Dog, Cat or Pig?
Dog, Cat or Pig?
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the pork
>Q: The rings in episode 10 is especially shocking. Does it flow naturally itself?
>Kubo: It is necessary! At least when I was drawing the name I was very serious. At the end of episode 9, the scene of Yuuri and Victor reunited is what I always want to draw. Then in episode 10 and 11, there haven't been a scenario that's shocking enough. Episode 10 is a relaxing episode before GPF, I thought about many delightful things but it worried me there hasn't been a thing to deepen their bond. Until now, we have seen them hugging and doing what could be seen in a getsu9 romance Jdrama. I think when faced with GPF, they might need an item to support them. So once I tried searching for ring brands, I learnt engagement rings are not only meant for those who want to get married, but also are gifts for soulmates to share. More over, I found in the files of location hunting of Barcelona, there're photos of church and choir. I was like that's it!
So the rings are back to being engament rings and she compared BaldFat's relationship development to romance drama.
I'm convinced she gives her answers based on how bitter she's about being single at the time. She wasn't bitter for this interview.
What animal would Bike be?
Also an otabek
Drunk Piggy
Dogs and cats are companions, pigs are just food.
Always Pig
Is there any more plot after the make out sessions?
Good thing grilled pork is delicious
An otter
>Dogs, cats and pigs are just food in China.
corrected that for you.
She needs to find someone and stop taking it out on Baldfat
I want to eat the pig
Kubo is a lonely old women, she actually projects a lot of her feelings in BaldFat even if JJ is her husbando
>Chink wants to eat out Baldfat and Fairy
Sasuga Sluthong
Weak moon but they're envious of each other's power levels. I think Yuuri wishes he was more beautiful.
She just doesn't speak that well. This is probably along what she always meant to say (it's not about them getting married, but it's still part of their romantic development) but said in a better way.
Otabek is Otabear!
>I learnt engagement rings are not only meant for those who want to get married
Sounds like she's including marriage along with soulmates and other things
His coach looks like a nice guy
That's still basically what she said before with clubmategate. She said clubmates and marriage, now she's saying soul mates and marriage. If she never mentions that word again and just sicks with soul mates that'll be all right with me.
Wonder how Torarice will translate this.
Platonic clubmates
You mean platonic soulmates
platonic soul mates in a romance with the ice. talking about their love of sport, not each other
>Engagement rings are for skaters that want to get married to the ice
>entire thesis about soulmates having a platonic connotation
>passive aggressive jab about how other translators do not understand the nuance and are pushing a more fanon interpretation but this thesis about platonic soulmates is canon
The lewdness of those sleeve-gloves is highlighted nicely here.
Everyone that compared Kubo to Kurata need to apologize now.
They should have apologized before or never said it. It's not even close to be true.
Now they have to think about how to top the rings in S2.
She atoned by saying BaldFat is romance drama tier, calling the rings engagement rings, and saying they're for those that want to get married and are soulmates.
>implied sex
>surprise wedding
>they suddenly have a baby
Yurio's mom got knocked up again but can't look after the kid.
>I've been on these threads for months and never found out what this Kurata guy said
I give up, how did he no homo SamuMenco?
Otabek's coach looks like his dad. Or just "a dad". Average guy.
Think it's the newest febri
I was salty about clubmategate. But after posts like wtf I feel sympathetic for Kubo now.
I hope you all find love one day user
Kubo needs to go to Canada to find her obnoxious fuccboi with a tramp stamp
She's still an idiot who needs to figure out what message she's trying to communicate instead of saying something different every interview
So where are the scans?
Do you have transcripts or the page, user?
Don't trust random translations without sources or scans.
One kind user posted this link in the earlier thread. A little bit small but recognizable.
Thanks, you're the one who translated it? which page was that?
Very proud of myself.
>Welcome to Utopia
Looks nice
>Script writer says it’s really just like they were before - Goto hasn’t really gotten over his heartbreak either, and they aren’t really gay for each other or anything
>Director says that they didn’t have Masayoshi say they should get married because he was gay, but just because he’s the kind of character who can say crazy stuff like that
>They never write them as gay and anyone who thought that is wrong
Poor SamuMenco fans
It's actually mainly a Bikefairy book, despite the cover. All the GPF finalists (except for JJ) visit Yuutopia. Hijinks ensue.
Is this the one where Baldfat keep cockblocking Bikefairy?
>except for JJ
Why can't doujin artists make JJ the confused bi guy?
Because Isabella's strap on is enough for him.
I am happy for you, user.
I'd be happy just like her, imagine tapping that hot tramp stamp ass
Do you really think he's "confused", user?
What a little slut
I like this JJ the best
More of this please
Why is Otabek so damn ripped? is this his design for Bahamut?
>Engagement rings are for skaters that want to get married to the ice
Chris needs to take responsibility.
Otabara is best Otabek.
Litter of piglets.
This is piggy's dream afterall.
why is he so fat
Thanks user!
This makes me laugh for some reason
Is this a r63 Piggy?
He's way too big for 23 weeks
Piggys been hitting the katsudon too hard
What's an Otabek?
He's faking and fooled Victor. He just ate too much and got fat.
How many times did Baldy have to cum inside Pig to get him so big?
Not enough, Pig just stuffed himself with Katsudon.
>Implying it was Bald
Ass needs to be way fatter but god fucking damn
He got pregnant in the Bahamut world, he's having multiples. Unfortunately for Victor Yuuri got pregnant by just touching him.
It's called meteorism for fucks sake.
Omegaverse strikes again
Thanks for pointing out the one thing that was wrong with that picture, user.
>falls in love with Victor in Bahamut world
>gets pregnant
>Baldfat gets overjoyed
>starts planning the rest of their lives and their family together
>Piggy has never been so happy
>Victor is rubbing his belly in bed with him when suddenly Piggy wakes up
>the whole thing is a dream and his baby is gone
This is like when that /sci/ user showed up to explain pneumonia