Is Shinji gay or is he just bisexual?

Is Shinji gay or is he just bisexual?

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He's lonely.

The only time sex doesn't cause him anxiety is when it's with another boy.

The most compromising is that he's bisexual. Shinji, the face of anti-hero.

He is heterosexual


Bisex and ronery

He's a flagrant faggot.

It doesn't matter. He was desperate for anything or anyone showing him affection.

It's not gay if it's Kaworu.


Anno agreed, don't bother him about it.

First post best post as always.

Does loneliness make you crave dick?

Infancy is enjoying Asuka
Childhood is thinking Rei is bae
Adulthood is realising Yui is best girl
Godhood is going gay for Kaworu


>Does loneliness make you crave dick?
No, but it makes you crave a meat hole to put your dick in. Given enough time, you'll even consider fucking a man under the right conditions.

butifel rei

>fapped and cummed to a naked girl
Gee I don't know. Dumb fujoshit.

To be fair, Asuka has the body of a feminine boy.


Shinji is bi, he was not just desperate because he blushed as soon as he saw Kaworu's face. Kaworu is his ideal in fkesh, so not it could have been a cat or dog or old man, it had to be Kaworu. And the scripts have him thinking Kaworu's attractive and going doki-doki whenever he saw him.



Agree with this


no he is a jew


>pushing her out of him
What a gay faggot.

He blushed because Kaworu was nice to him
checkmate fujoshis

He was blushing at him before Kaworu was being nice to him
Checkmate atheist


>Not to be rude, but you're rather ignorant of your own position
Kek, he's not being nice here. He's being a dick.

And Shinji still blushes looking at his face

That pic looks photoshopped.

Retard, did you not watch the Director's Cut?

If Kaworu was being a dick Shinji wouldn't smile.

It's because he's so blinded by the pretty

Kaworu tells him he's ignorant of his own position.
When other people told Shinji those exact words in the series, he got angry at them. It's being a dick and rude, he wasn't being nice here.

He smiles and blushes when Kaworu faces him because he's sexually attracted to him. There's no other explanation.

You wouldn't even react like that if someone was just being nice to you, unless you found them hot.


Max delusion, Kaworu was nice to him all the time

Kawoshin is gay propaganda


It's even advertised at baseball stadiums.

>gay propaganda
Mizulina pls

>3.0 comes out
>Tumblr explodes with Kawoshin
>Now 98% of tumblrinas identify as gay, lesbian, genderqueer, etc
Coincidence? I think not

It was all part of Anno's master plan

Go to Sup Forums and you'll find out