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No problem, user.



I sure as hope the execution of Magi is good because the way it's going now is all downhill. Sinbad isn't even cocky anymore this is just plot convince for him to simply just not kI'll them






Shit loads of talking.

Magi is so boring now. If only Sinbad died and Ugo was the final boss.

So, is this just going to be a series of TnJ's until they get to the real Sinbad?

Magi is now a talk-no-jutsu manga that puts Naruto to shame. The last real fight we ever got was vs Arba

Nah, it's still nothing close to as bad as Naruto. Still, you can tell that Ohtaka got influence on some level by the same tropes that Naruto had. That forced notion of forgiveness and redemption is one of the biggest examples,and is why I regard Hakuryuu as a bad character.

Eh, Ugo will probably still have a role to play near the end.

This looks interesting.

Thanks user.

>Magi is now a talk-no-jutsu manga
Stupidest thing I've ever heard. Kill yourself, retard.

>Your misfortune was all because of the unreasonable fate dictated by Solomon
>In that world, misfortune indiscriminately falls upon blameless people

>Direct cause of Kou's problems was Sinbad's new policies

They are both to blame for Kou's woes. Hakuryuu split the country in half and Sinbad practically starved it.

I'm already tired of the Sinbadfest and it's only just starting. Truly, he is the author's husbando.

>Truly, he is the author's husbando.
You don't know the half of it. Guess who got another volume cover despite getting one just 3 volumes prior.

The BabaFish and HakuMor ships sinking really killed Magi threads, huh.



It's been pretty big on talking people down for most of the manga.

They were still fairly big even after the shipping stuff ended. But at this point it's just boring.

The Sinbad shenanigans have really brought it all down.

This fanbase sucks complete cock.

so the entire thing is Sinbad dindu, he is gud boi, he just misguid

best djinn equip

>using his new power for the cover
nothing wrong with that

how can we fix this
if she love Sinbad so much, why dont she make Baba become bad guy, at least shit's interested

Sinbad's trying to be convinced that there is a better answer to destiny than what he has come up with, that's why he's letting all of them live and go on this trial.

Best girl. In a giant version too.

>His beliefs are pretty weak then, if it only takes one chapter each to defeat them.

the sinbad shenanigans were fun in a way before this garbage from the last 3-4 chapters.

Nah, the way he went full retard was dumb as fuck.

Threads always get slower for a series towards the end when it is not a massively popular series.

Like Claymore.

Why doesn't someone just give Sinbad a Snickers?

Hakuryuu's trial still not ending as in this chapter user
Also Magi will be on break next week

Because then he's make a fuss about not having two snickers.

>Also Magi will be on break next week

You when the series has made some people lose interest, Claymore was popular as fuck but all went to hell when Isley died, the following developments were shit, very few cared when it finally ended.

Magi has many people tired of the Sinbad shilling and the ending being a race to convince him not to go through with his plan, that makes threads lose steam.

A multi stage debate dungeon against Sinbad really fits Magi as a final level, but still it might drag a bit too much. I wanna see David and i wanna see Arba tongue kissing Hakuryuu again.

Magi threads haven't really been the same since the anime ended. You'd have the odd bump limit here and there, but they were still slower than most other threads about popular Shounen.

fuck that looks good. Why is she so good with volume covers. I just wish the author of nanatsu no tazai did half as well as ohtakas

I want to see Morgiana's cute face again. Fuck Sinbad, show me the lion.


Nakaba is not a bad artist at all but his coloring skills are the worst i ever saw. I think i could do better using paint or crayons.

Magi threads hit their peak on here during the edgebros arc. After that it died down until after the time skip where the shipperfags came out in full force and got progressively worse as each chapter came out. Especially after the chapter where Toto said Hakuryuu and Morgiana where "together".

After the shipping cancer finally died down, the threads were still significantly active. But Ohtaka's constant breaks plus boring Sinbad shenanigans just killed the pacing completely.

I don't think shipping had much to do with it either.

I'd take ten chapters of Alibaba/Morgiana wedding planning over this Sinbad nonsense.

wish the cover was him in god mod

Nah, if there's one thing I learned from shitposting in Bleach and Nurutu threads, it's that shipping conflates everything.

It helps keep threads alive but we've had plenty of Alimor posters since the others sunk and the threads were decently active.


>7 Djinns
>4 fighters
Will anyone else join them?

but sinbad is not a bad guy

He's not a good guy

Probably a pain in the ass to draw though.

I hope Alibaba gets to face the Zepar DE.

I approve of your priorities.

I'm still wondering if more people will join or if the MC's form a tag team.

Baby you know it.

I think they'll probably form a team at some point but I really want solo Alibaba for that one.


Just look for Ren Gyokuen on Sankaku Channel i guess. Its Kouen fucking her back when we didnt know Kouen was scared of her.

The tags say Ithnan but we all know Ithnan is too pure for that.

God-tier panel.

I want them to procreate.

Spoiler that shit. this is a blue board. Does that mean Sinbad is actually black because he has a curved sword? Tip looks weird too.

Take your faggotry elsewhere. Baba is straight as an arrow.

More, please.

>some people actually hate these two
What do they have against love and happiness?

As you wish.

This one's not lewd but it's cute so it'll do.

How did Ohtaka drop the ball so hard with this series? She had a potential goldmine on her hands and she somehow pissed it all away.

Because Sinbad a shit.

That huge flashback arc did a lot damage to the popularity of this series. That and a bunch of other stuff. Like fast forwarding the setting from Arabian Nights to technological heavy setting and moving away from the dungeon crawling adventures that gave the series it's charm. On top of that, she's constantly taking breaks now which slows down the already slow pace.