What do y'all think of Kobayashi-san from Maid Dragon?

What do y'all think of Kobayashi-san from Maid Dragon?

Personally, she's the ultimate wife. She works hard every day and is a really nice and caring person.

I'd be her cucked husbando and cook for her every morning and evening, and have drunk sex with her

>inb4 giant tit dragon

Other urls found in this thread:


She's my wife.

I'd do her


Definition of a Plain Jane.

>having drunk sex with ossan sarariman in a dead eyed girl's body

Nope, this is. Kobayashi is a 6/10 to Hanabi's 5/10.

Souless office drone

Hanabi is proto-yandere/10
Kobayashi is bro-tier/10

>tfw nobody shares your head-canon that Kobayashi is just an expy for Kaoru Mori

We need more maid-fanatics in manga, Sup Forums!

I want to be her housewife.

She needs to let her hair down and stop dressing like a man. I'm fucking dying for an episode where someone makes her dress up a bit for whatever reason.

Stay at home dads have a lower chance of getting cucked

Kobayashi is designed specifically for marriage.

Replying to lelouch only brings you down to his level

>I'd be her cucked husbando
You lost me

she's cute

she's flat

>All this samefagging
Tooru pls go and stay go

i love her

She's ultimate waifu material. Please Marry me Kobayashi!
I'm filled with sadness because of the fact that I'll never have my own Kobayashi.

>tfw Kobayashis exist but you will never look at them because they're too plain, have rock bottom confidence and your male ego will never accept a woman who is into your male-oriented nerdy things

She is my wife and I love her.


What have I been doing with my life?

looks way better with her hair down

Do non-overweight single Kobayashis exist though?

>your male ego will never accept a woman who is into your male-oriented nerdy things

Yes they do.

Can you faggots just leave?

RL kobayashis lust after chads or are lesbians

Yes but not many. Not that a IRL Kobayashi would be thin considering how much beer she drinks and how inactive she is.

>feel the need to prove her worth with the most autistic questions
>call her fake if she can't answer them
>call her a weird loser if she can
>if you manage to accept her ywn see her as a woman capable of being loved because she doesn't look or act like Stacy

RL Kobayashis have the same complaint about their male counterparts who want "nerdy girls" but overlook them for dumber, prettier women.

It thought this through and I came to the conclusion they're both 8/10.
Tohru is a 10/10.

By the way, how do you think Kobayashi and Takiya found out about each other? How do two nerds who hide their powerlevel recognize each other out in the wild?

I don't disagree with your main point, but not all nerdy or intelligent girls are ugly just like not all pretty girls are dumb.

I would imagine
>office party
>got drunk
>both let power level slip

You' can't.
You're filthy 3D meatbag.


Because if wife actually works - she don't have time to make 100500 conclusions about her marriage a day, get bored 9000 times and jump on Jamal dick?

Would you prep the bull too?


But what about her super sexy and manly boss?

You're just projecting due to your own self-esteem issues, user. Real people who have relationships are willing to overlook personal flaws because nobody is perfect.

Think about all the things you'd be willing to shrug off in a potential partner. Women are the same, believe it or not.

Looks like a Nishitjou character

Woman with a child waiting at home usually doesn't have a room in her head for office romance if she's a provider in a family.
Unless the child was an unwanted accident.
On the other hand: if they stay home to take care of a child their limited cerebral capacity does not allow them to realize that husband works his ass of at that time to provide for them.
He's suddenly a bastard guilty of not splitting chores with a housewife and now owes her her best years of life.

Naturally but in most cases, people who think they want to exception just want something more normal that's fitting for them. It sucks for the outsiders who are hanging on to the belief that somebody could give a shit about them despite their quirks right not!Chad-kun?

I want to breed with Kobayashi.

I've lost track of how many times I've forgotten she's a girl while watching the show.

>flater the better

user irl kobayashist have no ass.
Literally flat surface user, maybe wide shoulders too.
It's a major turn off and first impression is built upon appearance, not personality, don't kid yourself.
Personality is important, but looks are important too.
I had a chance to lose V-card with one, but her lack of ass put me off.

I want /r9k/ to stay.
They are what keep the 3DPD away.

>ultimate wife

I married a kobayashi, feels good man

thanks for a new Consider the Following image, I'm trying to collect them and I didn't have that one

Not anymore. Kuzu No Honkai happened, this place is just another Facebook now

>people confuse Kobayashi and Kumiko for being gay
>people confuse Mugi for being straight

Why does KyoAni throw people off so much?

>implying Kobayashi is straight

Do you need a bull?

No, but if you have a cute sister she might want a 3 way

friendly remin/d/er

>had dick for a day
>did not use
>Tohru proposed to create and support one herself

What the fuck?
What did I miss


It gets mentioned in every single thread for this.

I want to marry Kobayahsi! Then we can lose our virginities to eachother on our wedding night!

Kobayashi is not a virgin.

I'll fight you for her. To the death. And I will win.

I like where this is going.

I used to be good friends with a Kobayashi. She likes programming, coding and yaoi but she has some obsession with "correcting" herself and uses people as an emotional dumpster for her problems instead of actually solving her problems. I suspect she's a lesbian and is in heavy denial about it since she's her family's only child.

But grats on your find bro.

did they fug?


no, she's a husband.

>I noticed...you have a thingy!!

Did she see or smell it? If only Tohru lift on the uniform, she could have been impregnated with Kobayashi lizard babies. Oh well.


I know that feeling. I had to turn to the BDSM scene to lose mine.
T.Forever normie blogpost

>she's into clothed sex

just keeps getting better and better


I like her a lot. I don't know why she gets all the hate.

my friend of african american descent

No, she's my beautiful wife.

no, she has a wife and daughter already.


You do realize that dressing like that is the proper way in a workplace like hers, right?

>Kobayashi will never have this look on her face when she sees you
Just end me, just fucking end me.


....and how is that relevant?

she is though

unless she was raped by her dad

Yeah, no.

Try to dedicate yourself with maid stuff and you're good to go user.

>shoehorned otaku pandering
There is absolutely no reason for an office lady to be virgin.

Mein Gott.

>There is absolutely no reason for an office lady to be virgin.

You really believe that?

Women above 17 can't be virgins.
No I won't go to /r9k/.

Please go to hell instead then.

RL everyone lusts after chads or lesbians.

how old is she anyway

25 or thereabouts.

unlikely, then.

man she's well off for her age

Lemme just say that not all cultures are like America where sex is a lifetime goal and achievement instead of important things like intelligence and financial security.

25. She's already given up on losing her v-card voluntarily anyway

She only thing good about the anime.

He's right though.

No he isn't.
