what anime would u say is the most musically appealing, aside from flcl of course
What anime would u say is the most musically appealing, aside from flcl of course
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Ask Sup Forums
they are actually experts in this sort of thing for some reason
Cowboy Bebop has great sound design. Personally quite fond of Paranoia Agent's sound work as well. Mushishi has a cool ambient vibe.
i thought after i posted this that you'd all tell me to go to Sup Forums and so i did (can't post it again yet)
Akira and GitS
Macross in general.
Nodame Cantabile
Sakamichi no Apollon
jesus christ
Macross does have good music, but the limited soundtrack means that you better like what you hear or else you'll be getting real annoyed real quick. Shao Pailan from the first one turned to shit for me once she got to the evil chaser line.
Neon Genesis Evanjellyon
this. The GOAT opening theme
no memeing I listen to Gurren Lagaan OST to get pumped. Row row fight the power
Literally nothing wrong with 92% of the music listed here.
damn, didnt know bungie ripped off akira with the halo reach matchmaking theme.
good artists copy, great artists steal, etc.
The Tale of Genji
After finishing flcl I unironically have been listening to The Pillows ever since. I'm not even a huge weeb or anything. Bran New Lovesong is tits.
Hellsing was an OK show at best, but it's soundtrack was awesome
Berserk 2016
Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso if you're into classical.
Ultimate fixes everything but most of the music not as good.
LotGH if you're into classical
Blue submarine 6 - underwater speed jazz. Not very well known though besides a brief run on toonami.
One of the most underrated animes, a middle aged japanese office man was secretly a heavy metal star.
By the one and only John Sykes, It has music by Michael Schenker too.
>Your will never save the universe, with your awesome heavy metal band.
Daft Punk had a whole animated feature for one of their albums.
It's pretty dope. If you like that sort of thing.
Damn, are you me?
I know it's a giant meme and all now, but Part 2 of JoJo has a fantastic soundtrack.
Why did you make two identical threads at the same time, retard?
I was under the impression that Sup Forums only liked the type of music that wouldn't fit as a soundtrack for something. Like being a soundtrack necessitates a lack of substance because otherwise it would overpower the media it's suppose to complement.
nice meme list
Kekkai Sensen
Serial Experiments Lain has the best music of any anime. Perfect OP, perfect ED, just great use of wild guitar parts and electronic ambiance. Nothing comes close IMO.
I endorse this statement.
>someone on Sup Forums is so assblasted about Bebop that they wasted their time making this
I wonder who is behind this post.
Look at the post numbers of this thread.
Parasyte had some nice dubstep in it.
I mean it's not really shocking, since Watanabe worked on the soundtrack, but the music in this show really set the mood especially well.
ctrl+f......no Samurai Champloo...Nujabes is rolling over in his grave you weebs.
Welcome to the nhk.
Probably not the most appealing but Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt had a nice mix of EDM with TeddyLoid doing most of the music. EP had a solid 80s feel, and See Through still gets me pumped up when I'm doing my laps on the track.
All in all most anime have one decent track, somes have one really good track, even fewer have multiple good ones
FMA 2003
Bish please, Champloo wasn't even his best work. Go eat a magic brownie one day then listen to the entirety of Moda Soul it'll leave you speechless
Nujabes' work with Fat Jon on Champloo is good but it REALLY isn't where you want to stop. There's a lot better stuff out there, go listen through his discography, I promise you'll like it.
I don't usually care about OST. There are a few that made at least some impression on me though. The only two I can think of right now are .hack//sign and Noir. I think they stand out for me because I fucking hated both series a lot and thought OST were the only redeeming qualities
Sup Forums really isn't a particular subset of tastes, it's not even just metalfags vs p4k/tnd gaylords
Also the fact that Ennio Morricone exists kind of completely refutes that second point, loads of the movies he's worked on totally hang on his music
Dude I know most people start off with Moda Soul first from a Sup Forumssician's perspective. Mellow beats rubs some people the wrong way
Darker than Black. Three OSTs full of Jazz and Untz.
S2 ost > S1 ost > OVA ost
The only people who put jun seba on a pedestal are already weebs
He's really not some de facto instrumental hip hop artist
Yeah, Sup Forumstant and musician here, agreed. I do stand by that his discography is worth digging more into though.
Sakamichi no Apollon did all of its music right.
4 episodes into Sora no Woto and they had some nice moments so far.
Ironically Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. Between the stand names, and the anime it take a certain kind of je ne sais quoi to pull of what it does, nevermind the quality of (most) of the OPs and EPs.
And dont even get me started on what its influenced.....
Impossible to list just one, here's a few:
Kaiji, Death Note and really anything by Hideki taniuchi.
Sora no Woto.
Anything by Yuki Kajiura or Kenji Kawai.
Champloo and Bebop.
I'm probably forget many.
No but alot of hipsterfaggots lord over the scene there with a level of smug that can rival Sup Forums.
Plastic. Pitchfork. Pussies.
Detroit Metal , no contest.
Sup Forums isn't really smug, Sup Forums would fit that description better imo. Sup Forums is just sheer and pure hatred towards everything.
DMC is excellent at what it does but its still super niche.
I suppose it's an obvious choice but Initial D.
Also many Gundam series, Wing, Seed etc
Uchuu Senkan Yamato 2199, Code Geass
Plz no bully senpai :(
Matter of perspective I suppose but yea that defines it better. Sup Forums has that hatred there but it comes out as snarky derisiveness similar to Sup Forums. Sup Forums is just smug without malice most of the time, more for bantz and shitposting
>Coda Shitass
Anything where Yoko Kanno is involved, she tickles my musical testicles like no other.
Each to his own, Hitomi's vocals were amazing though.
I know Sup Forums dislikes positive opinions about Ghibli cause "muh entry level" bullshit, but tons of their stuff have really solid and memorable soundtracks. Hisaishi is the man
I cannot deny that, its just that I loathe the maximo autismo thats attached to it
k-on and hibike euphonium
drop some tracks then user
First few I can think of
While Hisaishi is geat and all I've dropped some non-orchestral stuff in as well cause I feel like they're far less mentioned
Sup Forums has the worst musical taste.
>No Tetsuwan Birdy: Decode
The rest of the ost is great too.
Initial d, praticularly first stage. Love the middle era eurobeat, the ost has that funky 90's synth, and the move and galla op/ed's where really good. Fourth stage onwards only really has good eurobeat, but even that starts to slip in fifth and final stages.
Does this series have a bluray yet?
Giant Robo
Putting aside what you think of the show and its fans, Kotaro Nakagawa makes a pretty swell soundtrack.
Like his s-CRY-ed and GunXSword soundtracks were sweet too.
Nope and it never will unless S3 comes out.
Don't think so.
Why would it be FLCL? The soundtrack is just mediocre J-Rock.
>howl's main theme
"Best ghibli movie.
Texhnolyze but nobody here has seen it because they're all newfags.
i second this
>Ninja Slayer
>Nodame Cantibile
>Kekkai Sensen
>NHK ni Yokosou
>Panty & Stocking
a good sampler of different music styles from decent anime.
also disregard this
Yuri Kuma Arashi has a vastly underrated soundtrack.
Haikyuu probably has the best OST from the ones I've seen recently.
Was surprised a volleyball anime had such a great soundtrack.
Scaruffi likes Morphine so you on dumb.
Indeed, just like Sup Forums has the worst anime and manga taste. It's like pottery.
Interstella 5555 is like cheating, though. The animation was put to the music's service in that case, it's more like a big ass music video than a proper anime.
its from Sup Forums