Do people actually enjoy this shit? Like this is literally glorifying the Japanese in the war, which if you fucks actually knew anything I would say the Japs were just as bad if not worse than the nazi's. You weebs are fucking retarded.
Youju Senki
Other urls found in this thread:
It's WWI faggot.
Yeah but they make anime so all is forgiven.
Hitler did nothing wrong desu
I'm not impressed by the quality of this bait.
Next time you should try harder.
The bait is weak in this one.
God damn I wish people would learn their fucking history. It's WW1 you fucking loon.
>this thread again
>Japanese in the war, which if you fucks actually knew anything I would say the Japs were just as bad if not worse than the nazi's
they're german if anything
not in the 1920s
>dude the nazis were ebil lmao
Grow up kiddie
It must be hard being this retarded.
>dude Hitler was epic xD
Grow up Kiddie
>no u
ya got me
If you weren't such a chromosomal aberration and had a basic education you could look at one of the many maps in the show and the date to deduce that's It's based on Germany in World War I.
Okay why don't you like nazis? What did they do that upsets you so much?
They wern't man enough to take over the world. Lost like a bitch.
That upset you? Then you like nazis otherwise? I don't get it.
Also they didn't try to take over the world, France and the UK declared war on him and he fought back. They had no interest in fighting America.
>Look at one of the many maps
If you weren't such a fucking retard you would realise this is obviously bait you dumb fuck stop trying to sound smart.
Look at me guys! Hitler did nothing wrong! Wow I'm so edgy and cool.
Go back to tumblr.
>Here, I give you the fact that 1+1=2
Typical trump ass licker.
If you weren't such an asshurt little faggot you wouldn't have clicked on this so obviously bait thread and started lashing out at everybody like an autistic retard.
Everything you said is retarded, go slit you're fucking wrists you faggot, how does it feel to not be able to think for yourself?
P.S I don't support Trump
This anime is shit and looks like shit.
Buh Buh Buh But I made this thread so kill yourself faggot.
being this fucking blind, I truly feel sorry for you
>I made this thread
>hahaha y-you guys thought I was serious? hahaha i-i was only pretending to be retarded, and you fell for it!! hahah i bet you feel like such an idiot
>t-this totally isn't damage control because I'm genuinely a fucking retard
Why the caps lock man? Have a bad day? Wan't to talk about it?
The fact that I'm on Sup Forums is already an indicator
>This is bait
>Falls for bait
>Wow your such a retard for baiting me you're clearly retarded
Stay mad Faggot.
True True, if it makes you feel any better I'm a 20 year old virgin whose currently dealing with crippling depression and thinks about suicide literally every day.
Feel better?
You're not suppose to tell everybody it was bait after you get 10 replies you spergelord.
Go back to R*ddit.
Samefag, you got baited deal with it man.
Can relate, just without the depression. Honestly, my life is good. Thanks for worrying user!
>Implying this thread was going to last any longer without me trolling it.
Back to le-reddit with ye newfag please I'm embarrassed for you.
No worries man, if you ever need to talk come find me. I'm a bunch of random numbers on Sup Forums.
One of these days when I'm down in the dumps, I'll roll quads and summon you,
And I'll be there in a flash, ready to destroy your enemy's in a wave of shitposting and autism
Have you tried getting /fit/?
Not him, but his posting buddy. You can only get so far with being a manlet.
MC is clearly the evil one though? it even said so in the title
I don’t care if it’s “The Empire” Germany fighting in 1920s instead of World War II, if it dresses like a Nazi, decorates its Reichstag like a Nazi and spews disturbing propaganda about “patriots” defending the “fatherland” like a Nazi, it’s a fucking Nazi.
If you like Youjo Senki, YOU ARE A NAZI! No ifs, no buts, no exception.
Did you even read the thread?
There is literally nothing wrong with being a nazi.
no, i just answered the op
Right, well have fun on reddit newfag.
>Glorifying japs
I thought the japs did fuck all in WW1 besides steal micronesia from germany.
Well first of all, no, Nazi's don't exist anymore, and second, are you implying there's something wrong with being a "nazi"?
>inb4 hurr durr baited
Fuck off, if you make a serious post you get a serious response, deal with it.
Rev up those showers
i don't need to read a whole thread to reply to a single faggot, fuck you very much
What did Nazi do that everyone now hate them so much? USA I can understand because they are basically Jews but why France and UK?
In a life or death struggle there is no moral standard other than survival.
Jesus if Sup Forums was actually ok right now i'd destroy you but alas, Sup Forums is gone
I literally didn't say any of that, what are you even talking about?
Because nazi's are why Europe can't have nice things anymore.
Versailles was a mistake. Germany should've been divided between France, the Low Lands and Poland and half the German population forcibily sterilized.
Maybe it's the white eyelashes, but I think the manga Visha looks too generic. Making her a moe-moe basset hound may be easier to animated, and it's more visually distinctive.
If you mean them losing is why Europe can't have nice things anymore, then yeah.
Out of curiosity, I googled "what if Germany had won WWI" and found this:
>while there was an anti-Semitic component to German society, the conservative nature of a Wilhemine government would never have allowed Nazi thugs to assume power. There would have been no call to abrogate a “Treaty of Versailles,” no serious threat of a Communist takeover of the government, and no great inflation as occurred in 1923, all of which were used as justifications for the assumption of power by the Nazis. With no Nazis, there would have been no Holocaust.
Is this accurate?
Well, yeah, the complete dicking over of the Germans in the Treaty of Versailles is pretty much 100% the cause of WWII. The German people suffered immensely for it to the point something as extreme as nazism was not only a viable option but the best option to save the country.
Probably. A victorious Germany in WW1 would only increase the stability of the conservative/reactionary German imperial regime.
What happened to our Germany is that they had absolutely zero experience with liberalism other than Napoleon pushing their shit in a century ago. These relatively backwards people were suddenly given (or forced to accept) a democratic government, and once the global Great Depression hit it was blamed on the weak Weimar government. And when democracy fails, the extremes gain a lot of support (which in Germany at the time meant communists and fascists alike).
>and no great inflation as occured in 1923
This is bullshit though. It was a global event that started in Wall Street and was unrelated to who won the war. France and Britain were hit by it as well (though they could mitigate some of the damage due to their colonial possessions) and America was hit by it like a sledgehammer to the face. In fact, despite Roosevelt's New Deal, Germany actually climbed out of the Great Depression earlier than America. The Germans winning the war would change very little (in fact, it might even make recovering even more difficult. In our timeline the Weimar government had the 'advantage' of not having a big army to pay for when the crisis hit. The German empire in an alternate history where they won WW1 would have to deal with the Great Depression and still pay for its armies. But they'd probably also steal loads of clay from France and Britain both in and outside of Europe so they'd perhaps be better able to weather the storm because of that).
>With no Nazis, there would have been no Holocaust.
Yeah, that's kind of a given. Antisemitism would still exist, but not in the "gosh, I sure wish all Jews were dead" sense. But more in the "I hope that kike doesn't jew me out of my money" sense.
>Well, yeah, the complete dicking over of the Germans in the Treaty of Versailles is pretty much 100% the cause of WWII.
Oh boy, see next post.
Germany wasn't dicked over in Versailles. Not at all. In fact, Versailles was much more generous than what the Germans tried to force on the Russians in Brest-Litovisk. The Germans
>Only lost their already meagre colonial holdings that barely turned out profit for them
>Only lost territory in Europe where the Germans were already a minority (Alsace-Lorraine, the Eastern parts where Poles were mostly a majority) with perhaps the only territory that was really "stolen" from them being Eupen-Malmedy (but let's be honest, the Belgians deserved something for utterly being dicked over in a war in which they had declared their neutrality)
>Was never de-industrialized despite having utterly destroyed the industries in Belgium and Northern France (that's about 70% of French industry)
>Were forced to demilitarize, but that actually ended up saving them a lot of money
>Had to pay reparations for France, but there was an independent committee that calculated per year how much they could afford to pay. In fact, there were even years when the Germans paid nothing because they were deemed to be incapable of paying.
The only flaw is the one that Ferdinand Foch (the man who argued for the dissolving of Germany and the man who didn't want the war to end until French troops marched into Berlin) found. I'll give you two clues, both of which quotes from Foch:
>This isn't a peace, this is an armistice for 20 years
>The only way there can be peace between France and Germany is if we castrate 20 million Germans
Germany's industry was mostly intact and its population advantage over France in no way mitigated. He predicted that there'd be another war, he predicted France would lose it and that's how it happened. Because the Entente didn't dare clip Germany's wings.
>With no Nazis, there would have been no Holocaust
There wasn't a holocaust, jews got put in camps for being enemies of the state (just like America did to the Japanese), and when supply lines got bombed to shit by the Allies some camps started starving and those are the pics you see that are used as propaganda
your boys confessed to it
>the nazis spent a ridiculous amount of time and resources systematically rounding up jewish people while trying to fight a several front war that was probably the most difficult fought war in human history so they could kill them in comically evil fashions like gas chambers and live vivisections instead of just killing them in the street with a bullet to the head like every other actually real genocide that has ever happened
>there were no bodies for evidence because they burned 6 million bodies in a few years even though that would take untold decades to accomplish even if every oven in germany was cooking kikes 24/7
>people actually believe this and don't think it's ridiculous at all
> The German empire in an alternate history where they won WW1 would have to deal with the Great Depression and still pay for its armies. But they'd probably also steal loads of clay from France and Britain both in and outside of Europe so they'd perhaps be better able to weather the storm because of that).
Here's the thing, Germany would need to have won the war in 1914 or 1915, or not still lose when the US joins.
By 1916, America was firmly invested in helping the Entente win the war, even if they were still technically "neutral". The US had sold billions of dollars of war material to the UK and France, mostly on credit, so unless the Brits and French won, the US would never get it's money back. This was a pretty big deal, because the US was in a recession from 1910 to 1914, and massive war production for France and Great Britain pulled the US out of it's recession, but that recovery relied on the US being paid back by Britain and France for the goods they bought. If Germany seemed on the edge of victory, the US would have thrown in with the Allies, unrestricted submarine warfare or not. Germany needed to win the war before the US got a major stake in the war, and that meant 1914 or 1915.
If Germany won, the "great depression" in the US would have happened immediately, as war reparations imposed on the British and French would mean nothing left for the US to collect on.
Weren't the Americans selling supplies to both sides though? Was the Entente simply buying more to such a significant scale that it wouldn't even matter if what the Germans had bought on credit would never be paid back?
Though that's a very good point and one I entirely forgot. Good of you to bring it up, when discussing either of the world wars it's easy to forget how much the underlying economies played a role.
Give me a quick rundown on the manga and LN.
Which one is better?
Seems you plebs are uneducated in eternal krauts history.
You're welcum.
t. your neighborhood friendly user.
>Howdy Germanic servants! Check it, I'm made of gold.
>t. Charlemagne
It never gets old.
waht a stupid fuck seriously.
Nazi and imperial japs contributed immensely to our tech and medicinal growth.
Meanwhile burgers want to kill off culture and dumb down the population so they can control them easier.
No, the US was not selling to Germany at all. The Americans were nominally willing, but the buying power had to provide their own shipping.
Obviously German cargo ships could not get through the British blockade.
Manga is better.
>glorifying the Japanese
there isnt a single asian in this anime and it's based on ww1 fyi shitty baiter.