Why is every Nazi a fucking weeaboo?
Why is every Nazi a fucking weeaboo?
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What a weeb fuck he has the fucking picture too
dude's an ASHKEnazi, not a german nationalist
he wants to march goyim to their death, so he's playing the otaku card
He literally looks like a homosexual.
They aren't. Spencer is a sperg faggot, meaning he has probably noticed a large amount of twitter accounts with anime avatars, and therefore he needs to latch himself onto the relevance like a good little plant for more attention.
Anime-right is the future of conservatism.
There's a picture of him at an anime con I dont have it but I used to
Based Spencer-san
Because whilst Japan has many problems it's not a society rotted to its core in the same way societies in the west are.
This way he can hide that egghead of his
dunno mate, just are
You are a disgrace to your country, faggot.
LOL man. Japan's society is rotten to the core. They have high suicide rates and they don't trust each other. Don't trust what they say. They just want to save face.
hahahaha that picture just cracks me up
banzai to all our kamikaze pilots
It's because jews fear the samurai
because the Jew fears the samurai
Nice dude I've had my mind changed by a guy who's read a few blogposts and unironically says "LOL" on Sup Forums, congratulations on being so persuasive.
His headband actually says kamikaze. Spencer celebrates whites being killed by asians.
Going to vote the most right-wing candidates in next elections so I don't think so.
You are a homosexual, which means you're a sponge-brained degenerate on top of being a weeaboo. And you're probably a pedo too. kys
Goths always align themselves with weebs.
Imperial Japan was fucking bad ass, possibly even more bad ass than the Nazis in their pure devotion and zeal. They were allies with the Third Reich and fought a brutal war. Having respect for imperial and shogun-era Japan doesn't make you a weeb.
Liking anime makes you a weeb. Good thing I like both.
Gomenasai my name is Richard-sama..
Anime right is just NazBol from what I've seen on twitter.
He said he was a homosexual and a weeb which basically makes him a double-pedo.
This board is the anime right.
At least Im less of a degerate than most of my kind.
Delete this
>why would a right-winger respect Yukio Mishima
Why don't all of you subhuman retards in this thread go back to plebbit?
This user gets it, gay anime right-wing is the future
Don't forget most nazis are also of homosexual descent
>The purpose of the Meiji educational system was to train the boys to be soldiers as adults, and the message was relentlessly drilled into Japanese students that war was the most beautiful thing in the entire world, that bushido ("the way of the warrior") was the highest moral code, that the Emperor was a living god and that the greatest honor for a Japanese man was to die for the Emperor.[7] Japanese girls were taught that the highest honor for a woman was to have as many sons as possible who could die for the Emperor in war.
Nope, they were just deranged.
it was never about white nationalism, it was only about self indulgence
Yeah dying a virgin and working 80 hours a week sounds way more appealing than that
Because he was a manlet asian fag? Just admit you're a weeaboo, faggot. There are plenty of great European thinkers and leaders you could talk about instead of some manlet asian.
found the kike
> #mishimamindset
Fuck you you retarded faggot.
>homosexual descent
>Because he was a manlet asian fag? Just admit you're a weeaboo, faggot
Stupid weaboo. Japs society is degenerate and rotten. They suicide because they have no familial ties with each other and overwork themselves becaise they value materialism more than family values.
They were mentally ill.
I live in a 99% white country. Why should I look up to japs? They're fucking mentally ill
Kys weeb faggot. White piggu go home
But when Hitler brainwashes his own people it's not deranged somehow lmao
Go suck some more Jewish-American cock you """"nazi""""
>watching anime makes you a weeb
>being autistic about japanese culture and history doesnt
If you, at any point in your life, have thought about Japan for more than thirty minutes without interruption, you are a weeb.
take off the flag fag
Send this to Spencer.
Because people who wind up on pol cross-pollinate with the other boards on this site and vice versa.
This guy gets it.
There is NO reason to even pay attention to Japan. If someone tries to tell you we need to learn something from that shitty insect island (whose strongest influence on the West is sexual degeneracy among children), they are a crypto-weeaboo and need to be ignored.
If you're on a board about politics and you haven't thought about the 3rd largest economy in the world for more than thirty minutes you're a normalfag retard and should neck yourself.
>they have no familial ties with each other
This is literally the opposite of reality. I haven't fallen for the Asian gf meme and I'm not planning on living in Japan but the idea that you have to just shut yourself off from cultures outside your own is fucking retarded and it's an opinion you hold purely to be the opposite of your fiercest ideological opponents.
Night of the Long Knives proves that Hitler was a murderous psycho. He killed his own friends for political gain. He also led Europe into disaster and played into the hands of Zionists, boosting them from bankers to global leaders. We wouldn't be in the mess we're in today without WWII.
And people still think he isn't an actor playing the role of "leader of the alt right". Bet there's some Stanislavski on those shelves. Can't infiltrate if you're not a method actorm
I want to literally marry Richard Spencer
He is such a fucking hottie by god
Go to bed Richard.
I don't know. They have freaking suicide forests FFS and promote child pedophilia.
That's not a society I want to look up to.
Jews hate everything beautiful and strong, this is why they hate anime and Japan.
>don't trust each other
>they literally have unmanned vegetable sales booths in the country side where they trust people to leave payment for what they take
They don't commit suicide as much as you think, it's in the range of European countries where it's most common. The loli shit is the first thing you've said that I agree with to be honest I just can't abide by that.
why is every controlled opposition shill a fucking degenerate
Just admit you fap to hentai and loli you pathetic weeb.
Japan was our greatest ally during WW2 and took the worst of the bombings. Aryans and Japs will always be united
fuck off shill
America fought against the Japs you miserable piece of shit. You're a disgrace to your country.
>there are people who don't realize this is true and anime has some of the most redpilled shows
I've never seen a american porno where the plot was about two people who cared for each other, while hentai is loaded with childhood friends shit. Even their porn can be less degenerate than (((California)))'s
you're a spic, this isnt your country faggot
this faggot like to go on about saving the west but he ran away to live like the beta weeab faggot he is
Because this is a slide thread you glow in the dark nigger.
Non-GITD niggers should be firing up those Twitter sock puppets to say #HiBill
You can't seriously be claiming that Japan's porn is less degenerate than America's. Those people masturbate to literal torture, murder, and children.
the jew fears the samurai
And it still manages to be written and presented more tastefully than American porn.
I think Jap porn runs the gamut.
They have the most degenerate shit, and the most pure (as porn can get) shit. Jap porn also tends to focus more on stories, even their videos.
Japan has some fascist ideals that transcend its media.
>Wears a kamikaze headband
>Says democracy is bad and has no respect for the constitution
>Thinks Enlightenment philosophy is "faggy" but homosexuality is "implicit white identity"
Spencer is seriously a joke.
I'm sure you would know.
Because they're all autistic virgins.
I'm sorry it isn't your typical BLACKED porn
>the enlightenment
get a load of this bluepilled cuck. he has to take a tweet out of context to make /ournonce/ look bad.
>Posts an anime picture
>complaining about anime
>on an anime forum
this isn't r/trump you know, right?
Why are you pushing that narrative? Are you a cia stooge like he is or are you leftist cunt?
Hitler is the king of all weebs.
Why the fuck would you go to an anime image board and complain about anime reaction images? I don't get you new-friend
Fuck richard spencer and fuck nazbols. They want white people dead.
Sup Forums has become the online vanguard of far-right ideological discussion. Not my fault it's on a traditionally bugman website for virgin faggots.
The Jews fear the samurai
>believing in the left right dichotomy
>not understanding that anime and video games is part of the meme culture that made Trump popular and the current political climate popular
>using his political opponent's term "far-right" and tacitly admitting they are a form of extremism
please lurk more friendo, you can actually learn a lot from here, but only if you're willing to actually observe and think on what's being said
Sup Forums can either be a great education or it can leave you an ignorant retard
Just fuck nazbol, the only time I disagree with Spencer is when he flirts with it. It's so cringeworthy to see non-russian nazbols.
"The best way of stopping the enemy is to go over and lead them"
Not Richard Spencer's,
but Lenin's words
Virgin I can't explain why Jews leave Japan alone answer and my entire anti Semetic argument collapses , b b b but the Jews must fear the samurai , it's dah jJOOOzz
The Jews fear the samurai
don't listen to my amerishart countryman, hes a anime hating faggot in the wrong place
Loser , get out of your basement
Think about it
>antifa and sjws hate "cultural appropriation"
>being a weeaboo is considered cultural appropriation
>therefore being a weeaboo is anti antifa