Mochizuki Touya is dead. God killed him. “I am afraid to say that I have made a bit of a blunder...

>Mochizuki Touya is dead. God killed him. “I am afraid to say that I have made a bit of a blunder...” laments the old coot. But all is not lost! God says that he can reincarnate Touya into a world of fantasy, and as a bonus, he gets to bring his smartphone along with! So begins Touya's adventure in a new, anachronistic pseudo-medieval world. Friends! Laughs! Tears! Inexplicable Deus ex Machina! He sets off on a journey full of wonder as he absentmindedly travels from place to place, following whatever goal catches his fancy. The curtains lift on an epic tale of swords, sorcery, and smartphone apps!
Reading Steiner what do you think you are doing

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Just kill me now.


why do you keep posting shitty isekai summaries here
I swear I've seen at least 3 uniqe ones today

This one is special because the translator is Reading Steiner, and it's a bit jarring to see him go from translating patrician quality kino to translating bargain basement garbage.


I don't know that translator, but maybe he's just trying to pay the bills.

>One volume every six weeks
The man is a monster

He translated Steins Gate and various Steins Gate related materials.

What good is a smartphone in a fantasy world? You don't have cell service or wifi (unless he was granted those things too?) and even if you DO there's nobody to call.

>Reading Steiner
Sad to see that his taste is just as shit as anyone else's.

>Inexplicable Deus ex Machina

For fuck sake.

Also hasn't this been going on for quite a few years by now?

Thanks to divine magic, he can use it to phone God, and it has a working GPS and map data.

this reeks of cliches and harems

those shitty isekais are creative in their own ways

The problem is often that once they have expended their gimmick in the first volume, the latter volumes become samey and uncreative as they have no idea where to go from there..

He hasn't even used his smartphone in the 3 parts released so far except for one time where he looks up how to make Ice Cream and then takes credit for inventing it.

How's the translation? Anyone read it? Dunno if I should subscribe to these guys or just wait for the full release.

what happens when his phone runs out of battery?

It doesn't. It's fuelled by his mana reserves and he's a mana wi-fi hotspot too.

how do people read this shit

It's actually pretty fun from what I've read so far. Nothing groundbreaking but it doesn't feel like the usual masturbatory trash either. MC is pretty level-headed for this genre.

Unless you're going for a premium subscription which gives you one DRM free book to keep each month, I wouldn't bother with a base subscription since it doesn't let you read books that have left prepub, so it's not worth it unless you really need to read a chapter a week and don't plan on keeping it for the future. Just buy the final release from Amazon or Kobo.

What about the translations? Is their staff any good? Do they read like shit? On my phone so I can't check it out right now.

Well, maybe if the western VN Industry wasn't just a big pile of Nekopara-like porn or that 5pb would have accept his group to work on SciADV titles, maybe he wouldn't have to work for a LN company.
Also, can't be worse than Konosubad anyway.

>but it doesn't feel like the usual masturbatory trash either.
The moment there's 2 girls clinging to MC in the cover it already became usual masturbatory trash.

The two girls haven't even been introduced to the plot so far (I think the little one has but she's like a 10-year-old so she's not a harem member). Main character is pretty good and even though he's overpowered he seems kinda self-aware about it and mostly just wants to earn an honest wage. It's kinda refreshing.


You could just stop reading different isekais desperately searching for subtle, minor differences between their mostly identical plots and characters and read something from a completely different genre if you want something refreshing.

Oh I don't really hate isekai stuff.

Translations are really well done. Their work on Ore ga Heroine or Realist Hero for example is definitely a lot more readable than the fan translation, and Faraway Paladin is hardly possible to tell that it was Japanese originally.

They still avoid honorifics generally, but they do relent and include them where it makes sense to (pic related)

Here's a review of a couple of their more recent releases.

Welcome to Sup Forums.
Where trending similar plot with a bit of a tweest is A FUCKING REFRESHING where the only defend they can spout is AT LEAST THE MC ISN'T USUAL GENERIC MC, THIS MC IS NICER THAN USUAL GENERIC MC.

That is the state of Sup Forums right now.

>could just stop
Nah lad. I'll eat junkfood, I'll eat the cake, and fuck I'll eat some high-class cuisine as well while I'm at it.

One thing I find neat about the smartphone translation is the girl from the other world's version of Japan speaks with honorifics but nobody else does. I don't know if that was a decision by Steiner or someone else but it was pretty neat.

Time to do learn your kana from scratch.
50 fucking times, you bitch.

I seem to remember the MC building robots about 20 volumes in

I thought it was a robot kingdom.

Kek, dropped

Yes, Time for Giant Robots With Manapoles fueled by Wifi-Mana.

He can call God and connect to any site from his old world, but he can't post.

Fucking raining monopoles, no matter how they try to handwave it in the VN that's just bullshit.

Something something not enough nukespicked up

>be JAXA
>helps making realistic giant robotos
>"how do we explain the monopoles ?"
>"real-boot, k ?"

They didn't realboot the monopoles in the VN. They were created by pulsing the magnetosphere.

Oh for fucks sake.

I feel inspired on writing about an Iseaki where an American truck driver is on a genocidal killing spree in another world ridding it of Japanese teenagers.

That could actually be kinda funny. Or an Isekai where a generic teenager finds himself in another world, only to discover it's the world where generic teenage boys are dumped and there's a genocide ongoing due to the influx.

It's a testament to the sheer volume of shit out there how quickly the genre became self-aware.

Case in point, Pay2WinVRMMO's SAO fanatic nerd squad.

>He can call God
Why not just pray?

The loli looks sweet.

I read a little bit of it. I felt rather letdown by how that it's Isekai instead of being Steins;Gate. Touya isn't the mad scientist of madness, and it's a real turnoff.

>how that it's Isekai instead of being Steins;Gate
Why the fuck would you expect Steins Gate from this anyway


Be nice to the trashy popular crap, it brings in the big bucks to subsidize the unpopular "true art" that sells like five copies.

Still waiting for Sukarapara to bring the rest of the VN industry here. Why does it has to take so long

They are pretty diverse