So what did he do wrong again? Seems like the Band of the Hawk would do anything for him and they were prepared to die for him so why the big deal over the eclipse?
So what did he do wrong again...
He turned so gay for Guts he accidentally fucked a woman.
How about rape? Homosexuality? Sacrificing entire friend group who didn't know they were being sacrificed and unwillingly were made into sacrifices? Have best friend murder for his gain? Get guh kid, bait thread.
How about when he fucked both the princess and his lifelong dream of owning a kingdom?
>How about rape? Homosexuality? Sacrificing entire friend group who didn't know they were being sacrificed and unwillingly were made into sacrifices? Have best friend murder for his gain?
One of these things is not like the other.
>implying they didn't have dreams
One of them was going to propose. Another was going to become a baker. But this is a bait thread.
This meme again?
OP go kill yourself.
>Seems like the Band of the Hawk would do anything for him and they were prepared to die
Actually all of them had dreams of their own, Griffith was just the means for them to achieve what they wanted, ironically Guts was the one who had no dream in all the Band of the Hawk. Griffith did EVERYTHING WRONG, losing control so easily, and because he actually considered Guts his friend, only for Guts he forgot about his dream.
He fucked Caska into retardeness, turned Gatsu's unborn son into an abomination, cucked him in the process, and left him with a sacrificial mark that make him haunted by demons as a farewell gift.
how bad would it be if i started reading manga right after where anime ended?
next chapter when?
>how bad would it be if i started reading manga right after where anime ended?
You will miss all the details, the Lost Children/Black Swordman Saga and the god like art, but do whatever you want.
Dying in battle for glory =/= getting massively overwhelmed by and eaten by monsters
ill just read it all then
It's not the same as just dying.
You get sent to fucking hell for being branded.
Sorry about the shit image and watermark. But here's another reference image.
Does Conrad just spend all day looking after his pet rats like some fat NEET with a weird hobby?
He made deals with demons. He listened to what demons had to say. He disregarded those who were already dead and used them as an excuse to justify betraying the living. That's like basic shit you're not supposed to do.
Worst of all, he didnt assassinate the king, marry charlotte and seize power through civil war using his popularity amongst the common folk to destroy his opponents in the court.
>dubs of truth
This. He sold off his friends in 5 minutes
He unironically did nothing wrong.
so retard casca is going in a few chapters right
So... I just binged all of Berserk. Holy fuck? How can go you go on Hiatus at such a fucking pivotal time? Is this what being a berserk fan is like? This is unacceptable.
At least you weren't stuck on the boat for nearly 10 years.
Oh god. I'm so sorry.
I just wanted to google "enjoy and exciting."