Who is more American than Tom Hanks?

Who is more American than Tom Hanks?



Mel Gibson for president

Alive or dead?



mfw murica was 80% back in the day and not 56%

John Rambo you fucking leaf.

Most non-hollywood people

the guy from home improvement

Fuck off, kike. I hope you get raped by a pack of wild niggers.

chuck Norris


The Greatest Actor In This Century and u fucking forgot him.

He's canadian.


stop promoting kikeslaves, nobody from the mainstream media is winning against the god emperor in 2020. tom couldnt run his own god damn family, he isnt running shit.

hes not that kind of berg, hes been convicted of 2 hate crimes and served prison for it. 1 against nogs, 2 against asians. marky mark is not an echoechoechoe, just a kike puppet celebrity. given the chance, he'd probably beat them to death with their own shekels.

he's a christian dumbass

>tom couldnt run his own god damn family, he isnt running shit.

jenny is a hippie bitch

Profiteering during a world war