Why is Takagi so fucking lewd?
Why is Takagi so fucking lewd?
Author realized that his small cute manga was actually profitable so he's now whoring out her character.
Because she's a semen demon.
She wants to /ss/
Make Takagi Pure Again!
>whoring out
>one love interest
I don't understand, she's just teasing the one she loves.
She will end up fucking someone other than him and he will have to watch. The NTR end has been confirmed. I hope she sold her virginity to old men and the gangbang her.
Please be real.
If god exists he WILL let this happen.
One day he's just going to kiss her and end her smug charade. He almost broke it when he said he'd rather walk home with her
I could actually see this as canon
> one joke - the manga
It was fun for the first few chapters.
How do people continue reading something that never fucking advances anywhere?
What are you looking for? Their first fight? The first time Takagi-san comes to the belief while on her period that Nishikata was scoping out some other girl and doesn't talk to him for four chapters? Their three year hiatus as they go to different colleges and are tempted to date other people?
>TFW no cute slutty petite smug girlfriend
Awww, I made myself sad.
She's a miracle
Every fucking thread.
>implying she's not going to move to Tokyo
>implying Nishikata won't become alpha as fuck because of building up bullying resistance and all the pushups
>implying Takagi won't become the outcast because Nishikata is all she ever knew
>implying they won't meet again and get together anyway
Friendly reminder that
You got trolled by a 2D girl from the safety of your computer, and all these grown men are still salty about it. This series is untouchable.
So anyone else gonna buy the manga?
>10 years in the future with a kid
>who the fuck was at the door
whats her fucking end game?
user, are you the type of person that gets confessed to during fireworks or something?
How fucking dense???
Maybe I should catch up before getting yelled at by Brazil.
Nah, that's just posted every thread because the exact opposite was confirmed
I made this my phone lockscreen wallpaper.
Welcome to gag manga. Also, it has been steadily advancing, it's just subtler than you're probably used to, which again, is a common characteristic of gag manga. Heck, we were lucky enough to already get an epilogue chapter for this one.
that smug smile is powerful
That's pretty lowres.
I took it from the scans, and didn't want to vector it.
I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing I had to face a lowres mess every time I turned my phone on.
Why not just run through waifu2x? It'd probably look rather decent.
I thought that just upscales it.
See One Punch Man
Don't mind him, he's just a pissed off NTR-fag.
>The true part was that "It's not a safe day"
RIP Dick
It's up to you whether you want to upscale or not. I'm not sure how it would work on your image but there's no harm in trying at least.
It uses some computer vision voodoo to basically pull off a CSI "ENHANCE" filter on it.
hahaha fucken slut
Looks a bit better.
Honestly, just vector it.
Oh man, are you faggots still around? The author himself dedicated a chapter to destroying you, I have never seen a group of fags blown out so hard.
I run two of these servers on my local network. It works pretty well. That said, depending on the image, medium and 2x seems to be the best combination. However the noise reduction can fuck up manga sourced images due to it not understanding dot shading.
There's literally nothing wrong with /ls/
I've been too lazy to update my mal in years but I'm really bad at remembering all the good manga I read. can someone promise to make thread when new chapter to remind me pls thanks I was going to add a cute picture but 1/4 of the way finding it i got distracted haHAA ex D adhd
Does the manga ever stop being so fucking repetitive? Reading two consecutive chapters is nearly impossible.
Don't be greedy you jealous old hag. Let the lolis have their shotas.
Damn right.
At least (You) made an effort
why do you need to keep reading?
get the fuck out
AMG did it for 20 years