The Promised Neverland

Too bad I'm anonymous and I can't prove my autism

Chapter 027 Korean Scans

how do we know that this is the right theory and not one found in 2ch, etc.?

Emma smiling and blushing makes me the happiest man in the world.

> reversed numbers increase consistently by about 30 per year
> 6 kids incoming per year in plant #3 of 5?
> Isabella is 31 and was raised by the Grandmother herself
> 1600+ years worth of kids somehow farmed???

this theory is at best incomplete.

I came to say this. It makes no sense at all.

I imagine in 2015 when the demons came, 48000+ 1 year old children were given as offerings to them for consumption. 48000 were eaten immdeiately and only a handful towards the end of the 48000+ including Isabellas generation were to be raised for later consumption several years down the line. As for Grandmother raising Isabella despite it only being 30 years under demon control, humans were probably put in oppresive societies and they forced several adult females to act as mothers and eventually raise the smart girls to pass on the torch to.

> giving ~48,500 kids all at once to the demons
> bothering to keep exact count so that farm serial numbers are contiguous

This is exactly the level of logic I would expect from somebody who thinks a moon-rune using cartoonist discovered his pet theory on 4 chan.


Why do korean scans always look like they've been thrown into a puddle?

So anyone can tell us the important stuff they said? Looks like it's going into flashback mode at the end



That Norman face, kek


Ray is talking how he know about demons

Personally, I still think it's an unproven assumption that 2015 was ACTUALLY 30 years ago. On that note I'd hesitate to rule anything out based on timeframe.

Same reason why Mangastream look so fucking awful too; they prioritize speed in hopes of getting it out first with the actual quality of the scans suffering as a result.

maybe the demons are just misunderstood?

>implying the demons aren't the children

that would make too much sense for WSJ

Her hair looks so shitty.

>mfw that's the same clothes that Conny had before she bite the bullet

The ceremonial death hat

>they prioritize speed
not for neverland these are shit because ms is shit

Look at Vivian holy fuck i hope she survives

>inb4 Nalra & Mark becoming important later on


What a cutie.

I forgot what I was doing




I can't understand but Ray looks one more comment any from an autistic meltdown


Why not Trigger acknowledge the cypher we made?

Your response will be to tell me they don't count


This page is really cute


It does count but that's because people sent those to their english PR guy on twitter. It's not at all comparable to some throwaway chart a dude made here on threads that barely have more than 20 people

Waifu powers


Cute yet sad


>those blushes
>those smiles

Last page

I don't want Norman to die. I need them to grow up to at least being teens, get knocked up, and Emma having to be on the run to protect her and her child. Then Norman has my permission to die tragically.

>not wanting Norman to get to enjoy being a caring and supportive father
user, please.

Threesome when?

>actual quality of the scans suffering as a result

The quality of paper used in Jump is shit

Demon plan just got axed, what Neverland has that allowed it to survive in jump while so many others failed?

It actually makes me wonder what'll happen next.

The premise alone made it get steam on twitter or whatever and it just held on from there. I don't think it's really a megahit on the level of bnh or whatever but it got enough recognition to not get axed (for now).

If it goes on long enough and gets popular, I'd wager it won't get axed but rather another magazine will pick it up if WSJ doesn't want it anymore

this. in too deep just keeps getting intense can't wait for the pacing to truly pay off

an actually interesting story to tell that manged to be fresh when "original" stories are dying out


>Grimgar Fantasy and Ash


>Fate/Stay Night UBWs (2016 Series)

It dared to be different in a magazine well know from its battle shonens, the last one in jump to be like neverland was death note.

It filled a desperatly needed thriller niche in Jump that particulary stands out for being so "not-Jump like". It definitely was in good shape to gather interest.