Vigne is so pure
Gabriel Dropout
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Why is Gabriel so shit? She ruined the whole episode.
How do I set up a bot like this guy?
Why is Gabriel so shit? She ruined the whole episode.
Succubus time next episode?
I want Vigne-chan to suck me dry
Quality background
what is this?
did they run out of budget?
also fucking Hiroshima increased the fucking reply timer
Looks like game of life and badminton
So next episode viñeta tries to be more demonic?
>Takara Bomb
nice bot, you remind me of barneyfag
Demons aren't pure, they're sluts and killers.
But I don't want to do older ones, just episode 7 because my friend is off and we have a shot at maybe releasing before HS, which would be funny, and then the OVA because it's not simulcast.
Raphi has the cutest reaction images
how demonic
Vignette would never say something like that.
autotranslate I guess
My wife Vigne is such a dirty whore.
Vigne has killed more cunts than cervical cancer
>symmetrical docking from Satania and Raphiel never
You're my hero.
I want to impregnate Vigne!
Wait, is this ESL or Translator? I'm confused.
There's an ESLfag making ESL subs, then someone else edits them. I don't know if he actually knows moon or just edits CR scripts. I'm not him, and I said I may sub episode 7, and will almost definitely sub the OVA.
Just picked up this show and
I'm extremely thankful for Vignette
and Satania is best girl.
>Vigne is a class rep type of person despite being a demon
>When she gets angry, it's never shown what she does exactly
>Other characters quickly become afraid and stop fucking with her
>Even Sadist Angel doesn't mess with her anymore
I get the feeling the Vigne was an Agent 47 deadly type of demon who is trying to turn over a less bloody leaf.
>releasing before HS
Oh wow, I want to see this happen at least once for a show they don't delay.
More like Agent 69
I want Vigne to chain me to her bedpost!
That's what I'm saying. No one here can really typeset and time, so I asked a friend to get good enough that we have a shot at it.
I think he knows moon, but his English isn't so good. I thought it might be good if he worked on the older episodes, while you worked with your friend on the newer ones+ova.
Oh I don't plan on doing all of them. He has Monday off this coming week so we might try, otherwise he's at work when it comes out. Even if we manage to get this one out, I likely won't do anything until the OVA.
>I'm yet to see your face
Should be "I've yet"
Pure slut. For my dick.
The user who are doing the edits did say he'll up them to nyaa once he's done, didn't he?
That's me.
Chg: Ah... And I was trying to remember where I have seen it before.
Are you sure have shouldn't be had? I feel that abbreviating to I've or I'd would make it read better as well. You could probably drop the "And" too.
>Chg: If you're so insisting then I have to look!
insistent would be better here.
>Are you sure have shouldn't be had?
>I feel that abbreviating to I've or I'd would make it read better as well.
It's going for almost 3 seconds, so the longer the better.
My wife Vigne is so demonic!
No, that's an evil demon from the depths of Hell.
She's not yours.
Glad to see anons working on good subs already. Thanks, I finally can pick this up again.
But I'm literally Gab.
What are they shocked about?
demon girls are the best.
The size of their dicks.
Good lord, how is she so perfect?
Demonic temptation.
None of the Dropouts are gay, silly yurifag. Even Raphi is just bully-sexual.
>studios that aren't KyoAni
The irony is off the charts.
>None of the Dropouts are gay
You're right, as angels and demons they are completely asexual.
This. I don't know why both of you yurifags and hetfags keep complaining, uncultured fags.
Those pits are to die for
I sure wondered why the fuck these threads are so ded
Literally put your head in the grinding machine PLEASE
>Delusional shipping in shows with no romance
>Inability to enjoy anything without shoving their fetish into it
Yurifags were a mistake.
Yuri has nothing to do with romance you ignorant little shit
Stop trying so hard to fit in.
>people unironically like vigne
Nope. She comes from a "normal" family in hell and doesn't show any hints about being some super evil and scary demon previously. Next episode is going to do the chapters all about how shes sad that she isn't actually very demonic and her trying to be evil and failing at it even worse than Satania.
>all those meme votes for the bartender
So, who win? This looks to me like Master is the best girl.
Reminder that tapris sugarbell has the cutest name and is the cutest girl
I want Master's dick in my ass right now!
Vigne is waifu material. Easily best girl if Satania didn't exist.
>Shipping in a non-romance series
>Denying that Crack-kun is a yurifag
Yurifags were indeed a mistake.
I cant wait for her to get corrupted by the gabs.
I sense evil in this thread. Posting evil detector charm.
What do those colors mean anyway?
So Master > Vigne > Satania > Gab > Raphiel by number of votes?
Sounds about right. Master is top tier waifu material.
>What do those colors mean anyway?
Nothing, only the amount of stickers means something.
Vigne is probably quite powerful.
Even Gabu, the "I don't give a fuck"-angel, seems to be legit afraid of her when she's pissed.
Seek professional medical help. You seriously need it.
How many fucking YEARS straight do you plan to do this? Your boogieman crack kun is not real. Do you realize how you are the one to ALWAYS start this shit? You never let it go. Do you know that obsession is a part of autism?
>if I spam the same image for the 100th time the only person who will tell me i'm shitposting is my imaginary boogieman
>you unironically think like this
How fucking sad. And you know what's funny? You try to fault "crack kun" for acting badly when you everyone you've accused of being crack kun has done nothing but tell you to stop spamming. And you out right refuse to ever actually say what "crack kun" does wrong.
>constant meta shitposting
>constant thread derailing
>constant delusions
>constant spamming
>literally you are the only one who does this
Your life is a mistake.
well we all know who corrupted gab
revup those reports
Demographic iirc.
>people unironically want to marry Vigne and have a large family with her
Yes, there is.
Gab 26
Vigne 35
Satania 30
Raphi 18
Sounds about right.
I want to see Vigne be bad
Why didn't you say this in reply to
All of these posts are breaking multiple global rules.
OH WAIT. Because you clearly don't give a shit about the rules at all. You just want to publicly announce that you are "downvoting" (reporting) posts you do not like.
Which, is another rule you are breaking.
I think she's already a little corrupted.
What posts should I be reporting?
Vigne is so cute, she can corrupt me anytime.
Good catch, friend. The detector worked.
So male, female, and other?
The autistic ones.
> :3 :The animation
>literally begging people to think you are more than one person
How can you be so pathetic and still have not put a bullet in your head?
Haha. You have no friends. Literally everyone hates you. Pic related.
And what makes it even more obvious you are the same person is that you do not take issue with the massive amounts of spamming does by yourself.