This show is so damn comfy, and sparks a desire in me to get married

This show is so damn comfy, and sparks a desire in me to get married.

Why aren't there anymore of these?

You're a normalfag.

Nice thread

Nice try Abe

Because despite it being propaganda it's actually good, and if there's one thing I know for certain, the elevens hate good taste as much as they hate people telling them to live life differently

>Why aren't there anymore of these?

Radiation from nukes fucked with their brains or something.

there are similar show often, but they are rarely otaku centered

I just watched a documentary about Japan's declining population problem. Makes me wonder just how open Japan's immigration policy is. Are they taking in any refugees? They really should in order to hold up the elder generations, nothing wrong with diversifying the Japanese gene pool.

commit suicide

i don`t think japan would fall for something stupid as declining population
it`s all a lie to make them look more worse off than they actually are

>falling for p r o p o g a n d a

But it got an s2, isn't that enough ?

End yourself in a painful way.

>Are they taking in any refugees?
They took some in and within a few months 2 had been arrested for rape.

nice bait

because mangaka is busy with maid dragon

That's a ponsy scheme Waleed. Those are illegal here.


Japanese are going to be the next Mulatto, mark my words.

So many of my Pacific Islander friends easily marry Japanese tourist girls.

Not really, Chink and Gook already infriltrated there as cheap workers. The Nip genes are being diluted days by days and soon, there will be no pure-blooded nips.


I remember when the show was airing the early threads were pretty comfy and how they wanted a Yukarin wife, and how their struggles as husband and wife are pretty cute.

Then Sup Forumsshit got leak into the threads, and threads got ruined forever

How is it a bad thing for the government trying to make an effort to boost baby production exactly?

There are government sponsored matchmaking parties, which are very awkward to watch on television. The men are cucks and the women critical bitches.

Fuck off kike. I live in Tokyo and got in because I'm a highly skilled worker and I actually learned the language and play by their rules. They need to let in a few workers like me, and then wait for the shitty old generation and their business practices to die off. Letting in a bunch of rapefuguees helps literally no one but the rapefugees and people like Merkel and Soros.

>sparks a desire in me to get married
Good, good.

Japan being in the Axis was rather the exception than the rule.
They've always been in bed with the UK/Holland/France before WW2.

>successful economy
>low skilled illiterate niggers who are incapable of learning moonspeak

Pick one.

Maid dragon and his ss manga is better than this boring shit.



This show is very cute but unrealistic.

People are social climbers who don't love each other.

>the elevens hate good taste

this is very true

they gravitate toward mass produced lifeless generic shit over originality and quality every time

Because that worked SO WELL for Sweden

All those yous.

Danna ga is fucking great. we need more.

Too bad women like Kaoru don't exist, if they did the marry propaganda might've just worked.

>If perfect 2D girls existed I'd marry one
Stop the fucking presses.

Isn't she lovely?

my point being, you cant advertise a product that doesn't exist. the propaganda failed because of that

Seiyuu exist. We just have to fight over the few dozen of them.

Are you saying 2.5D women are just as good as 2D? preposterous.

some user was saying that this was the logical conclusion to pic related

I'm saying they're a hell of a lot better than 3D, and if you want to have kids that they're your best option.

you cant advertising perfection, and sell near-perfection.

Let them immigrate to your house instead.

Sure you can, in fact, that's better than what most people sell you.

Dam it, Jihad, not again.

Yes, because hot rich jap women want to fuck fat nerds.

Click here to read more.

>He doesn't lift
Well that's just your own fault.

>nothing wrong with destroying the Japanese gene pool.

back to Sup Forums with your shillposting.

Because thinly veiled normalfag propaganda should be looked down upon.

>he fell for the "lift for girls" meme
M-maybe if I join the 1000 lb club I'll find a nice girl.

I'm actually over 1200 already, and I lift because it's fun and I like being strong. Getting groped by random girls is just a fringe benefit. What's it like being weak and scrawny? It's been so long since I started lifting that I've forgotten completely.

even nice, quiet girls fantasize about licking abs and being wrapped in big strong arms

I want more couples with children in anime.

Was nice to watch something at least somewhat similar to my life rather than another high school setting. Wish they had been full length episodes rather than shorts but I really loved the series.

It was cute, OP, but Kaoru is way more accepting than the average female. People would rather not know about the facets of their partner they find distasteful, Sup Forums-related or otherwise.

Found the pureblood

>Too bad women like Kaoru don't exist
if anime aren't the 100% of your life other aspect of it can at appeal non-animewatching girls anyway

CAN is really the key word here.

but think about it, if you're an anime nerd, your other hobbies are probably nerdy too.

>ponsy scheme
mild kek


>putting effort in living your life
I ain't falling for that trick

Suit yourself. I'm going to bed so I can sleep for 8 hours, get some work done and exercise properly tomorrow, and then enjoy anime and manga with that satisfied feeling you get post-workout.

> This is somehow a negative message


jokes on you, i'm 5'4 so even if i was the buffest man on earth nobody would like me

w-well you're being fooled into believing you're enjoying the things you're enjoying

considering there are 7 billion human beings on earth and we cannot feed them all, yes, it's a negative message

>and we cannot feed them all

> Telling intelligent white people to reproduce is a bad thing
> But paying literally anyone else to have as many children as possible is humanitarian
Oh look it's russian propaganda. How ya doing commie?

no need to not feed them
global warming will do the work for us
better move to the continent as soon as you can user

>paying literally anyone else to have as many children as possible is humanitarian
who are you quoting?

even browsing Sup Forums gives you notion on foreign cultures (among shitposting); with a good presentation almost everything is appealing

too lovely to be truly believable.

If I had a wife like her in real life I'd probably break up with her and run the fuck away since I'd be sure I was in a Truman show situation or something

>My fetish requires me to settle down and marry a woman so I can knock her up

Why couldn't I just be into feet and BDSM like a normal pervert?

Ok, at the risk of turning it into a blog fest I dare you to try to make this appealing

Semi-pro Chess player, full time code monkey, avid D&D and strategy gamer, 29 year old with zero women experience, acute introvert personality disorder and trust issues.

What is the name of the show

Does Japan like tourists? I've thought about visiting. How long should I stay? How much Japanese should I know before going?

I dont understand how user can be this stupid.

the name has already been posted 3 times in the thread. not to mention how easy it is to find with reverse image search.

Semi-pro Chess player good, code monkey, if you are programming you look smart, d&d and tabletop there are normalfag tier games of them, and a even good setting can be appealing for normalfags, some western comic are considered art like Manara, a lot of people would think it about Miyazaki movies
acute introvert personality disorder and trust issues.see psychologist for it, it works
Danna ga nani o itteiru ka wakaranai ken
I Can't Understand What My Husband Is Saying

I remember a while back someone on one of these threads saying that the nips haven't been pure-bloods ever since they absorbed the Ainu.

>falling for the trap

Sluts are the trap.
Honest hard working housewives are golden.

Its probably not what you imagine it be user

how would a teaching feeling anime work

The propaganda is working then.
S2 when?

Picked up

Idk man, when my husband and I watched it we could relate pretty well over it. All anime is unrealistic, but this one hit closer to home than others.

Love is a chemical reaction, can't deny something that is proven to exist. Yes, a lot of the population use dating as a way to signal their position in life, but many just want companionship, intimacy, affection and reliability between another person. I think most want to feel attractive to someone, and feel that this person trusts them. Our normie married friends definitely seem like the ones you're describing though.

Get a submissive wife who respects her father more than her mother and have her read, "the surrendered wife." Usually works.

You're right, Sup Forums is just full of polcucks

did you have sex with him after any episode?

>Makes me wonder just how open Japan's immigration policy is. Are they taking in any refugees?

I wonder who's behind this post?