
Why is Komari so short?

I think you goofed, OP.

drink more milk

>tfw shorter than renge

>mfw taller than me

Wasn't she shorter than that

Stop lying on the internet, Komari

She's a bumpkin.

Who cares, she isn't cute. Girls need to be under 165 cm to be considered cute, otherwise they are a freak show. I can already see the betas responding "I love to be dominated" kek.

>tfw when 1m170

>under 4 feet
i am sorry user

komari is 140cm if anyone is wondering

173cm is practically a giant in nipland

173 is only 5'6.5

Average heigt for males in Japan is 172cm or 5' 6.4

females is 158 or 5'2

>superior european genes


>european genes

Is this a shoop?

No, she grew up.

All right, I really happen to like this meme.
It's like she had a growth spurt.

>Tfw 5'8 and male

Kill me

>it's going to be another height blogging thread
Why are you manlets so insecure that you have to constantly blog your shit on Sup Forums? Neck yourselves.

Why does Sup Forums cares so much about height? Is it some kind of normalfags meme that im not aware of because im not a normalfag cancerous facebook user?

>tfw 6'2" Lanklet
It's not that great. Trust me, knee problems suck and my Co workers say I'm a literal skeleton.

6'2 manlets on /fit/ trying to make themselves feel better

It's half normalfags thinking they're on facebook and half /r9k/ losers seeking comfort from other /r9k/ losers. The real question is why do they do it on the anime and manga board.

What knee problems?

No one fucking care.

Fuck off.

>tfw 6'8" girly lanklet
It's easier to look feminine if you're tall.
Manlets get better muscle buildup and require less effort to look manly, though.
You can look buff even if you're tall, just look at Shaquille O'Neal. But it takes a lot of effort and not to mention that being tall and looking like a bishie is a better match for appearances.

Some guys say I look like a really cute and hot 6'8" girl and even mistake me for a girl. And apparently, most girls nowadays prefer effeminate looking men.

My girlfriend is 4'4", though.

komari doesn't need breasts

Man sucks for all you high schoolers / college kids that this height thing became a meme during your lifetime.

No one gave a fuck about height when I was in school.


Will she surpass Hotaru?

seems like you are the beta one alpha height is like 176 cm and they always choose the tall one

should i save this?


Femlet genocide best day of my life

There's no way that pipsqueak is a full foot taller than me

Best pasta, someone always falls for it.

Shinka is 191cm and weighs 107 kg.
Can you beat her in a fight?

Shinka could beat me up regardless, no need to exaggerate her height.

>tfw Komari-chan is 10 times as tall as me

I hate this meme

> 109 kg
Shinka is fat. FAT!

your fat double dubs don't lie m8. do you think she like fat dog cock?

I'm sure she would, gladly.