I genuinely think Shirou Emiya was a great MC

I genuinely think Shirou Emiya was a great MC.
Why does Sup Forums hate him?

Other urls found in this thread:


>Sup Forums is one person
>just because you are wrong doesnt mean you are correct
>you arent living your life correctly
>explain further
>power level discussion here
Here's your thread in one post.


>just because you are wrong doesnt mean you are correct
That doesn't even make any fucking sense, retard.
>you arent living your life correctly
That's not Shirou.

I was under the impression most of Sup Forums liked Shirou and rightfully so.

Shirou is a great MC. Regardless of whether you agree with him or think he's retarded or whatever, his conflict is well delivered and his behavior makes complete sense based on what he believes. His struggles and triumphs are easy to share even if you don't relate to him because where he comes from is so well developed and the hardships he faces are very clear. He develops as a character in every route, even Fate, in a satisfying way that follows from his experiences in a given route.

The only reason people hate him is because they think he's an idiot. But he's definitely a good MC.

think of Obama. correct in wanting to change tAmerica's healtcare system, wrong in how he did it.


he's ok to play as.
not as fun to watch

Isn't the thread on Sup Forums enough you giant faggot?

I love him, he's definitely an idiot at times but his development throughout all 3 routes was great. I can't really find fault in him that causes me to dislike him.

Because people die when they are killed.

I don't hate him, I just think he's really generic compared to Kiritsugu.

why not?

Only second generation migrants from /r/anime and animesuki hate him.

I know what he meant. Reread user's quote and Shirou's.

Shiki was better



I am un-ironically in love with Emiya Shirou

>Never bother with Fate because I'm an original-experiencefag and I just can't be bothered to read a VN
>Browse Sup Forums for years reading about Shirou being an asexual retard on the side
>Finally get bored enough to go through Fate/Stay Night this year

He literally has sex at least once in each route, and in one he has a legit semen demon milk him dry multiple times.

So I guess I just fell for a meme?

You have ten seconds to explain why you don't prefer Saber Alter over regular Arturia.

Tsukihime was better in general


We don't.
Shirou is a breath of fresh air and genuinely great.

Sex scenes are ridiculously bad and people probably just want to forget them.

>Sup Forums hate him
And yet Sup Forums creams over:
his theme
sparks liner high
mind of steel
beating dark berserker in HF
his last fight against Kirei in HF

He just gets overshadowed by other more popular characters.

they were better than watching TV together as it happens in Realta Nua

Well I can't argue with that. They felt hilariously out of place, couldn't even gett off to them and just clicked past the text as fast as I coud but the scenes dragged on and on and on.

What was the author even thinking?

>What was the author even thinking?
His love for seafood.

>What was the author thinking?

More like what were you thinking, actually playing Fateshit?

I thought Shirou was great too.

But too many asshats jumped on the bandwagon as soon as they saw Archer for the first time in the anime and started comparing Shirou to him. And that's how the Shirou hate started on Sup Forums without most of them realizing Archer is Shirou.

>What was the author even thinking?
"Man I'm fuckin' hungry, but I need to finish these."

It's such a shame that only the Fate route, where Shirou does almost nothing of worth and the good guys win thorugh Avalon bullshit, is the only one where he really gets to confront and make peace with the fire that fucked his mind up so much. I really like his UBW even if it's an unrealistic ideal, but it sucks that everything about it is a result of him being fucked up inside over the fire.

Good man.

You fucked up.


I haven't read the VN, but for anime:
F/SN: He is boring
F/UBW Movie: He is just retarded
F/UBW: It's ok, he still is a little retarded, but at least is not as dense like in the movie.


is no one gonna make a birthday thread for ryougi

poor translation and poor interpretation of the mind of an 8 year old kid that is seeing his mom dismembered

Do it yourself.

Kirei vs Shirou fight was too short.

Sup Forums loves Shirou.

Noice. I'm not falling for that, faggot.

Then your opinion basically amounts to nothing.

>same thread on Sup Forums
>completely opposite reaction along with "VNs aren't video games"