The Current State of the UK

>Harmful gender stereotyping in advertisements is to be banned across the UK next year.
>A new rule will be introduced in the UK Advertising Codes following a review of gender stereotyping by the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA), which found more needed to be done to tackle advertisements featuring stereotypical gender roles and characteristics.
>The ASA review published last summer, provided evidence for tougher regulation of advertisements with stereotypical gender roles or characteristics which can be harmful to people.
>The review included ones mocking people for not conforming to gender stereotypes.
>An advertisement for Aptamil baby formula showing a baby girl “growing up” to become a ballerina while boys became mathematicians and mountaineers attracted criticism from gender campaigners.
>However, the new rule will not ban all forms of gender stereotypes.
>For example, the evidence falls short of calling for a ban on advertisements depicting a woman cleaning or a man doing DIY tasks.
>But it suggests certain types of depictions are likely to be problematic, for example, an advertisement showing family members creating a mess while a woman has sole responsibility for cleaning it up, or one where a man is trying and failing to undertake simple parental or household tasks because of stereotypes associated with male gender.
>Ella Smillie, from the Committees of Advertising Practice, (CAP), the body which writes the advertising codes. said: “Some gender stereotypes in ads can contribute to harm for adults and children by limiting how people see themselves, how others see them, and potentially restricting the life decisions they take.


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>Yes Lanquesha Mehmet the 3rd likes a cold beer after working all day at the steel mill

get ready for nonsense

Please Kim nuke us soon. I want it to stop.


do not lose hope
you get to fight in the greatest war in the history of our race

I can't help but notice this kind of shit always happens when women are in charge of anything. Oh well. At this point I say bring it on. We're fucked anyway, let's see how crazy this shit can get before we turn into dust.


No true scottsman.

kek..."""great""" br*tain sounds like it's more cucked than Sweden.

Guys, who do you think Is the Anti-Christ?

Who are they kidding? If current demographic trends continue Western European feminists are all going to be islamic sex slaves, which is what they really want, otherwise they'd be voting for the right.

Ride the Tiger

Honestly this.
I've been so desensitized to this type of shit. When I see another terror attack or colleges suppressing free speech, etc. I don't even get mad anymore, I just hope it wakes more people up to what's happening

I wish the conservatives would be more conservative or consider rebranding themselves to something more fitting.

I just want off this rock
Or a political party who isn't the other 2 parties in a different hat
Canada used to be nice
Used to

>normal is banned

Told you fags, being a normie would become the new most contrarian thing you can do.

Ballerinas exist, little girls want to be ballerinas, just a fact of life, nonsense to 'ban' such depictions, they're trying to prohibit reality, we should put a ban on the banners instead.

It used to be that everything being open for everyone was the goal
Now feminine things being closed to girls and masculine things being closed to boys is the new goal

It was always about destroying norms (simply because they are norms), until there aren't any left. Some just will never allow themselves to see it.

Don't despair lads.

What bothers me most about the past 40 years is just how people with genuine goodwill have been duped and corrupted.

Slippery slope is not always fallacious.

They kinda already did that though.

oh look it's another "foreigners obsessed with the uk" thread started by a flaggot. it must be at least 10 minutes since the last one.
this shit is all imported from the usa, sort out your own fucking back yard

The elite believe in merging the opposites tougher to create balance. Black and white must mix, and male and female must become one.

Hail Mosley

don't fucking diss barry scott
there's a man who knows how to deal with a fucking difficult stain

what's with your low quality shitty pics?

Never claimed the US wasn't fucked too, you sperg

I never claimed the US wasn't fucked as well, you sperg

you know that was an actual person, right?
that pub has been there 200 years

Been there!

The purpose of guns is becoming more clear to europeons every day, too bad they can do nothing to stop it. The majority are brainwashed and the constant influx of literal enemy combatants increases.


Lmao. Net Neutrality is a nothing burger and you bongs have to deal with this shit. Get fucked
Btw. Is “nothing burger” just an American term?

>mfw we have burger analogies

This. The biggest enemy to western civilization is women. More specifically cat ladies.

i miss seeing these pubs, so cozy

wtf i love normies now

>yfw 1984 is literally becoming reality

>Eternal angloshit destroy's his monarchy
>Kike eternal Angloshit's empire into ruin
>Angloshit destroys himself now
>Not even Anglo for a century
>Constitutionally more Anglo than suicidal Angloshit who can't even into constitution.
>Even his own parliament Angloshits him after destroying his monarchy, twice, thrice?

Fuck them