>See the New Star Wars >Literally only 3 white men in the movie >All villians >Heros are a dindu, a fat dyk asian, an Armenian, and a thot >walk of the theater seething >have to find out who is behind this
Did you just now only find out that Bob Iger is jewish?
how new are you
Alexander White
I just wanna go back to when movies portrayed everyone as human and nobody pulled race cards
Gabriel Stewart
Her stand up sucks.
Carter Jenkins
Mason Miller
Fuck your degenerate non-culture
Why the fuck do you care about Star Wars? It has always been fucking nonsense.
Go talk a walk outside. Leave the rotten popular culture to normies.
Dominic Nguyen
Muppet Wars
James Garcia
>>walk of the theater seething Yeah, exactly!
Lincoln Smith
Coincidentally, Mark hammel played that characters father once.
Ethan Perry
>geeks telling geeks to stop watching star wars, go outside and talk to people >normies watching star wars in droves nothing makes sense anymore
Luke Wilson
Welcome to the topsy turvy world of Today. Don't forget to collect your complimentary existential dread at the door.
Samuel Taylor
I boycotted 7+ from the beginning I could feel the SJW feminazi vibe from the first trailer.
>paying jews to brain wash you
Liam Cooper
How are Chinamen responding to Finn making out with one of their women?
Elijah Brown
I hate Star Wars and despise people who care about Star Wars even more. It is non-entertainment. Spoiler alert: The good guys win. The Force triumphs. The Empire collapses. Every movie is the same. If you don't grow out of caring about Star Wars by the time you're about 17 then you are everything wrong with the modern male.
Wyatt Diaz
All I know from the Disney Soy wars is that white people are bad, especially white people with dicks, sand people is a term racially insensitive and culturally inappropriate to muslimes, and black cyborg lies matter.
Fuck this SJW bullshit. The fans should have wrote these movies since they are the ones that made the franchise so successful, but no, Disney wants to brainwash people into being cucked thoughtless lima beans. Fuck Disney! Liberal assholes!
John Baker
The real question is why are kikes trying to destroy or subvert pop culture? What do they achieve by alienating the fanbase?
Have they finally stopped caring about money and they are going for the final kill?
Xavier Mitchell
>That >Han Chink Pick one.
Xavier Perez
people idolize heroic characters, and try to emulate them. They want to follow those ideals that they saw in others.
Jonathan Green
I had a shred of hope that this one would be better than the last one when I walked in but as soon as I saw the bitch with the purple hair I knew it was hopeless, mainly because she looked, sounded and acted like every SJW I've ever met.
Levi Adams
they are trying to stop the heroic drive of white men because white men are the only ones who can stop the eternal kike. Additionally, they make sure that the other races only see white men as villains so when they time comes the kike propaganda will have an easy time turning everyone against white guys
Christian Martinez
Andrew Murphy
Seriously though, what ethnicity is Adam Driver? Dude looks weird af.
Brody Allen
>an Armenian Oscar is Isaac is Guatemalan.
Kayden Diaz
>money Normies are consumers. Which audience would you target to maximize profit?
Easton Morris
He's a reptilian whose human mask doesn't fit well.
Jason Howard
Reminder, it was the Rebellion who cared about keeping the Jedi way, until Yoda convinced Luke to destroy the "old books." Flip your thesis around. Jedis are Christians.
Jack Bell
>Armenians >non-white
Charles Jenkins
He's Dutch or something.
Christian Reyes
Miss Swan! Man I miss MadTV. I love their unapologetically offensive skits.
SNL sucks.
Wyatt Parker
Accoriding to IMBD: Adam has English, along with German, Dutch, Irish, Scottish, and Scots-Irish/Northern Irish ancestry. His father is from Arkansas and his mother is from Indiana.
Nolan Peterson
>knows full well Disney is owned by the Jew >expects different
Cameron Parker
He was good in Silence.
Evan Long
Wow I didn't know that Mark Hammil was Armenian. Or is he the thot?
Joshua Fisher
Where did this Asian chick come from anyways?
I thought for sure they were going to have the nigger get with the main heroine or turn out to be gay with the pilot he got his jacket from.
Aaron Brooks
>Luke >a good guy in this film
Jordan Evans
Asher Ortiz
I guess I can buy that sometimes you just want affirming junkfood entertainment that won't challenge you(in the same way Stacies like Lifetime movies).
But it might be nice to have something unexpected happen once in awhile.
Jackson Thomas
John Carter
Liam Perez
You're a fucking dick
Justin Russell
>Literally just one alien Whatever the new rebels are, are clearly the new empire but only for stronk wymen and minorities. In a sense, even worst than what the empire used to be.
Juan Thomas
whoa last jedi looks great
Jason Murphy
I haven't even watched it and I just started making shit up that happens in it. I told some chick at work Luke tries to rape rei so Finn kills hm
Ryan Jenkins
Just figuring this out? The moment (((disney))) bought Star Wars, I knew it was going to be ((((((diversified)))))). I was proven right when the trailor for ep 7 came out and featured a nigger and a white woman lead, lmao! They actually proved me wrong though in this movie. I was convinced that Finn would become a Jedi (considering how well he lightsaber fought against kylo ten last movie) and I was sure that him and Rey would fall in love and make ((((beautiful)))) mulatto jedi children to save the galaxy from evil white male empire
Brody Nguyen
>watching any of the new Soy Wars movies
Grow up, I bet you watch capeshit movies too
Alexander Long
I felt the same way. Then I had some hope when everything the purple haired cunt did caused people to die, but then they made her an hero
Nolan Bell
They chickened out and chose profit over propaganda. The original plan was surely the nigger getting the white Jedi girl and having mullato Jedi children who will fight the dark side white men. Or the homo thing as a backup, but they realize the entire world is watching and not just the United States. The world doesn't love nigger men, mulatto children , etc like the USA does.
Easton Sanders
>Whatever the new rebels are, are clearly the new empire its really annoying how they keep trying to avoid this conclusion and trying to force an underdog narrative when it makes no sense. It leaves two choices, either the New Republic is incredibly incompetent and can't manage their territory and anyone could have opposed them, or they are actively less liked than the New Order and people are flocking to join the Space Nazi larpers
Charles Murphy
>still watches star wars >doesn't know disney is evil >doesn't know who bob iger is >being this new lurk moar faggot >in all fields
Joshua Diaz
This. Star Wars was my favorite movie series growing up and it still is my favorite of all time. But giving money to Jews to watch their niggers chinks and women defeat the evil white men? Lol
Thats how I treat it, I loved the Star Wars movies when I was a boy and it will always be a cherished part of my childhood but thats where it will stay. The way men my age get excited for these new movies and those super hero movies make me sick
Lincoln Howard
She looks like the type 50+ year-old white men would chase after in Thailand/The Philippines.
Jason Evans
Walt would be rolling over in his grave if he wasn't frozen. I miss when Disney was all about the 1488.
This, I want this too. I mean there was always political spin to some extent, but never this fucking bad.
Jack Price
Must be more for the down to earth "everygirl" thing to appeal to the chinese market.
Only explanation for why she's so fat and plain looking.
Henry Myers
>The original plan was surely the nigger getting the white Jedi girl and having mullato Jedi children who will fight the dark side white men
Wyatt Mann tried to warn us about this shit back in 1992...
Oliver Flores
That's just a fat han chink.
Jaxon Russell
rejoice in their death throws their last petty attacks and insults as it dawns on them what is coming. They were so sure that they were going to wipe us out and breed us out of existence. they used to laugh about it, these jews, now they are beginning to realize the gravity of the situation. youtube.com/watch?v=sXatIbuW9Hw
Henry Flores
Ryan James
star wars is for children you fucks. and this shit is dying anyways. little girls don't watch these kind of movies and little boys don't have no interest in watching a movie with a womyn hero, let alone a space nerd movie. the only shit it survives on is millennials and man children
Easton Rodriguez
Even if they do succeed, they are "White" in appearance, this means the brown masses will revolt hard against them.
Eli Campbell
re. Mark Hamill, according to Wiki >born Oakland to Virginia Suzanne (née Johnson) and U.S. Navy Captain William Thomas Hamill >father has English, Scottish, Irish, and Welsh ancestry; mother was half Swedish and half English >raised as a Roman Catholic, and described his father as a "Nixon Republican"
Logan Young
Chinese are aesthetic supremacists, like Japanese. Appealing to uglyness has never been a part of their culture. Even at the height of communism, they still had idealised body forms in their propaganda posters. Today all their advertising has beautiful people in it, eg. asians and whites, 0 shitskins and niggers. The West has completely abandoned aesthetic beauty, and the admiration of the human form. But China certainly hasn't. If this is attempt to appeal to Chinese market, it's a dismal failure. They'd rather see themselves as beautiful than associate with ugliness.
I guess Hollywood need to study Asia more.
Carson Adams
Don't forget, the word "resistance" is in all caps in the opening text scrolling on the screen, and in all previous Star Wars it was called the "rebellion", not resistance. Also, the orphans are highlighted to make the Dickensian political statement on poor people being oppressed and not having a path upward. Total SJW bullshit. But you know the real joke? The fact that SJW's in America are losing so badly they have to get their jollies like that. Our man is President. Nigger Obama can eat shit, and so can all the nigger lovers who are pissed off Trump is President. Enjoy your Star Wars jabs, because that's all you have.
Brandon Cooper
Aside from the new Blade Runner, I haven't seen a movie in theaters in about 3 years.
Anthony Cruz
I noticed that too. Also like would always call it the rebellion and they stopped calling it The resistance towards the end
Josiah Price
Yamazaki AUTO!
William Myers
>luke is a villain K faggot
Brandon Sanchez
Once you grow up, first of all you don't a shit about Star Wars in the first place, but also, when you think back, you start to wish that the Empire violently wiped out all those space hippies and teddy bears.
Robert Kelly
they killed him in the movie.
Ethan Bell
Ya but he was still in the movie
Jack Wilson
This is basically what modern mainstream writing considers DEEEP.
A thing with likable characters and sometimes THEY DIE!
It's why I dropped Walking Dead after Glenn and Abraham died. That scene was intense, but it basically summarized all that the show is now: seeing if anybody important dies.
Haven't seen any of the new Star Wars and I don't care too. EPISODE 1-3 where basically what the Hobbit Movies was to the LoTR series.
Ayden Gonzalez
I thought the movie was really vibrant and inclusive.
Ryder Foster
>Ya but he was still in the movie They had no choice, he was white back in the 70s. Sure they could've killed him off before ep 7 but they haven't created any new while male heroes, just villains
Landon Evans
Fair point. Just raises more questions tho.
Juan Lewis
Disney Star Wars is fake star wars Pic related is the real shit
Carson Brooks
If you weren't a racist piece of shit this wouldn't bother you.
Josiah Jenkins
fucking strines get me every time man
Liam Rodriguez
You've all seen Force Awakens right? This entire thread existed in the thousands the first time around. We're doing this again? is that all you guys do all day, react to things?
David Cooper
Correction...Jews made Star Wars worse.
Caleb Green
Who cares.
Grow the fuck up.
Dylan Allen
James White
I would have been ok If shes a villain we meant to hate.
turns out they make this sjw a martyr
Luis Rivera
>pick an asian
>but not any asian
>a fat as fuck asian
they could have picked this
Parker Phillips
Colton Jones
Rey S Mixer.
Cant make this shit up.
Samuel Ramirez
Liam Kelly
>an Armenian
What's wrong with Armenians you fucking moron?
BTW who's Armenian in Star Wars, I don't watch
Jordan Murphy
David Davis
I enjoyed it as a movie, the audience in my theater fucking clapped at the part (spoilers) where Kylo fucking halfs snoke, the movie's biggest mistake was keeping Kylo on the dark side afterwards, there's no conspiracy behind a soft reboot sequel piece of shit cashing in on nostalgia, I still loved it when Yoda showed up to Luke to give him some more wisdom. Your thread belongs in the trash OP, with my $50 soda pop cup, fuck off and die you faggot idiot. saged.
Angel Taylor
>BTW who's Armenian in Star Wars, I don't watch I think he means the spic
Lucas Martinez
fuck u OP
Ayden Edwards
This one
Nicholas Stewart
Lol. All you chumps were retarded enough to go see this movie. Why the fuck are you giving Jews your money? It's like you want them to win.
Hunter Taylor
I dont thing the chinese would buy in to the insult that is forced nigger romance tho
Connor Hall
>having existential dread from some people being silly >not embracing the chaos
Gavin Nguyen
Fucking hell, Steve. I got exactly the same thought when I saw her
Tyler Harris
This chick could only be a comedian if she were in the Asian entertainment industry. And she isn't fat enough to look interesting.
Anyway, I'm a chink myself. I've an old classmate who looks like her and she's married to a 45-year-old British proffessor. Some female old classmates can't help saying, "Why do white men have so low standard?" youtube.com/watch?v=oFR-x1NbbqI
Brandon Perez
i liked the film but what was with them wasting ackbars death like that? bit gutting that was. and i think he could have replaced the purple hair ladys parts, she was the only thing in the film that didnt go.