Stop what you're doing.
Do some pushups for you're waifu.
Stop what you're doing.
Do some pushups for you're waifu.
what if I don't have a waifu?
Do some anyway.
No way I'm doing one pushup for some bitch right now because
1. I'm sick
2. I'm gay so I don't have a waifu
3. They aren't real
Do push ups or you'll get KeyAIDS.
I have a pretty structured training regime that I follow for her though.
Always a good time.
always got time for my waifu...
though shes content either way.
That's 8000, right?
fuck, I'll be here for 2 weeks at least...
Finally got some inspiration to get fit, will make a thread every 1k for my wiafu, might post progress pictures...
what if shes into fattys?
holy shit...
check my board on /fit, no joke gonna make my waifu proud...
go back to /cm/ faggots...
I just accepted 8000 push ups for my waifu and I'll keep a board going on /fit and /a with progress... Hoping to complete 115 push ups, 5 times a day for 2 weeks.
Here's a better one. How about you start lifting, eating correctly and get enough sleep.
yea that just might work...
I tried doing this, but maintaining a sleep schedule is hard when you don't have to be up in the morning
Why won't anywhere hire me?
Fine, one second.
There. There's 50. One day, I'll get Chi to lust for my body as much as I lust for hers.
Dammit OP, you got me right from the get go. Now I have to go exercise :|