Little Witch Academia

How does this scene make you feel


It makes me remember that I should work harder on things that are important to me.

Tattun, describe these witches

tattun, what's your endgame on the industry?
are you going to save anime?

How was your valentines day Tattun?

>my feet hurt
>why wont akko let me be her senpai
>I lost my yay
>headmistress yelled at me again
>I went online and seen my fanart as chariot
>im tired
>just let me fucking teach you akko

Ursula sat in her room at Luna Nova, reminiscing about her old days as Shiny Chariot. She felt saddened about the sudden events that made her go into hiding, even after almost a decade. She remembered the flashing lights, the lit up fireworks, the colorful magic that lit up the eyes of little girls and their parents everywhere. She loved it all, and missed it with all her heart.

If there was one thing she especially missed, however, it would be her... male fans. The looks on all of the little boys and fathers faces when they saw her skin tight, revealing outfit, her breasts heaving and jiggling with her every movement while on stage, her cute panties being visible to every guy with a dirty mind. She remembers seeing some obviously frustrated teenagers with hardening erections, staring at her, drooling, while seeing her ride the broom, mesmerized by her deliciously creamy thighs gripping it's length tightly. She loved that kind of attention, and she so endlessly craved for it, even to this day.

Unfortunately, most of the men she encountered on Tinder swiped left the minute they saw her current attempt at being sexually provocative. She sighed.

Speaking of names, Tattun, what's Barbara's last name? It was on the checklist in episode 6, but was too blurry to make out.


Forced animation makes me gag.

>Forced animation

what is this meme


I want to cuddle with Akko.

I don't know.
I need to start saving up though lol

Just like any other day of the year lol

I actually do not know

Like the show may actually be good instead of shit.
I didn't get any of the deep emotional "hits close to home" feels failurefags here get though.

>I went online and seen my fanart as chariot
don't worry, there's fanart of you as you are now
people still like you

It would be interesting to watch an anime about Tattun, transported into an anime universe.


bunny akko is best akko

That's not a good enough source of information to back up your claim. Many characters have cow licks. Besides that, Shiny Chariot isn't American.

Honestly, the whole show is really on the nose. They are trying to drive the points home with a railgun.

>He is useless the entire show
>For some reason it turns out the entire conflict of the show was rooted in the bad guy misstranslating something

Why are you so poor? don't you work?

she's gunna get killed or kidnapped because it's too convenient for Akko to have a secret guardian

remember that this is trigger and they can ruin christmas any time of the year

Amanda isnt American either.

>Just like any other day of the year lol
Another year of slaying that pussy left and right, I bet.

how does this make you feel

Something contrarians invented to complain about shows they couldn't invent any other excuses to complain about. It's basically on the same level as saying "they used too much blue in the color palette and I hate blue so it's a shit anime."

Where are Hannah and Barbera from?

B-but this is a family-friendly show.


Then he realises his value, and starts demanding bathtubs full of bunny girls and other things in return for saving the anime universe.


It's the result of retards that can't appreciate when someone puts actual effort into the medium

space patrol tattun

Damn it, It thought sexualizing Ursula is perfectly fine but looking at this is making me sad


I guess I spend too much on my hobby.

>Andrew is a raging furfag
>Akko is into bondage

What are other character's into?

I don't know if you're serious or just playing stupid however, Re-watch the movie. She's from America. Right before this scene, that old witch says that she's from America.

I hope we get to see bunny Akko again.
Like, late in the show they're trying to eavesdrop on someone, and Akko is like "I know!" and gives herself bunny ears again.

Ursula isn't Shiny Chariot. All the hints Trigger's dropping to support that notion have been manufactured to mislead us. There's a big twist at works here, WAKE UP WITCHEEPLE

>Like, late in the show they're trying to eavesdrop on someone, and Akko is like "I know!" and gives herself bunny ears again.

This idea is really cute and perfect. I am impressed that you thought of it.

while it could considered more a sexuality then a fetish, Costanze is a mechanophiliac through and through

Bunny akko is far too pure

her hair literally turned red when she used her magic, she has the exact same eyes, and she knew the bear

dont you got to work on your magic akko?

Did you hop aboard the Kemono Friends train?

Shadowverse x Trigger collaboration when?

Wrong Scene


I hope Ursula gives Akko false hope before snuffing out her yay

What does the existence of the Dark Shiny Rod mean for LWA? And who did Lalaco God Speed steal it from?

Hannah is welsh, and Barbera is scottish
both have accents thick enough to be nearly incomprehensible

Pls make an Italian witch

hey tattun, are we going to see more cameos?

Tattun are you doing something fun April 1st this year? You could probably get away with a huge troll due to year.

>she's just Mario but as a young girl

>sitation needed

Here it is
I did my best

TTGL sequel announced April 1st in TTGL's anniversary. Nobody would know if joke or real.

That's pretty good!

He looks sad though.


Gonna hit the hay. Falling asleep.
I'm gonna try to stop by again on the weekend, maybe watch the 7th episode with you guys!

Exactly, they want you to think she's all but confirmed to be Chariot so you'll be properly gobsmacked when they drop the bomb later on in the show. They'll always stop just short of outright calling her Shiny Chariot, and afterwards explain away the similarities (old mentor, friend, sister, rival etc). Ursula is only at Luna Nova to find Shiny Chariot herself, and considers Akko potentially useful to that end.

>maybe watch the 7th episode with you guys!

>livewatch Tattun

My body is ready.

That'd be sweet.

T-tia freyre

Bye Tattun!

Rest well

Night Night.
Maybe see you on the weekend


>user spent all that time drawing tattun
>he just goes to bed

I can't stop laughing

>akko needs to see in the dark and gives herself cat eyes
>akko needs to jump high and gives herself frog legs
>akko needs to fly somewhere, still can'ť fly on broom, gives herself eagle wings

see you on sunday tattun

God dammit, I just got here.

You're here even when you sleep, there is no escape

sleep well Tattun

are you that drawfag?

The cards revealed to me that someone in this place will suffer a large failure and then they will be lost to darkness.

Tattun just cucked him.


>missed Tattun once again
One of these days I will catch him

>two characters share vaguely similar hair colours and hairstyles

>not on these threads 24/7 to catch tattun when he posts

you are just a baby

I want a Constanze figure!

musical episode when
I want to see my akko/ursula duet


I want to see Ursula diet.

>Akko is even adorable when crying
What is this sorcery?

are you calling Ursula fat?

Well let's just say if she were a constellation she would be more like Ursula Major than Minor

LWA coloring book when?

One, Diana needs to be smarter, cuter, and be able to read ancient languages. Two, whenever Diana's not on screen, all the other characters should be asking "Where's Diana"?

t-thanks for the constanze

She probably can't fit into doorways because of her gargantuan hips

>tattun fucking buys porn

Good night

Best hips in the town

Reminder that Akko is for boys (Andrew) and Diana is for gentlemen (Tattun).