his otaku kingdom and was sociable. The anime had him hated by his entire class and unable to be social for years.
>using outdated polls
No. The anime didn't go into further details. The anime and manga are the same and take from the LN, the anime simply didn't flesh out what happened.
Post a more recent one that has Utaha below Eriri. You literally can't.
>clutching at old poll like it's relevant
Hardly anyone cares about Utaha anymore in Japan.
[citation needed]
Ah, I was wondering because I saw her posted a lot why there was so little focus on her.
You said Utaha is half the reason people like Saekano. That's wrong, Megumi absolutely crushes her in popularity.
Oh yeah it is. She had him and she abandoned him. Now he's found a superior girl. Eriri's been losing the day of Tomoya's fateful encounter with Megumi and it's her fault.
Kono Light Novel ranking.
He couldn't have had an otaku kingdom if he was unable to talk to people normally for years. It's a blatant contradiction. That's not even getting into the other contradictions the anime has with the LNs.
Still nothing that supports your claim.
Irrelevant. Not even 5% of total readers vote in that.
Eriri is shit, you should never betray your friends
Just like the other cunt that broke his shit in the room both girls are shit
At least Michiru has a sexy body.
>denying Megumi's massive lead in popularity
Look at the huge difference in reception of their volumes. Japan loves Megumi. She gets the most merch and promotion.
You are confused. He had his kingdom and those he converted, and the result of that made him stand out and thus more attention was drawn to him, ergo he got bullied more. His kingdom crumbled, at least for him because he was hurt and in despair. The only reason he made made it was so he and Eriri could be together, he had no other reason to keep it up. And not being able to talk normally is not the same thing as not being able to talk at all.
>you should never betray your friends
Megumi, Eriri, and Utaha are all shit then since they betrayed the MC.
So Izumi is the only good girl in the series.
Everyone knows she's the most popular. And everyone knows Utaha is the second most popular far above Eriri. Amazon ratings are also irrelevant.
>both girls are shit
But they both indirectly and directly propose him as apology, not my fault Tomoya's into 2D or just asexual and doesn't do it.
Post a more up to date ranking.
there is no such thing as fair in love, war, and NTR
>propose him
Propose to ride him*
In that context it's obvious Tomoya is saying his inability to talk normally was of the social anxiety kind. If the anime wanted you to know he had an otaku kingdom, it would've included it, but it didn't. The line about not being able to talk normally for years wasn't even in the original LN.
You can just wait 3 months to see your delusions crushed again.
Megumi is leagues above Utaha, who is far above Eriri. Your claim of half is just wrong. Accept that.
This just shows Japans shit taste.
Nothing new.
Megumi made up for leaving him by coming back. Eriri managed a temporary conciliation only to screw it up a volume later.
>anime poll from a casual site
Even more irrelevant than Kono Light Novel ranking.
It's not irrelevant when every single poll gives you the same results. Eriri is universally the least popular main heroine by far.
Eriri was competing against a lot of girls and she appears besides two characters from the same show? That's actually good for her.
Probably Megumifags and Utahafags voted her out of pity to strengthen Saekano's popularity overall.
Why do you keep posting outdated polls when the point is Utaha is barely popular anymore since Megumi dominates by very far?
>7-10% difference
That there is counterproductive to your claim.
No delusions please.
Your post reeks of butthurt and delusion.
>pleb haters are animeonlyfags who don't know what they're talking about
As usual.
There are no more recent polls. And even the yearly LN poll doesn't break the Megumi > Utaha > Eriri order. Wait for the anime to see how popular Utaha is again.
She'll be lucky if she appears in the top 30 this spring.
Except the most recent one is the yearly LN poll and Utaha isn't even on it anymore. Japan hardly cares anymore. Meanwhile, Megumi gets more popular and popular. S2 is going to be a bad season for Utaha, so it's doubtful she will get much boost from animefags.
Utaha has the personality of the worst kind of 3DPD, the only use she has is appealing to stocking fetishists.
Utaha and Eriri just appeared once in that poll where not even 5% of total readers vote in. It just tells me that Megumi is the most popular, but it doesn't tell me how popular she is in comparison to other girls from the same series.
You keep saying 5%, but where are you even getting that from? If you have no source then you're making up poor excuses.
Check the amount of votes in that poll.
Utaha BTFO thrice in S2, the last one is for good. My body is ready.
AFAIK, a copy of the magazine hasn't surfaced yet. There are no polls to pull from in the last poll.
>Saekano FLAT
What does it mean?
>Megumi gets more popular and popular
I have never seen anyone who wasn't previously a Megumifag rooting for her after voume 11. It's more like fans of other girls have dropped the series.
She will go out with a bang and rekting Eriri.
>making up for something like betrayal
Not in my book. There's even a special place in hell for betrayers.
By the time you're at V11 you're probably deadset on which girl is your favorite. The fact that V11 made such a reaction in the fanbase shows that Megumi is by far the most popular and got more popular than where she was after the anime.
If these threads are anything to go by, the reaction at volume 11 was nothing special.
>will never be as close to Tomoya as Eriri is
Delusional Utahafag.
She doesn't need to be closer to rekt Eriri. In fact that makes it worse for Eriri.
>Amazon reviews
>numerous mentions on blogs when they usually don't comment on the LN
>lots of discussion on 2ch
>will never be closer
>will never mean anything special
>not once did he have romantic feelings
>Utaha is so pathetic, she had to make Tomoya hate her and force a kiss just to get anywhere
Literally delusional Utahafag.
Megumi was honest with him and straightforwardly told him in advance she was leaving. It wasn't like how Eriri left where she just left a text message.
>will never be as likeable as Utaha
>will never have her own original spin-off where she is even more best and is free of shit characters like herself
>will never kiss Tomoya
>will lose him to another girl because she's so worst and retarded
Literally delusional Eririfag.
I just want Eriri nuked and eririfags showered with rotten tomatoes.