Original thread archived, hopesfully orig user see this

>Is this the reason why Asuka argues with others? She is actually arguing with herself?

I take "seeking to find yourself in others" as her trying to define herself based on the people around her - like how she defines herself as the best Eva pilot until Shinji destroys her raison d'etra by getting a higher synch ratio and defeating the angels without her using berserk mode. Here she is at her lowest point of self-hatred because she's proven to be "worthless" by the measure of those she constructs artificial competition with.

The scene following your screencap elaborates on this:
>Rei: “You're afraid of becoming alone, aren't you? Because you disappear along with the people around you. That's why you're afraid, aren't you?
In other words, Asuka can't define herself without others to compare herself to. In her mind, she ceases to exist if no one is around to tell her that she exists, has value. Rei is explaining Asuka's dilemma to her.
>Separation Anxiety
>Young Asuka: “That's why you pilot the Eva.”
Asuka's inner voice, the one that speaks the truth that's too painful to admit, agrees with Rei. She pilots because it's something she can compare to someone else and say, “I'm the best. This gives my life value.”
>Asuka: “Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! I don't want to hear that from a doll like you!”


Asuka says she hates everyone, because they don't value her or pay attention to her. But the person she really hates is herself because she WANTS people to value her and pay attention to her, and she hates that weakness. She ENVIES a doll like Rei because dolls are valued for being compliant (her mother prefering a doll; Gendo preferring Rei). She wants to be her own person, but she also wants approval because it's the only way she knows to create self-worth. So in the end, she hates herself for envying the thing she so despises.

But then she hears her mother - the person she wants approval from the most - speak to her and approve of her within her Eva, and she gains the confidence to fight again. She becomes reborn, but with a false hope. She loses the fight against the MP Evas anyway because she's still relying on outside approval instead of approving of herself, for herself. She hasn’t learned anything, not really. She's still using that crutch, which is why she has to have an inevitable downfall. After all, learning to love yourself, for yourself, is the ultimate lesson Shinji learns and uses to bring the future he desires to fruition. In that way, he succeeds where Asuka fails because he finds a way to move past an obstacle that she couldn't.

Doesn't Rei, Shinji and Asuka all have others they associate with which define themselves? This is one of the main themes of episode 25, I think.

Shinji pilots the Eva because they praise him, and that means they need him. Same with Asuka, they need her until she can no longer pilot. They both feel useless without Eva.

Read Hegel. This will all make sense.

That's true. The idea is that it's the human condition to need others, but with that need comes times when you'll be hurt by them (Hedgehog's Dilemma!). You can't do without others completely, but you can't let them define your whole existence either. Life is about striking a balance that allows you to avoid the most pain and live an a satisfying way.

Now the interesting thing is that Asuka and Shinji represent the two extremes. Asuka tries too hard to live without others because she's been burned in the past; Shinji is too dependent on others to be happy with his life. They both stem from the same problem, but represent different ways people deal with it.

Its interesting because Asuka prefers to be alone, and for some reason she said Shinji hurt her, but she never discussed what he hurt her about.

Shinji is a bit easier to understand though. He makes it clear he wish his father loved him.

>for some reason she said Shinji hurt her, but she never discussed what he hurt her about.

What exactly is that referring to?

>Its interesting because Asuka prefers to be alone
You got that wrong. Between Shinji, Rei and her, she's the only one that give a sense of having a social life. She claims to not need anyone. But she's the most socially dependent of all the characters. She wanted everyone's praise for being a pilot and loved being the school's queen bee. She's very much like Shinji (or everyone for that matter) in that she needs people's approval, the difference is that the circle of adulation she needs is much bigger than Shinji's. He just wanted praise from his father. Asuka wanted it out of everyone, and the moment she lost that she fell apart.

Receiving praise and validation doesn't necessarily equate the want for or need of a "social life"

I was referring to End of Evangelion, after Kaji and Misato have sex in instrumentality. After she says pic related, she marches towards Shinji, yelling him about not understand her. Later she says Shinji hurt her, which nobody knows about.

Asuka is so cryptic.

But she was clearly intended to have a social life. She became immediately popular, only after she fell apart you get a sense of her retreating into her shell and being on her own and just playing videogames. You'd have a point if you were talking about Shikiname because you see her being indifferent to her classmates and like post trauma Sohryu just spends her time playing videogames the way Shinji and Rei rather just play music or read books. But Sohryu relishes socializing.

>But Sohryu relishes socializing.
Isn't this extrapolating a bit? After all, she did ditch the guy at the amusement park and actively shunned the letters she received.

On episode 9, you can see her female classmates glare at her and she steps on all the love letters. Shortly afterwards, she decides to make Shinji's life a living hell.

She could have been elsewhere, like with class rep.

She talks about him not helping her a lot; not helping her with the MP Evas, not giving her approval by returning her tsundere affection. Is that's it?

Shinji: "You never talk to me, but you expect me to understand you!"

>Isn't this extrapolating a bit?
Not anymore than concluding that she likes prefers being alone.
She shunned her date and those letters because she dislikes being approached romantically because she's got it in her head she's in love with Kaji, but that doesn't mean she's not sociable in any other context.
Look at how she acts when meeting Misato for the first time after a few years, or when hanging out with Kaji, or when first approaching Rei, the rivalry she has with the 3 stooges, the friendship she strikes with Hikari, the way she acts when talking with her step-mom. She behaves like a regular, sociable teenage girl in most situations. You can say it's an act and she switches it on and off as needed but that's part of the point, she feels like doing that so people like her, because she needs people.
Compare that with Shinji and Rei who are mostly themselves whether they're in company or alone.
That's the whole point of why Asuka exists, to contrast how an extrovert would deal with the same issues introverts like shinji & rei would.

This pretty much. Asuka wants approval from her peers, which is hard to do if you don't interact with people very often. She goes after superficial relationships,
And it's like you said, Shinji is the introvert to Asuka's extrovert.

I'm even surprised anyone would even argue otherwise. 'Asuka's a loner' is an argument I haven't seen. Discussions get further and further away from what her character is actually like.

Because that's what girls do.
They act nice and friendly to each other face to face but they quickly talk shit and despise the ones more pretty and popular than them.

Asuka's character and problems are actually extremely common and average for a typical teenage girl. They're just more dramatized because this is an Anime.

do you have the picture of them in the locker room all acting happy in front of her for contrast? I wanted to post it but I don't have my Eva stuff right now.

Asuka using reverse physiology, being abusive and aggressive is the only form of affection she can show. Unless its with Hikari, she can confide and tell her opinions.

I don't know if Asuka can ever find a man, unless she changes.

Asuka clearly says several times she going to be be all by herself.

>Asuka clearly says several times she going to be be all by herself.
And what she means is that she doesn't want to depend on anyone. It's why she insists on wanting to be treated as an adult. But it's a lie she tells herself, the truth is she needs people a lot.

I'd expect it to be worse actually, whites like Asuka would be treated badly in Japan. She'd be called "gaijin piggu"

Not true, gaijin females who aren't fat and ugly are treated decently well in Japan.
As long as they are polite and follow the culture rules, which Asuka seems to do when she's in public and puts on her facade.

She's cute but she's the least respectful person and always criticizes Japanese culture. Wouldn't her class mates call her a filthy gaijin?

It would so bad that it would make Asuka cry and she'd have no one except NERV employees.

No, because she doesn't do it in public.
She acts all nice and polite at school, remember? It's part of her facade, that's why she gets the letters and Hikari's friend asking her out.

If they saw her true self (Like Kensuke and Touji point out) they'd quickly hate her.

By your own metrics Shinji is an extrovert.

Are you just some butthurt Reifag? Filenames kun is that you?

No, Shinji is most definitely introverted.
Other people need to approach him first before he gets comfortable with them. Kensuke, Touji, and Misato all reached out to him not the other way around.

Asuka is a clear extrovert. More than most characters in the show, how you could deny this is beyond me.

>Are you just some butthurt Reifag?
It is a fact she doesn't critizies the japanese in front of people.
It is a fact Kensuke and Touji pointed out that if they knew how she really is they'd hate her
>By your own metrics Shinji is an extrovert.
What metrics? the way shinji engages with people are obviously the behaviours of an introvert.

THere is times the red devil slips though, she embarrassed herself in front of the class and yelled at Shinji for not making her lunch.

>introversion having to do with approachability or engaging with people
Want to know how I know you're both failed normalfags with a skewed understanding of introversion?

That's a rather obtuse way of admitting your allegiance. I really shoud get around to a gurobomb one of these days.

Add on to this, the way Shinji goes about processing shit that happens to him is by riding the subway late at night when it's empty while listening to music, cut off from the world. Doesn't get more introverted than that.

True, but that happens later on right before she's taken out of school due to the angel attack.

Ah, nevermind, you're just a shitposter not here for real discussion.

>avatarfagging as Char
Want to know how I know you're an insecure loser with no friends or family who love you?

>real discussion
Sorry I'm not enough of a newfag to use hackneyed definitions of words to perform a character analysis that has probably existed before you even born.

Being introverted is not the same as being totally autistic.
You're the one bringing up waifu shit here, before that we were discussing Asuka in a very polite manner. Hell, our argument is that Asuka is social person that knows how to keep opinions that might be offensive to herself when she's in public, and you somehow find offense in that and talking about guro spamming.

Just ignore him, he's a known Asukafag shitposter who doesn't even really like Eva

>1 reaction image is now avatarfagging
Want to know how I know you're a butthurt newfag? Lurk for (2) years before posting.

Introverts are like batteries that need to be recharged after so much use (in social situations).

Extroverts draw energy from social environments like solar panels and basically rely on that to stay afloat more than introverts do.

Shinji obviously acts like he needs people on one hand but shies away on the other. It's difficult to say he's plainly an introvert because his shyness and histrionic tendencies might be what causes him to do things like run away from NERV for days at a time, not his introversion or lack thereof.

Are you fucking kidding me? This obvious of a samefag? Well, you know what they say, nothing wrong with ReiQ.

You've been using faggot Char images in Eva threads the past several years, fireposter.

>we're discussing Asuka in a polite manner
>posts an image of Ellen Memeteacher with the lance image
Nah, fuck you you samefagging piece of Reifag shit.

>Abloobloo you didn't join my Asuka negativity circlejerk

Eat shit Reiautist. I guess every Char image in an eva thread must be fireposter eh? What a fuckin' boogeyman.

Except he flat out says that he finds social gatherings draining, he's an introvert, but a functional one.

>Introverts are like batteries that need to be recharged after so much use (in social situations).
That's Shinji to a T.

Even being around two friends like Touji and Kensuke he's supposedly extremely comfortable drowns him out after a while.

>Shinji is an introvert exactly like me, I'm so special
Last I checked introverts weren't dependent on praise, fuckface. Point being user is right here He's not a cut and dry introvert. Stop calling other characters and yourselves introverts because it makes you feel trendy and like a brooding intellectual. Shit's nauseating.

Back to Sup Forums, Reitard. Don't you have other sites to ruin with your normalfaggotry?

>an Asukafag exposes thinly veiled Asuka hate circlejerk
>Reifags go bananas
Evry tim.

>Last I checked introverts weren't dependent on praise, fuckface
An introvert can certainly be dependent on praise, both traits describe Shinji perfectly.

Whereas Asuka is dependent on praise and very extroverted.

Your hostility isn't welcome here, why are you so intent on giving Asukafags a bad name?

Asuka is an extrovert who feels who has no need for others. She wants people to pay attention to her and for her not to have to care about them, in essence. She wants to be “needed” but not in the way that Misato does (in an actual need) but in a manner that causes people to pay attention to her without her having to “need” them back. (But in reality she does need people)

You mean, an Asscuck crashes yet another thread with his autism and blames it everyone?

What part of 'Asuka was actually sociable and and extrovert as contrast to Shinji and Rei' counts as thinly veiled Asuka hate-circlejerk?

Listen here you newfag piece of shit.

>an introvert can be dependant on praise
Is strictly wrong given the fact that praise would fall under the umbrella of social situations. Fucking curl yourself into an oven and burn to a crisp you trendy normalfag piece of shit. And cut the reddit spacing, fagballs.

And why the hell did my post get deleted?

Ah yes of course, using "Asscuck" freely and posting images like is certianly the hallmark of friendliness to Asuka and Asukafags. Just do yourself and others a favor and dox yourself so I can put you out of your misery, kid.

You know why.

I started with that after you crashed this thread, and it's only directed at you, none of the other people that were taking part of the conversation.

Exactly this.

You're not even capable of entering the discussion without throwing hostile buzzwords. Grow up.

You're not trying to hide the fact you're an unrepentant Reifag at all, are you? I would expect at least Reifags to know what constitues introversion, but it seems this isn't the case.

>You're not even capable of entering the discussion without throwing hostile buzzwords.
Buzzwords itself is a buzzword you imbecile.

>exactly this
Sure, let's just add a like button just for your normalfag self. Quit "avatarfagging" as an MPEva, child.

It's just a funny image, calm down

Jesus Christ you're dumb. Shinji does not like socializing, he asks himself why everyone's so loud, it drains him to engage in social activities. That's the sign of an introvert, not just being quiet and shy

At least he "can" enter the discussion, as opposed to you commenting "exactly this" the equivalent of an upvote. Why the fuck would you even use Sup Forums when you're clearly more suited to reddit? You probably post "fpbp" on threads too, huh?

>Jesus Cjrist you're dumb
The defacto argumentative rhetoric of a fucking underaged. Tell me why I should even entertain your wrongful understanding of introversion when you've made it abundantly clear you're under 18?

only because it's often true.

>actually defending this garbage waste of a post that smacks of fagbook and plebbit
Fuck off back there, please.

>it's a waifufags derail eva discussion again episode

only if you say please three times.

>it's another Lulucofag reaction image making a worthless greentext
Stop making Triggerfags look worse, please.

Blame it only on the Asscuck, no one is actually dissing Asuka or talking about Rei.

Literally nothing wrong with Luluco

Can you please stop samefagging or at least fuck off back to /po/l?

Never said there was, but I've been noticing those who use Luluco as a reaction image tend to make really low quality, worthless posts. So please stop that. And stop actually avatarfagging. Thank you.

she shoots stuff from her crotch, that seems a bit wrong.

I don't know origami

That's what girls do when they're in love, silly user.

How do you know it was an Asukafag? It was anons debating if she was a neet or not.

Considering she gets along poorly with Shinji, kinda proves she's isn't the most sociable person.

I thought that was guys.

Underrated post.

Stop samefagging fireposter, no one is buying it.

Does blonde Kaworu die?

Wrong user, I'm the person the OP is referring to.

Nova-kun a cute. A CUTE!


Why tell others to stop samefagging when you just samefagged in the same exact post? Believe it or not, that user is different and I was about to give him shit for not understanding what a NEET is.

>obnoxious Lulucofag is actually a Kaworufag
At last, I truly see.

>How do you know it was an Asukafag? It was anons debating if she was a neet or not.
Because it's obvious the guy thinks we somehow sullied his waifu's honor and is now going insane yelling 'reddit, facebook, pol, everything'.
Discussing whether Asuka is an neet or not (she's not) had nothing to do with waifu shit. but he just went off insane.

Kaworu gets raped by Panty

He doesn't seem too far off the mark considering you're having difficulty even capitalizing your sentences.

This discussion sounds kind of similar to that one a week ago, when everyone was debating if Asuka was 3DPD or not.

Now I'm unsure, is she an introvert or normalfag 3dpd. The anime gives mix signals on this, considering she's kinda bipolar.

Yep, he's been doing this for years now.
A shame because I like Asuka, but he's making it hard to discuss about her.

>we somehow
You're not exactly using the word "we" wrong, but when it's obviously a dialogue between you and another invested Reifag, that's a bit facetious, don't you think?

Ah, well said fellow "Asukafag". Haha, what a shame indeed when we have such true followers of the faith such as yourself around.

You're just as obnoxious as that textwall Reifag.

Whatever do you mean, my "Asukafag" ally?

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

Asuka when depressed reaches out to people, Hikari for example
Shinji when depressed isolates himself or goes on long walks alone
She's an extrovert, he's an introvert

I don't recall posting an image of Rei.

Yep, they're capitalized.
>when it's obviously a dialogue between you and another invested Reifag, that's a bit facetious, don't you think?
Again, no one was dissing Asuka or talking about Rei. So it's presumptuous to characterize the start of the thread as Reifags talking with one another. But for the sake of honesty, yes I like Rei better, but All eva characters are fucking interesting, which was why I was in this thread. I just found it baffling why anyone would characterize Asuka as an Neet, introvert or a loner.

Because I'm 19

She's not dating or going out to parties. She has one friend she relies on.

Most adults would still consider her closed off, still.

Just stop responding to him

Can you stop using the word NEET wrongly? I know all the newfags want to emulate oldfags and such but it's actually really grating and not endearing at all.

I almost substituted underaged for teenager so it looks like I was right on the mark, at any rate.

>She's not dating or going out to parties.
She's in fucking middle school.

Wasn't she the most popular girl at school? Also she went out for a date in Episode 9

>She's not dating or going out to parties. She has one friend she relies on.
But he actually dated even if she dumped him, and she actually went to parties , and she was looking forward to her school trip. She's got 1 good friend but also has an entourage.