Is she a brocon?
i'm honestly surprised she played it off. i thought it would become MISUNDERSTANDINGS the anime
I'd produce offspring with Tooru!
she's my muteki megami fuck off!
Marriage end confirmed?
>I wonder if I could understand if I became a sensei
looks like we know her reason for fucking off to Spain
Pretty weird how they brushed it off as something insignificant despite being the episode title. I fear it makes a comeback near the end
Tooru the cutest, but dear god her arc was bland.
What's the worst that could happen?
>after all that flag raising Tooru rejects him completely
Goddamn, Tsuneki really traumatized you faggots.
>I got a rare drop ring from Shouchi.
This arc is fucking trash.
>gamer senpai who excels in everything
>expect an interesting character
Probably get more milage for drama. But I guess I can feel pretty safe for this one. But I'm not banking on any epilogues. Probably will be one confession and kiss into happy days
>ending the route on a comiket date
would had thought that would suit kyouko more, given that we know she's into manga and it could tie into her possibly publishing a manga with sho1's combined effort but it's ok for tooru to have it instead.
one can only wonder if that book of hers contains. i am secretly hoping that she is a closet hentai artist where she draws herself in the most compromising of circumstances/position and await shou1 to save her and give her the D.
or that she goes full ayatsuji on sho1's ass when he opens that book.
please be good, don't fuck this up takayama
I expected better.
I feel bad for insulting Tsuneki, Her arc was 10x more entertaining.
>being a Slutnekifag
>tripfag having shit tastes
I am a Rusie man at heart.
How about instead of saying "this arc was bad" or "that arc was bland," you faggots wake up and admit that omnibus romances are fucking stupid?
because they're not you fucking mongoloid, amagami showed that
I think Toru's cute, the gaming premise really didn't clicked with Sup Forums. Even as someone who frequented arcades in his young days, I kinda felt that she was way too focused on games and how games fits into her romantic/social life than on the interactions and romance itself.
tl;dr I want some cute girls and cute romance but mostly got some game autism and slutneki
I hope nips didn't die from starving and can animate best grill.
I read her bio on the main website, she's like super insecure of her body.
This arc is pretty good and Tooru is fucking cute when blushing, I hope they won't fuck up ending
Having Kyouko arc so early in the year wouldn't make sense, if anything it will take place later (after tsunekis)
But I sure hope they don't muck it all up, next week will make or break it all.
>Kyouko sees Shouchi with Tooru at comiket
"What did you say about me?"
I'm enjoying Toru's arc so far and there was meaningful progress between her and Shouichi. I hope the ending won't undo all that development.
Ruise > Kyouko > Miu > Makoto > Tooru > Hikari
I can already tell
>she wanted to play videogames with her brother?
>lol she must have wanted to fuck him
I'm a huge incestfag but this shit is cringeworthy.
>Ruise and Kyouko that high
We're one week away from the conclusion of this arc and instead of feeling happy we're all nervous and generally uneasy.
What a wild ride this has been.
Sae is the best while is shit
I'm glad cucks got BTFO, hopefully they go back to their shitty Kuzu No Honkai threads.
>Character so quiet, they need a narrator to carry the arc
Fuck off.
What a gay
Tsuneki should be in Kuzu No Honkai
Ruise is a bitch and Makoto is a retard
>dickbiterfags this delusional
>ear rape
Amagami voices
Ai > Risa > Tsukasa > Miya > Kaworu > Haruka > Rihoko >>>>>>>>>> Sae
Personally I'd put Risa below Kaoru or at least Miya and put some equal signs in there somewhere.
>plebs hating on Sae
Mmmm, dat gap
>imouto walks in
Sae does have the best doujin
wrong, that would be hibiki
No, that belongs to Ai and Hibiki and I'm a Saefag
You mean Ayatsuji's Santa books or Hibiki's UGC books.
>Tooru above Hikari
Amagami was hacky bullshit. I know that terms like "self-insertion" and "wish fulfillment" get thrown around a lot, so they don't carry much weight anymore, but Amagami embodies those ideas better than any other anime. It's a substance-free, feel good show that nobody except lonely basement dwellers can watch without cringing.
Tooru isn't going to Spain for starters
>Amagami embodies those ideas better than any other anime
Exactly, that's why it's so good.
>being anywhere other than dead last
Hibiki a shit
We don't know that yet.
Quads confirm. Disregard my hatred of Amagami, I suck cocks.
I personally find it to be hilarious. It's the only reason I come to these threads anymore.
>absolutely perfect in every way
>not a boring piece of shit
Nips goes extinct first before they made her arc, user.
>mad Slutnekifag
>not sucking dicks every 5 mins
>boring boring boring
I am still mad about Rihoko's arc
generic tsundere should be dead last
I cant disagree, sir
Hundreds of years from now people will still be upset. Someone will pick up the show, go in blind, and they too will be mad.
The butthurt is eternal.
Why is the MC so fucking shit?
Its just on par with kimikiss pure rage, or the whole "true tears is only seven episodes long" carnage shitstorm. At least SS+ resolves her arc in a feel-good way.
Tsuneki made a vailent effort in attempting to relive the same horrors.
Sasuga furry-senpai.
Never again.
How is a 4 minute show a better romance series than this? How did they managed to mess this up so colossally.
KimiKiss Pure Rage is the next level
True Tears, Im still drinking them tears.
So far, Seiren does have a great cast of side characters which Amagami did have. Personally Moe-nee is already Miya tier for nee-sans
What is One Room even about
It is the next stage of the self-insert genre.
Its done in a POV style romance with a silent protagonist so you can self insert to the maximum.
There are 3 arcs
First arc is school girl neighbour that moved in next door
Second arc is imouto
Third arc is childhood friend.
It gives you that warm feeling inside.
You're a door, and previously a tree.
Its VR fantasy but in anime form, like 2.5D. Selling like hotcakes if that means anything to you.
Im still waiting for the childhood friend Moka arc
I'm also really liking Moe-nee so far and I want to see more of her. She's still not as good as Miya yet in my opinion, but she's pretty great.
Supporting her outoto's love life is always a plus in my books.
I hope she doesn't fade into the background come Kyoko's arc.
Someone else said it in the other thread. It's not just that he's a complete doormat. It's that he doesn't have any drive. He just wanders around aimlessly, and he doesn't know what to do with himself.
Compare him to Junichi. He had a very specific goal, which was to get over his heartbreak from Christmas Eve 2 years ago, and he worked towards his goal. He volunteered to help out with Sousetsusai and he decided to help Sae with her job interview.
>Rihoko is purely WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?
Wasted potential, into the trash it goes
whoops, meant for
>childhood friend
Picked the fuck up.
Kill yourself cancer. Your kind is ruining Sup Forums.
ITT: Amagami thread.
First girl in pic
only the imouto is a loli.
She is also the hottest (shows the most skin) and the oldest (21).
Im gonna self interest like maximum for her arc.
>Its done in a POV style romance with a silent protagonist so you can self insert to the maximum.
Jesus christ
I want to teach Tooru many things.
You cant outrun the future user, embrace it.
who is best girl in seiren, and why is it peter?
Araki get out
Hard to beat Kana Asumi as a fine line bratty imouto who cares about the growth of her beloved nii-nii.
Nee-sans need to help their otoutos growth in a more Moe-nee sort of way.
Asumin was one of the reasons I liked Miya so much.
I'm a big fan of her voice and it made the character memorable. Just like Poplar.
Hopefully Moe-nee also delivers.