Monster Musume

Out of all the dangerous girls introduced in this arc, none of them were given as many chapters as Kyurii.
She's getting more character development than any other girl before. Does that mean she'll stay at Darling's house?

It seems that chapter 51 won't end this whole "Vampire arc", so what do you think we should expect from it, user?

Will we see Darling this time around? What about Rachnee and Lala? Did they find out where has he been taken by Kyurii?
Will we get to know the broker and his master plan? And finally is Papi going to do something important in the end?

Other urls found in this thread:

Find out next time on MON'U Z

Everyday spam at this time like clockwork.
Kill yourself.

I think Rachnee will show up at some point in this arc. She's clearly been hinted at having much more in common with the 3 girls then shown. What exactly? We cant know.

next chapter maybe?

I'm more curious about this broker that's been mentioned. Though it's probably too early to think about that seeing as this character is only brought up at the end of each girl's arcs.

I mean, not unless next chapter ends on the Broker's reveal

Well its most likely thats how it will end. The next chapter will probably be the gang dealing with vampire shenanigans and then a tease at the broker, maybe some nice cliffhanger for next month. Which considering, might be a break.

Kyurii's gotten a hole volume to herself. If she's not a future household member I can only see this as proof that Crab has no idea what he's doing and just like with the Ren chapter I'm gonna bully the shit out of him for it.

Any theories as to who/what the broker is?

Monster? Human? Perhaps some minor background character that's been dangling in front of us for some time?

I hope he's a dragon. Would be an actually really threatening monster that hasnt been done yet. I cant think of a good reason as to why he'd target darling though.

Its Smith trying to either show her job still has a point so they can't fire her, or she's a succubus trying to make it more acceptable for humans and monsters to fuck and happened to pick Darling.

Why does he still post that strawpoll?

Considering Yuuki, as well as the whole 'meet-and-greet' thing at the convention, either it's working or she doesn't really need to do any more.

Darling's father.

Just caught up with the latest chapter, since I didn't know it came out.

Why can't all the extra girls get cool stories like this? Granted, this one's a bit stupid in how serious it is, but the other side characters need long chapters like this. Yuki-onna, the fox girl, and the farm girls didn't get this much love, despite being great for developing the character of the main girls.

I'm loving all this Papi time, though. Gonna suck when she's a background character again.

It's the ebb and flow of things. Papi was long since overdue for another moment in the spotlight (except for side characters, who get pushed into supplemental territory, unfortunately).

Seeing as how long it's been since she's been the focus outside of her saving the day, I'm willing to wager that we're due for some Suu focus. Not to sound aggressive or anything, but it's gonna have to happen if she's gonna be seen as anything more than the plot device member of the harem.

I will be annoyed if this lead to nothing, this arc in my opinion has gone too far.

Coolie best be another addition to the harem, otherwise I don't know how crab can finish this arc in a meaningful way that adds to the overall story.

Probably because this character might become a main character instead of a side character. Seriously, this is alot of attention for someone to just be

Maybe this could take a rosario-vampire (hehe) esque turn and Coolie could be this manga's Fairy tale?


Kill yourself.

It was only a pun jeez.

You type like a redditor. Kindly fuck off.

>getting this triggered by parentheses
These threads hit a new low every day.

I bet you defend and use emoticons too.

Don't fall for it. Trying to start shit.

Personally, the reference went over my head, but it's not worth calling attention to.

It wasnt exactly the most amazing of references/puns, the manga was called Rosario-Vampire, the current character we're talking about is a vampire, it was only a harmless joke. Too bad people in these threads have become so paranoid.

After the last thread where it all came out I wouldn't be surprised. They shouldn't be so obvious about it.

Posting quality is important, faggot.

More like they're easily baited, and that's how things go downhill. At the very least, it shows that things can stay civil if nobody takes the bait.

Honestly, I'm still having trouble seeing how things would develop if she were to move in.

For the past month there've been constant shitposting, lewdspamming, falseflagging for days, but yeah I guess making a pun and using parentheses is truly the worst of sins.

Also what happened last thread?

All are awful and don't belong you twat.

>Also what happened last thread?
Check the archive for yourself. You do know how to do that, right?

>All are awful and dont belong you twat
If you had any semblance of reading comprehension, you would have realized I was pointing out how you got so unnaturally mad about my "Post quality" when for the past month the posts have been nothing but sub-par quality to say the least.

>thinking I'd bother just to read up on some shitposters shitposting
No thanks. I had hoped something of importance happened.

When will crab pander to barafags and give us a husbando?

I almost read that as bearfag.

Also, why not Kimihito?

Don't provoke the crossboarders and offsite users, user.

>why not Kimihito

Do you even know what he's talking about?

This chapter was probably the second time we had a male monster ever; first the fish, then Dracula.

It's Monster Musume, not Monster People. We likely won't get many dude monsters preferably never bara shit.

Kimihito's more of a bishie than a bara user.

We'll get cute boypucci before we get that.

What about the Orcs from the first MON chapter?


Succubus (male) will happen some day.

Retarded or ignorant? Both?

>"posting quality is important"
>calls someone named and tells them to commit suicide
Pick one.

>quotes two different posts
>not telling people to kill themselves

That's tradition. Now kill yourself

Stalliontaurs? Orcs? Unless you meant with actual lines.

The more I think about it, the more interesting that reveal becomes.

>broker reveals dragon wings
>oh, it's just a Draco wannabe
>broker flies and breathes fire

No. I enjoy my life as it is.

Reminder that the manga is now shit.

>1 minute apart.

>Draco type

Worse yet, it's Dracos unseen older brother who is 'cool' and she admires him to the point of emulating his style including clothing. He even told her to go to the human world to become a Success (she even wants a bride like big bro wants to have someday)

Don't be silly, just say welcome back.

>I will be annoyed if this lead to nothing, this arc in my opinion has gone too far.
The manga needs to be comfy and lewd again, this shit is just boring censored and tiresome crap.

On the other hand, it could be used as a potential source for her issues with men. Almost tempted to call it misandry, but maybe that's being a little extreme.

>Draco's brother is basically your typical prince charming, handsome, sociable, beautiful smile, easy to fall for.
>Draco gets her preconceived ideas of masculinity from him, as such she starts replicating it in her lifestyle
>All the while what she really wants is acceptance and a good dicking among siblings.

I can dig it.

Fantastic work Holmes. An inspiration to us all.

Reminder that the manga will never be Lewd again.

Another day. Another awful thread.
Still days away from that chapter. Fuck me.

Someone free me from this stale hell.

The worst thing about cuye is that he's shitposting with papi, a girl I like. This is just wrong, papi deserves better than this lowlife scum.

Report and ignore.

Stupid fucking (P)ork using his connections on how he got in to Japan twice not using the Home-stay program. He's out for revenge and a profit. I hope it is him and he gets killed this time.
Alternatively Smith or a separate rouge MON agent is trying to keep his service in demand because all of the acceptable MonMusus are not causing enough problems to justify a large government expenditure.


That's a whole new can of worms right there. I mean, we've had cuckholding, communal husbands, and the whole harpy thing. Don't get me wrong: I'm not condemning it or advocating it I'm just trying to imagine the reaction to something like that (possibly on par with Miia and the tentacle cave).

>that first point
Sounds like his run-in with Dopple really left its mark.

The incest thing I just added as a dumb comment. I'd actually really like to see a heartwarming plot element between Draco and her brother. It would give her a lot more depth and maybe even give this whole arc a point if he's just using the dangerous girls as revenge.

But Draco didnt get nearly enough focus as she should if thats the case, crabman isnt exactly the most subtle of crustaceans. We've had had dozens of chekov's guns and foreshadowings by now.

too much of character development for a new character
even more than MON or some of the main girls
I suspect that something bad will happen to her and we'll never see her again, like some sort of pity character
anyway, I can't wait for next week, and I can't control myself over posting my favourite girl

Stop samefagging, please.

>Vote number keeps going up a little every time.
I have to say thats kinda surprising, I'd figure just about everyone that does come here had already voted.
>Mero only 4 votes from tie.
This is also a surprise. I have to ask, is it just pure hate, or because she has so little story value anymore, or something else?

Now he can only get off to 'The Thing' gifs
I'll spare posting one this time.

Some nice development would be good. Sadly, it'll never happen with Draco until the crab changes his decision to keep her the resident butt-monkey.

Also, it's not really so dumb IMO; it's another potential way of life that could provide/provoke some unique discussion if the series had a species who took part in such behavior. More so if it's tied to a pre-existing character.

Then again, maybe I'm giving the crab too much credit, especially in light of the latest chapter.

All me. How'd you figure that out?

Obligatory superior girl posting.


Her schtick is awful and offensive at this point.
Her personality may be your standard polite girl, but she gets so little panel time that when she does it's to reuse that shitty joke again.
She not the worst around. That title belongs to the one topping that poll who is copypaste boring, annoying, and shoved in our faces.
Mero can still be salvaged, but that won't happen thanks to poor writing, focus on other characters, and cast bloat.

Mero's always been hated, what're you gonna do.

Personally I take solace in the fact that crabman will never see that stupid strawpoll so the shitposters are just wasting their time. More fish for those who want her and can appreciate a finer sort.

Just tweet it at him.

Get to it Cuye.

>implying he'll give a shit

You're funny.

I really wish they did more interaction between the girls in a daily life situation
or even between MON and the main harem, the only time I remember one of the harem talking to MON was when Lala showed the teeth to Zombina

>implying that was the point

The point was for him to see it, not for him to give a shit, dingus.

Now that you bring it up, things have been pretty extraordinary for a series about everyday life with monster girls.

Granted, the web shorts were a step in the right direction, but you do raise an interesting point.

Reminder that the manga will never be lewd again.

Psst, hey kids. Wanna buy some drugs?


Copypasta post. It doesn't get funnier the more you say it.

Have any raws for chapter 51 been released yet?

Literally the only good thing about her is her songs.
She should be replaced by an abrasive tomboy sharkmaid, which would at least be original amongst the harem.

Not for weeks. Maybe never unless you read gookspeak, but those still aren't raws are they.
The most you'll get is a camshot preview maybe in 2-3 days.
Until then there's nothing of value here.

Draco sees her brother and goes straight into 'Onii-chan' mode.

Uncharacteristic of Draco and kind of spooky...

>that meme hatred of Cerea
Can we finally get over this? It's gotten stale a year ago.

She's awful and uninteresting. If I wanted another generic blonde swordswoman I'd get the one without a disgusting lower half.

>disgusting lower half

I guess what the author means is that living with monstergirls is really that weird and unique

Where your kind belongs.

>spazzing out over a person liking a girl you don't like

When she stops being shit people will stop hating.
However that will never happen and all the girls are fated to be cookie cutter til the end.

>open strawpol
>think it's a best girl vote
>vote mero
>look what the strawpool is about

>missing the point

Illiterates not allowed.

Voted horsegirl because...well shes pretty much what anons say about her a generic blonde noble swordswoman pretty much a dime-a-dozen in anime, there are some centuar girls I do like though

These will never make it into production and that's sad

>defending somebody who has no point