Why do people call Gabriel an Umaru ripoff when Umaru is a Kirino ripoff?

Why do people call Gabriel an Umaru ripoff when Umaru is a Kirino ripoff?

How is Gabriel an Umaru ripoff? It's like people's knowledge of Umaru doesn't go beyond watching a webm and getting triggered by their own fantasies and not what it's actually about.

i don't know about that but gabriel with her hair in a ponytail is one of the greatest things i've ever seen.

post ponytail gabriels

>Why do people call Gabriel an Umaru ripoff
They do?

What anime/manga pioneered the secret otaku girl trope? Was it really OreImo?

>Why do people call Gabriel an Umaru ripoff
That never happened until this thread. The only thing they have in common is the neet thing and nothing else. Umaru/Kirino pretend to be someone else with everyone except the MC, Gabriel doesnt give a flying fuck and neets everywhere.

you guys were never in the threads for the first couple episodes. people said that all over the place. they were fucking idiots, but they said it

I guess its to be expected since Umaru is the shitposting idol and everything remotely resembling her will bring in tards. I dont even know how she ended up as a shitposting meme, the show was good, but the threads were literal hell.

I take whatever is said at the beginning of the season with a grain of salt, the threads always get better after it.

Neither Kirino, Tomoko, Umaru or Gabriel are neets you stupid idiots.

gabriel isn't a dropout either, doesn't stop the show being named after it

Seems to have become a catch all term, not sure how though since the definition of NEET is rather set in stone.

>the neet thing
They both attend school and Gabe even has a job.

it's easier to say NEET than "worthless piece of trash"


Just because it's easy doesn't mean it's right. Mistakes like these lead you to being corrected by other pretentious assholes on the internet, and you don't want that do you?

What about hikki?

I don't do it, maybe they get off on being corrected?
wouldn't people just say "oh she's not a hikki she goes outside sometimes when she doesn't have to"

They'd complain either way, just as we're all doing right now.

No one does. They call it what it is and that is heresy.

I think the term "slacker" "lazy fuck" works for Gabe just fine. She'll get shit done eventually, but she'll have the most apathetic attitude possible while she does it.

Worst thread of the week award?

thank you. i want to start going through the manga to find panels with ponytail gabriel.

They're just nerds you stupid shits. The only unifying trait between all of them and you is liking games and anime.

They all attend school, half of them have jobs, they all have multiple friends and regularly leave their house.

I know you really want to believe that you can relate to the cute anime girls, that they're just like you and you can pretend your lives aren't as pathetic and empty as they actually are, but they don't actually resemble or relate to you at all. They're just designed to trick you into thinking they are and keep watching. If an anime character was actually just like you their show would be 3 straight hours of sitting at a computer typing and watching videos.

Nogizaka Haruka no Himitsu